[buildd-tools-devel] Bug#778571: Bug#778571: [Reproducible-builds] Bug#790868: sbuild: Please allow sbuild to use a deterministic build path to build packages

Johannes Schauer josch at debian.org
Tue Jul 14 20:14:37 UTC 2015


Quoting Benjamin Drung (2015-07-14 21:54:33)
> Time to check the current behaviour and to rethink. :) Let's take the sl
> package as example. When I build sl, /var/lib/sbuild/build/sl-bRYRkz/ is
> created and the source package is placed there. bRYRkz is the random part.
> /var/lib/sbuild/build is mounted to /var/lib/schroot/mount/$session/build
> (done in /etc/schroot/sbuild/fstab) so that /var/lib/sbuild/build/sl-bRYRkz/
> is accessible as /build/sl-bRYRkz/ inside the chroot.
> Instead /var/lib/sbuild/build/sl-bRYRkz could be mounted
> to /var/lib/schroot/mount/$session/usr/src/debian/sl so
> that /var/lib/sbuild/build/sl-bRYRkz/ is accessible
> as /usr/src/debian/sl inside the chroot. The alternative would be to
> bindmount /build/sl-bRYRkz/ to /usr/src/debian/sl inside the chroot
> (which would be an addition bind mount level).

Thanks. Understood now.

> Problem: The path /var/lib/sbuild/build/sl-bRYRkz/ is not static and I don't
> know whether schroot could be configured to support that dynamic mounting.

I don't know either. This could be tricky.

Making parallel builds possible would either mean to bind-mount a dynamic path
into the chroot as you suggest or to build in a path that is not bind mounted
from the host at all. Would the latter work?

That sbuild bind mounts its /build inside the chroot from a common path outside
also means that akira (CC-ed) has to amend her patch in bug #790868 which
currently says in the docs that /build should be chosen when one wants to build
in parallel. But that does not work if /build inside the chroot is shared
between all running sbuild instances by default.

So maybe the next challenge would indeed be to make dynamic mounts possible.

cheers, josch
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