[Cdd-commits] r1096 - projects/science/trunk/debian-science/tasks

CDD Subversion Commit noreply at alioth.debian.org
Tue Sep 23 09:07:43 UTC 2008

Author: tille
Date: Tue Sep 23 09:07:43 2008
New Revision: 1096

Added qutemol

Modified: projects/science/trunk/debian-science/tasks/chemistry
--- projects/science/trunk/debian-science/tasks/chemistry	(original)
+++ projects/science/trunk/debian-science/tasks/chemistry	Tue Sep 23 09:07:43 2008
@@ -189,3 +189,27 @@
  For more detailed information about packaging status please see
+Depends: qutemol
+Homepage: http://qutemol.sourceforge.net/
+License: GPL
+Pkg-Description: Interactive and Innovative Molecular Graphics
+ QuteMol is an open source (GPL), interactive, high quality molecular
+ visualization system. QuteMol exploits the current GPU capabilites through
+ OpenGL shaders to offers an array of innovative visual effects. QuteMol
+ visualization techniques are aimed at improving clarity and an easier
+ understanding of the 3D shape and structure of large molecules or complex
+ proteins.
+  * Real Time Ambient Occlusion
+  * Depth Aware Silhouette Enhancement
+  * Ball and Sticks, Space-Fill and Liquorice visualization modes
+  * High resolution antialiased snapshots for creating publication quality
+    renderings
+  * Automatic generation of animated gifs of rotating molecules for web pages
+    animations
+  * Real-time rendering of large molecules and protein (>100k atoms)
+  * Standard PDB input
+  * Support as a plugins of the NanoEngineer-1 the modeling and simulation
+    program for nano-composites
+ This program needs the VCG library http://vcg.sourceforge.net which has
+ to be packaged first.

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