[buildd-tools-devel] sbuild and build-depends-arch, troubleshooting

Johannes Schauer josch at debian.org
Sat Feb 6 04:41:59 UTC 2016


Quoting peter green (2016-02-06 01:11:43)
> stretch/sid's version of fltk1.3 uses build-depends arch and was in the 
> build-attempted state on our autobuilder system when I got back to 
> having another look at this issue.
> Anyway I think i've found the problem.
>          if ($self->get_conf('BUILD_ARCH_ALL')) {
>              push(@positive_arch, $deps->{'Build Depends Arch'})
>                  if (defined($deps->{'Build Depends Arch'}) &&
>                      $deps->{'Build Depends Arch'} ne "");
>              push(@negative_arch, $deps->{'Build Conflicts Arch'})
>                  if (defined($deps->{'Build Conflicts Arch'}) &&
>                      $deps->{'Build Conflicts Arch'} ne "");
>          }
>          if ($self->get_conf('BUILD_ARCH_ALL')) {
>              push(@positive_indep, $deps->{'Build Depends Indep'})
>                  if (defined($deps->{'Build Depends Indep'}) &&
>                      $deps->{'Build Depends Indep'} ne "");
>              push(@negative_indep, $deps->{'Build Conflicts Indep'})
>                  if (defined($deps->{'Build Conflicts Indep'}) &&
>                      $deps->{'Build Conflicts Indep'} ne "");
>          }
> Theres the smoking gun, it only installs Build-Depends-Arch if you are 
> building arch all packages. So it looks like if you are not building 
> arch all packages and the package has Build-Depends-Arch it breaks.
> Looks like the soloution is to upgrade to the jessie-backports version 
> of sbuild where this code seems to have been fixed.
> What I don't understand is why it is working for Debian. Maybe the 
> Debian buildds have been monkeypatched without changing the version 
> number or something.

the buildd people maintain their own branch of sbuild. It is likely fixed in
their branch.

In Debian the problem you found seems to have been fixed since commit fec82ed7
(which implemented an unrelated feature). So your problem should be fixed
starting with sbuild version 0.66.0.

Awesome that you found it!


cheers, josch
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