[Cdd-commits] r516 - in projects/med/trunk/debian-med: debian tasks

CDD Subversion Commit noreply at alioth.debian.org
Tue Jan 8 18:06:04 UTC 2008

Author: tille
Date: Tue Jan  8 18:06:04 2008
New Revision: 516

Added two prospective packages

Modified: projects/med/trunk/debian-med/debian/changelog
--- projects/med/trunk/debian-med/debian/changelog	(original)
+++ projects/med/trunk/debian-med/debian/changelog	Tue Jan  8 18:06:04 2008
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
     prospective package
   * tasks/imaging(-dev): odin, libvista2-dev, gwyddion and many
     more as prospective package
-  * tasks/bio: Added ballview as prospective package
+  * tasks/bio: Added ballview and mustang as prospective packages
   * tasks/bio-dev: Added BioClipse as prospective package
   * tasks/bio: dialign-t is now official package - removed

Modified: projects/med/trunk/debian-med/tasks/bio
--- projects/med/trunk/debian-med/tasks/bio	(original)
+++ projects/med/trunk/debian-med/tasks/bio	Tue Jan  8 18:06:04 2008
@@ -161,3 +161,30 @@
  parasite phylogenies. CopyCat offers various features, such as the
  creation of customized host-parasite association data and the
  computation of phylogenetic host/parasite trees based on the NCBI taxonomy.
+Depends: mustang
+Homepage: http://www.cs.mu.oz.au/~arun/mustang/
+Responsible: Morten Kjeldgaard <mok at bioxray.au.dk>
+License: 3 clause BSD
+WNPP: 459637
+Pkg-Description: multiple structural alignment of proteins
+ Mustang is an algorithm for structural alignment of multiple
+ protein structures. Given a set of PDB files, the program uses the
+ spatial information in the Calpha atoms of the set to produce a sequence
+ alignment. Based on a progressive pairwise heuristic the algorithm
+ then proceeds through a number of refinement passes. Mustang
+ reports the multiple sequence alignment and the corresponding
+ superposition of structures.
+Depends: btk-core
+Homepage: http://sourceforge.net/projects/btk/
+Responsible: Morten Kjeldgaard <mok at bioxray.au.dk>
+License: GPL
+WNPP: 459753
+Pkg-Description: biomolecule Toolkit C++ library
+ The Biomolecule Toolkit is a library for modeling biological
+ macromolecules such as proteins, DNA and RNA. It provides a C++ interface
+ for common tasks in structural biology to facilitate the development of
+ molecular modeling, design and analysis tools.
\ No newline at end of file

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