[buildd-tools-devel] Bug#781075: sbuild: Breaks d-i build by assuming it is a deb

Niels Thykier niels at thykier.net
Tue Mar 24 06:07:04 UTC 2015

Source: sbuild
Version: 0.65.1-1
Severity: grave
Tags: d-i
User: release.debian.org at packages.debian.org
Usertags: jessie-is-blocker


The debian-installer currently FTBFS on various architectures, but the
build itself is followed by "I: Built successfully".  Then there is a
message later saying (something to the extend of):

dpkg-deb: error: `/«CHROOT»/«BUILDDIR»/debian-installer-images_20150324_arm64.tar.gz'

Which is entirely correct as the debian-installer is a "tar.gz" file.  This
happens on both the Wheezy sbuild and the Jessie sbuild.  But only the Jessie
version seems to be flagging the build as failed!  We believe it is related
the commit [684c57b].


[684c57b]: https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/buildd-tools/sbuild.git/commit/?id=684c57b77c5acd22aed833e3bb937cdb8bc6bef6

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