[Cdd-commits] r1151 - projects/debug/tasks

CDD Subversion Commit noreply at alioth.debian.org
Sun Oct 26 19:31:25 UTC 2008

Author: tille
Date: Sun Oct 26 19:31:24 2008
New Revision: 1151

Next bisecting

Modified: projects/debug/tasks/desktop-other
--- projects/debug/tasks/desktop-other	(original)
+++ projects/debug/tasks/desktop-other	Sun Oct 26 19:31:24 2008
@@ -34,60 +34,6 @@
 Responsible: Petter Reinholdtsen
 NeedConfig:  no
-Depends:     gij-4.1, java-gcj-compat, \
-             openoffice.org
-Recommends:  gstreamer0.10-alsa, gstreamer0.10-esd, gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg, \
-             gstreamer0.10-x, gstreamer0.10-plugins-base, \
-             gstreamer0.10-plugins-good, gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly
-Why:         Support audio and video in OOo presentations.
-Responsible: Petter Reinholdtsen
-NeedConfig:  no
-Suggests:    icedove | mozilla-thunderbird, \
-             icedove-l10n-ca | mozilla-thunderbird-locale-ca, \
-             icedove-l10n-de | mozilla-thunderbird-locale-de, \
-             icedove-l10n-el | mozilla-thunderbird-locale-el, \
-             icedove-l10n-es-es | mozilla-thunderbird-locale-es-es, \
-             icedove-l10n-fr | mozilla-thunderbird-locale-fr, \
-             icedove-l10n-it | mozilla-thunderbird-locale-it, \
-             icedove-l10n-nb | mozilla-thunderbird-locale-nb, \
-             icedove-l10n-nn | mozilla-thunderbird-locale-nn
-Why:         Get a nice mail client
-Responsible: Finn-Arne Johansen
-NeedConfig:  Yes, Cache, Printerapp, proxy server
-Recommends:  gnome-themes, gtk2-engines-gtk-qt
-Why:         Fix font settings for gtk applications.
-Responsible: ?
-NeedConfig:  ?
-Depends:     konqueror-plugin-gnash, mozilla-plugin-gnash
-Recommends:  gstreamer0.10-plugins-base, gstreamer0.10-alsa, \
-             gstreamer0.10-fluendo-mp3, \
-             gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg, gstreamer0.10-audiosink
-Suggests:    flashplugin-nonfree, swfdec-mozilla, flashplugin-nonfree-pulse | libflashsupport
-Avoid:       flashplugin-nonfree
-Why:         Several web pages uses Macromedia Flash.  Recommend the
-             packages gnash need to play youtube videos.  The depends
-             and recommends are changed to suggests until gnash is
-             ready for production use.
-             Avoid the flashplugin-nonfree package on the DVD as it
-             is fragile and sensitive to changes on the adobe web page.
-             [pere 2007-07-12]
-Responsible: Petter Reinholdtsen
-NeedConfig:  no
-Ignore:      sun-java6-jre, sun-java6-plugin
-Avoid:       ibm-jdk1.1-installer, jdk1.1, kaffe
-Why:         We need a Java run-time environment, but possibly no development
-             tools in the standard installation.  Info om Debian and
-             Java is available from
-             <URL:http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/debian-java-faq/>.
-Responsible: ?
-NeedConfig:  no
 Depends:     debian-edu-artwork
 Why:         Nice desktop artwork
 Responsible: Holger Levsen
@@ -177,119 +123,6 @@
 Responsible: ?
 NeedConfig:  ?
- ###########################################################################
- #
- # Organize the packages according to the norwegian "Læreplan"
- #
- ###########################################################################
- .
- .
-Depends:     gcompris
-Recommends:  gnuchess, gnucap, tuxpaint, tuxpaint-config
-Suggests:    gcompris-sound-da, gcompris-sound-de, gcompris-sound-en, \
-             gcompris-sound-es, gcompris-sound-eu, gcompris-sound-fi, \
-             gcompris-sound-fr, gcompris-sound-hu, gcompris-sound-it, \
-             gcompris-sound-nb, \
-             gcompris-sound-nl, gcompris-sound-pt, gcompris-sound-ru, \
-             gcompris-sound-sv, gcompris-sound-cs, gcompris-sound-mr, \
-             gcompris-sound-ptbr, gcompris-sound-so, gcompris-sound-tr
-Ignore:      gcompris-sound-ar, gcompris-sound-bg, gcompris-sound-br, \
-             gcompris-sound-cs, gcompris-sound-el, gcompris-sound-hi, \
-             gcompris-sound-id, gcompris-sound-mr, gcompris-sound-so, \
-             gcompris-sound-sr, gcompris-sound-ur 
-Why:         Educational program (game for the youngest. lars.)
-             The programs gnuchess, gnucap and tuxpaint are used by
-             gcompris when present.
-Responsible: ?
-NeedConfig:  ?
-Suggests:    smbclient
-Why:         Access to SMB file systems.
-Responsible: ?
-NeedConfig:  no
-Suggests:    ncftp, wget
-Why:         Filoverfører
-Responsible: ?
-NeedConfig:  ?
-Suggests:    pgdesigner, dbdesigner
-Why:         Database
-Responsible: ?
-NeedConfig:  ?
- # NB! Dette hører sammen med ovenstående pakke
-Suggests:    kig | keuklid | kgeo, kgraph, kmultiply, klearnspelling, kpercentage
-Why:         matematikk (spisekart).  kgeo, kpercentage and klearspelling are
-             part of kdeedu.
-Responsible: ?
-NeedConfig:  ?
-Suggests:    knorskverbs
-Why:         Norskundervisning.  knorskverbs is part of kdeedu.
-Responsible: ?
-NeedConfig:  ?
-Suggests:    postgresql-client, postgresql
-Why:         Database
-Responsible: ?
-NeedConfig:  ?
-Suggests:    sql-ledger
-Why:         accounting and economical simulation
-Responsible: ?
-NeedConfig:  ?
-Note: ANDRE
-Suggests:    planner
-Why:         Project management.  Changed name from mrproject to planner
-Responsible: ?
-NeedConfig:  ?
-Suggests:    gnuplot, geg
-Why:         Graph plotting programs.  gnuplot was requested by math teacher.
-Responsible: ?
-NeedConfig:  no
-Suggests:    texlive, texlive-doc-base, lacheck, auctex, texlive-latex-base
-Ignore:      texlive-full
-Why:         Requested by math teacher.  LaTeX allow math typesetting. TeXLive
-             are the Lenny replacement packages for tetex.
-Responsible: ? (someone need to check the package list is complete)
-NeedConfig:  no
-Suggests:    lyx
-Suggests:    texmacs
-Why:         GUI frontend to LaTeX makes it easier to use for new users.
-Responsible: ?
-NeedConfig:  ?
-Suggests:    kchart, kformula, koshell, kugar, kivio
-Why:         leftovers 
-Responsible: ?
-NeedConfig:  no
-Depends:     inkscape | sodipodi
-Recommends:  gimp, gimp-data-extras, gimp-print
-Suggests:    kolourpaint, kpaint, netpbm, gv | ghostview, dia
-Ignore:      gimp-help-cs, gimp-help-de, gimp-help-en, gimp-help-fr, \
-             gimp-help-it, gimp-help-nl, gimp-help-sv, gimp-help-zh-cn
-Why:         Drawing/sketching programs
-Responsible: ?
-NeedConfig:  ?
 Recommends:  sane, sane-utils, kooka | xsane | quiteinsane, ocrad
 Why:         Scanner frontends and drivers.  Most schools have scanners
              available, and software to drive them should be available
@@ -297,30 +130,6 @@
 Responsible: Petter Reinholdtsen
 NeedConfig:  yes
-Recommends:  myspell-nb, \
-             myspell-nn, \
-             myspell-en-us, iamerican, \
-             myspell-en-gb, ibritish, \
-             myspell-de-de, ingerman, \
-             myspell-fr, ifrench, \
-             myspell-es, ispanish, \
-             myspell-da, idanish, \
-             myspell-it, iitalian, \
-             myspell-el-gr, \
-             myspell-pt-br, ibrazilian, \
-             myspell-ca, icatalan, \
-             myspell-nl, idutch, \
-             myspell-pt-pt, iportuguese, \
-             myspell-fi, ifinnish-large,
-             hunspell-se
-Suggests:    myspell-de-at, myspell-de-ch, myspell-fr-gut, \
-             inorwegian
-Why:         Spellcheckers for all languages requested in debian-edu.
-             It might be required to check that the language is
-             supported by Skolelinux and localization-config.
-Responsible: ? (someone need to check the package list is complete)
-NeedConfig:  yes - set default ispell dictionary (localization-config)
 Suggests:    quanta
 Why:         HTML editor ++  
 Responsible: ?
@@ -361,11 +170,6 @@
 Responsible: Petter Reinholdtsen
 NeedConfig:  no
-Recommends:  tuxmath
-Why:         Math game for children
-Responsible: José L. Redrejo Rodríguez
-NeedConfig:  no
 Suggests:    kdissert
 Why:         Mind-mapping tool
 Responsible: Petter Reinholdtsen
@@ -436,27 +240,6 @@
 Responsible: Petter Reinholdtsen
 NeedConfig:  No
-Suggests:    ksnake, kasteroids, ktron, kpat, ksmiletris, kbattleship, \
-             ksirtet, ksame, kbounce, kpoker, kworldclock, kspaceduel, \
-             kgoldrunner, kfouleggs, kolf, kmines, konquest, kshisen, \
-             katomic, klickety, kblackbox, kjumpingcube, kbackgammon, \
-             kmahjongg, kreversi
-Ignore:      kdegames
-Why:         Make some much used games available in the default
-             installation.  Is this a good idea to do for schools?
-Responsible: Petter Reinholdtsen
-NeedConfig:  No
-Recommends:  education-astronomy, education-chemistry, \
-             education-electronics, education-geography, \
-             education-graphics, education-language, \
-             education-logic-games, education-mathematics, \
-             education-music, education-physics, education-misc
-Why:         Include all educational tasks proposed by Linex.
-Responsible: Petter Reinholdtsen
-NeedConfig:  No
 Suggests:    wine, wine-doc, libwine-alsa, libwine-oss
 Why:         Run MS Windows applications.
 Responsible: ?

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