[buildd-tools-devel] using schroot under lxc.

Peter Green plugwash at debian.org
Sun Jun 25 23:19:14 UTC 2017

I recently got my hands on a new arm64 box which I am slice up using 
containers. Inside those containers I want to be able to use sbuild.

Host os is Ubuntu Xenial with Kernel 4.4.0-79-generic . Containers are 
running Debian Jessie and stretch.

Unfortunately getting this to work required some hackery.

First I had to enable the "nesting" option in the container configs, 
fair enough.

Secondly I had to disable the "mount --make-private" in 
/etc/schroot/setup.d/10mount , it gave errors something about mounting 
read only followed by "can't mount none read only" or something like 
that (sorry giving errors from memory).

Finally on stretch only I had to rebuild sbuild with 
"schroot-mount-make-bind-mounts-private.patch" backed out.

Any thoughts on how this user experiance can be improved? It would be 
nice if sbuild could be used under lxc out of the box or at least could 
be made to work without having to rebuild the lxc package.

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