[buildd-tools-devel] Bug#859867: Bug#859867: Bug#859867: Bug#859867: Please add a package which automatically configures sbuild for Debian packaging

Johannes Schauer josch at debian.org
Wed May 24 08:17:40 UTC 2017

Hello all,

Quoting Ansgar Burchardt (2017-05-24 08:42:37)
> Michael Stapelberg <stapelberg at debian.org> writes:
> > Doing it in a script is one more step. The point of this endavour is to
> > make the setup as simple as possible.
> I think creating a chroot in postinst is not good.  Mostly because
> maintainer scripts should never fail, but this is too likely to fail
> (for example when there are network connection issues).
> Maintainer scripts must also *never* write to user home
> directories. Besides security issues this will also make maintainer
> scripts just fail.
> Just providing a script in the existing sbuild package to more easily
> setup a chroot with a standard configuration seems to be the better
> option to me.

I agree with ansgar on all accounts.

cheers, josch
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