[Calendarserver-maintainers] Bug#766043: Bug#766043: A patch from Red Hat needed for FreeIPA

Dr. Torge Szczepanek debian at cygnusnetworks.de
Fri Oct 24 17:58:25 UTC 2014


> Actually, you can close these bugs.. the patch isn't needed anymore, it
> was for Foreman smart proxy which got dropped. I'll patch freeipa
> instead to use the old function...

I just ported the patch to be Python3 compatible and removed the duplicate doc. See attached diff. 

Robert Crittenden was also interested to have this patch included in Debian, since Upstream did not include this. If its not needed urgently in Jessie, I would suggest to upload it after the Jessie freeze, since the current package should be fine in Jessie.

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