[buildd-tools-devel] Bug#806931: Bug#806931: make CROSSBUILD_CORE_DEPENDS work for more architectures

Johannes Schauer josch at debian.org
Fri Dec 25 10:28:32 UTC 2015

Control: tag -1 + pending


On Thu, 3 Dec 2015 12:27:35 +0000 Wookey <wookey at wookware.org> wrote:
> > It seems that every new port needs to be registered with
> > CROSSBUILD_CORE_DEPENDS. This is annoying, as the work to be done is
> > trivial. I'd rather like to have the default be generated using the obvious
> > pattern. To that end I am proposing the attached patch.
> This seems sensible, but as I user I like to see an example in the config
> file to change (especially in this case where it's a hash, so a bit more
> complicated than just setting a variable).
> As the example config file is generated from the defaults IIRC, this will
> remove that example, so the docs should be exanpanded to give an example of
> how to set it. Also we should explain anyway that now the variable is
> defaulted but can be set as an override, so a change to the man page is
> warranted. (Sorry no patch right now, got to dash).

Thanks, I reworked Helmut's patch a bit so that it includes an example and an
extended help message.

The attached patch is committed to my local git and will thus likely be part of
the next sbuild release.

cheers, josch
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