[Cdd-commits] r545 - in projects/med/trunk/debian-med: debian tasks
CDD Subversion Commit
noreply at alioth.debian.org
Thu Feb 14 16:21:41 UTC 2008
Author: tille
Date: Thu Feb 14 16:21:40 2008
New Revision: 545
New peospective packages
Modified: projects/med/trunk/debian-med/debian/changelog
--- projects/med/trunk/debian-med/debian/changelog (original)
+++ projects/med/trunk/debian-med/debian/changelog Thu Feb 14 16:21:40 2008
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@
Depends/Recommends/Suggest per paragraph so the fix was to insert some
newlines and remove '\' in end of lines
* tasks/tools: Fixed description
+ * tasks/practice: tinyheb as prospective package
-- Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org> Sun, 03 Feb 2008 00:07:05 +0100
Modified: projects/med/trunk/debian-med/tasks/bio
--- projects/med/trunk/debian-med/tasks/bio (original)
+++ projects/med/trunk/debian-med/tasks/bio Thu Feb 14 16:21:40 2008
@@ -152,9 +152,9 @@
Depends: axparafit
Homepage: http://icwww.epfl.ch/~stamatak/AxParafit.html
+Responsible: David Paleino <d.paleino at gmail.com>
License: GPL
+WNPP: 464323
Pkg-Description: optimized statistical analysis of host-parasite coevolution
AxParafit is a highly optimized version of Pierre Legendre's Parafit
program for statistical analysis of host-parasite coevolution.
@@ -306,3 +306,60 @@
"Query-Dependent Banding (QDB) for Faster RNA Similarity Searches."
E. P. Nawrocki, S. R. Eddy. PLoS Comput. Biol., 3:e56, 2007.
+Depends: mauve
+Homepage: http://asap.ahabs.wisc.edu/mauve/
+Responsible: Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>
+License: GPL
+Pkg-Description: multiple genome alignment
+ Mauve is a system for efficiently constructing multiple genome alignments
+ in the presence of large-scale evolutionary events such as rearrangement
+ and inversion. Multiple genome alignment provides a basis for research
+ into comparative genomics and the study of evolutionary dynamics. Aligning
+ whole genomes is a fundamentally different problem than aligning short
+ sequences.
+ .
+ Mauve has been developed with the idea that a multiple genome aligner
+ should require only modest computational resources. It employs algorithmic
+ techniques that scale well in the amount of sequence being aligned. For
+ example, a pair of Y. pestis genomes can be aligned in under a minute,
+ while a group of 9 divergent Enterobacterial genomes can be aligned in
+ a few hours.
+ .
+ Mauve computes and interactively visualizes genome sequence comparisons.
+ Using FastA or GenBank sequence data, Mauve constructs multiple genome
+ alignments that identify large-scale rearrangement, gene gain, gene loss,
+ indels, and nucleotide substutition.
+ .
+ Mauve is developed at the University of Wisconsin.
+ .
+ Note: There are instructions for compiling Mauve from source available at
+ http://asap.ahabs.wisc.edu/mauve/mauve-developer-guide/compiling-mauvealigner-from-source.html
+Depends: asap
+Homepage: http://asap.ahabs.wisc.edu/software/asap/
+Responsible: Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>
+License: GPL
+ Developments in genome-wide approaches to biological research have
+ yielded greatly increased quantities of data, necessitating the cooperation
+ of communities of scientists focusing on shared sets of data. ASAP
+ leverages the internet and database technologies to meet these needs.
+ ASAP is designed to organize the data associated with a genome from the
+ early stages of sequence annotation through genetic and biochemical
+ characterization, providing a vehicle for ongoing updates of the annotation
+ and a repository for genome-scale experimental data. Development was
+ motivated by the need to more directly involve a greater community of
+ researchers, with their collective expertise, in keeping the genome
+ annotation current and to provide a synergistic link between up-to-date
+ annotation and functional genomic data. The system is continually under
+ development at the Genome Evolution Lab with the stable, in-use, publicly
+ available University of Wisconsin installation updated regularly.
+ .
+ Software development on ASAP began in early 2002, and ASAP has been
+ continually improved up until the present day. A longstanding goal of
+ the ASAP project was to make the source code of ASAP available so that
+ other installations of ASAP could be implemented. As future ASAP
+ installations come to pass, ASAP will be further extended to be
+ inter-operable between sites.
Modified: projects/med/trunk/debian-med/tasks/practice
--- projects/med/trunk/debian-med/tasks/practice (original)
+++ projects/med/trunk/debian-med/tasks/practice Thu Feb 14 16:21:40 2008
@@ -23,3 +23,11 @@
template and editing field that allows you to validate your script code.
Mirth also supports filters written in Java if you require more complex
filtering options.
+Depends: tinyheb
+Homepage: http://tinyheb.sourceforge.net/
+License: GPL
+Pkg-URL: http://home.arcor.de/thomas.baum/tinyheb/source/
+Pkg-Description: billing system for midwives
+ This billing system enables midwives to exchange data with health
+ insurances in Germany (compliant to §302 SGB V).
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