[Channel-debian-de-devel] An Emergency, Please Acknowledge!!

Mrs. Olga Patarkatsishvili mrs.patarkatsishvili at w.cn
Tue Oct 1 02:26:57 UTC 2013

Greetings From Georgia

Greetings in the name of the lord, I am Mrs. Olga Patarkatsishvili,  the widow of late Georgian business tycoon Mr. Badri Patarkatsishvili, I have a
business proposal which will be of great benefit to you and myself. I will send you further details once i receive your response back. 
Please for security reason, i will strongly recommend that you write me through my private email: mrs_olgapatarkatsishviili at Safe-mail.net account 
only.Thanks for your understanding.

Yours truly,

Mrs. Olga Patarkatsishvili.


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