[buildd-tools-devel] Bug#831462: Bug#831462: sbuild: requires gpg in chroot but does not install it

Johannes Schauer josch at debian.org
Sun Jul 17 08:26:36 UTC 2016


Quoting Christian Hofstaedtler (2016-07-16 14:38:17)
> recently apt has stopped depending on gnupg; as such it is not
> installed any more in the chroot created by sbuild-createchroot.
> But then at build time, sbuild wants gpg to create the APT archive
> and aborts.
> Please consider installing gpg in sbuild-createchroot?

thank you for your bug report!

Sbuild is supposed to work with more chroots than the ones that are created by
sbuild-createchroot. Thus the proper fix for this is, to install gnupg at
sbuild runtime into the chroot as part of installing build-essential (which
sbuild also doesn't require to be part of the chroot).

Notice though, that until this is fixed, you can work around this problem by
just not signing the internal archive at all. Just delete
/var/lib/sbuild/apt-keys/. This workaround will work for every chroot except
for those of old-old-stable. (yes, gnupg signing is only in sbuild because we
want to support old-old-stable chroots...)


cheers, josch
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