[buildd-tools-devel] Bug#825359: sbuild: unrealistic figure about total space used

Johannes Schauer josch at debian.org
Fri Jul 1 07:12:17 UTC 2016


Quoting Santiago Vila (2016-07-01 02:02:17)
> My .sbuildrc is the one in /usr/share/doc/sbuild/examples/example.sbuildrc.
> My /etc/schroot/chroot.d/stretch file is like this:

thanks, though I still don't see it. :(

To test I created the following very minimal Debian package, consisting just of
d/rules, d/changelog and d/control:

	==> debian/changelog <==            
	sbuild-test-minimal (1.0-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
	  * Initial release. (Closes: #XXXXXX)
	 -- Johannes Schauer <josch at debian.org>  Tue, 28 Jun 2016 23:10:30 +0200
	==> debian/control <==
	Source: sbuild-test-minimal
	Maintainer: Debian buildd-tools Developers <buildd-tools-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org>
	Package: sbuild-test-minimal-pkg1
	Architecture: any
	==> debian/rules <==
	#!/usr/bin/make -f
		rm -f build debian/files
		rm -rf debian/tmp
		touch build
	binary-indep: build
	binary-arch: build
		rm -rf debian/tmp
		mkdir -p debian/tmp/DEBIAN
		dd if=/dev/zero of=debian/tmp/data bs=10M count=1
		dpkg --build debian/tmp ..
	binary: binary-indep binary-arch
	build-arch: build
	build-indep: build
	.PHONY: binary binary-arch binary-indep clean

When I build this package with sbuild I get:

Finished at 20160701-0905
Build needed 00:00:12, 20520k disc space

This sounds exactly plausible because the dd command in d/rules created a 10 MB
file which is now present in d/tmp as well as in the built .deb. As a result,
about 20 MB of space should be needed which is what sbuild prints at the end as

Santiago, I noticed that you are using a directory type chroot without using
union-type=overlay. Could it be that your /chroot/stretch/build directory
contains leftovers of previous builds?


cheers, josch
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