[buildd-tools-devel] Bug#797783: Bug#797783: sbuild fails without any error message when /var/lib/sbuild is not writable in the chroot

Johannes Schauer josch at debian.org
Sun Sep 6 07:00:03 UTC 2015

Control: tag -1 + patch


Quoting Raphael Hertzog (2015-09-03 18:07:37)
> On Thu, 03 Sep 2015, Johannes Schauer wrote:
> > So I guess more configuration is required for this?
> In a jessie environment (in particular the kernel), you can use "aufs"
> instead of "overlay". In stretch/sid (with a newer kernel), you need
> "overlay" but it also requires a version of schroot which is only in
> unstable right now...

aha! I'm running a mix of testing/unstable and your tip of using the sid
version of schroot did the trick.

I'm now able to verify your bug when I use union-type=overlay in my schroot

The attached patch should now print an appropriate error message, in case you
want to verify that it works.

I plan to clone this bug and have a separate bug to also do a chown call.


cheers, josch
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