[buildd-tools-devel] [GIT] sbuild annotated tag release/sbuild-0.65.1 created. debian/sbuild-0.65.1-1

Ansgar Burchardt ansgar at moszumanska.debian.org
Tue Feb 24 22:38:00 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was
generated because a ref change was pushed to the repository containing
the project "sbuild".

The annotated tag, release/sbuild-0.65.1 has been created
        at  0e9b5e1e3c82d9ca6115839140fc950ba0f72878 (tag)
   tagging  aac4bb664cc83f462fba7852ce5c2419ddaaa4f2 (commit)
  replaces  debian/sbuild-0.65.0-1
 tagged by  Ansgar Burchardt
        on  Tue Feb 24 23:16:35 2015 +0100

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
sbuild version 0.65.1
Version: GnuPG v1


Andreas Barth (11):
      install 99builddsourceslist again and update it for new schroot config
      99builddsourceslist: adjust for new locations for buildds at incoming / security-master
      remove reminders of using lenny chroots (and apts)
      bin/create-chroot: remove lenny / volatile remainings
      remove suite aliases on chroot creation except for experimental
      succesfully (un)install the package if the account database is not local
      auto-upgrade the buildd chroot configuration during upgrade
      allow to specify minimum age of packages
      get mail targets from wanna-build, and allow to set mail_log_also for additional recipients
      allow to set maintainer_name and mailfrom in the distribution setting     in .builddrc (or in $default), and always set sbuild_mode=buildd, so     .sbuildrc doesn't need to exist (unless it contains     %individual_stalled_pkg_timeout )
      don't force mailto to be set in .sbuildrc

Ansgar Burchardt (16):
      etc/99builddsourceslist: fix entry for backports.debian.org
      99builddsourceslist: add +([^-])-kfreebsd-*-sbuild*
      99builddsourceslist: stop using incoming.debian.org/debian
      Remove changelog entry from upload to private buildd archive
      Require schroot version 1.6.0 or later.
      Remove changelog entries from uploads to private buildd archive
      Do not install 99builddsourceslist
      Merge branch 'updates-to-99builddsourceslist'
      Merge branch 'updates-to-create-chroot'
      Merge branch 'updates-to-maintainer-scripts'
      Merge branch 'features'
      debian/control: Do not (Build-)Depend on perl-modules
      Include all files in the distribution tarball.
      sbuild.1: document --mailfrom and --sbuild-mode options
      changelog for 0.65.1-1
      db/Makefile.am: Add missing backslash.

Aurelien Jarno (6):
      etc/99builddsourceslist: don't run for non "buildd" profiles
      etc/99builddsourceslist: look in priority for mirrors in     /etc/schroot/dsa/default-mirror, which is used on DSAed     machines.
      etc/99buildsourceslist: check for source chroot by looking at     CHROOT_DESCRIPTION instead of CHROOT_SESSION_PURGE, which     also works on tar based chroots.
      etc/99buildsourceslist: check for the English version of the chroot     name, not the French one.
      bin/create-chroot: don't install sudo in the chroot, we now use fakeroot by default
      bin/create-chroot: don't add sudo in debfoster keepers

Johannes Schauer (1):
      handle native arch qualifiers in build-deps

Lennart Sorensen (1):
      Build::Build: Build arch-all packages when other architectures are in the arch list

Philipp Kern (3):
      etc/99builddsourceslist: add support for squeeze-lts
      bin/create-chroot: use ext4 instead of ext3
      debian: Update buildd maintainer scripts

Roger Leigh (7):
      NEWS: Bump version to 0.65.1
      debian: Bump version to 0.65.1-1
      debian: Close #771235
      etc/99builddsourceslist: Add
      etc/99builddsourceslist: Update from buildd-0.61.0
      etc/99builddsourceslist: Update from buildd-0.61.0
      bin/create-chroot: Add



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