[Chinese-commits] [fqterm] annotated tag upstream/ created (now 295ae2f)
Boyuan Yang
hosiet-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Tue Nov 1 06:06:09 UTC 2016
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
hosiet-guest pushed a change to annotated tag upstream/
in repository fqterm.
at 295ae2f (tag)
tagging f1e373997894990c166d556c811c4e47652ba5f5 (commit)
replaces upstream/
tagged by Boyuan Yang
on Sat Oct 29 16:04:32 2016 +0800
- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
Upstream Snapshot
Iru Cai (26):
update default config
board statistics for newsmth.net
Qt4 and Qt5 in one CMakeList: CMakeLists.txt{,.linux}
Qt 4 and 5 in one CMakeLists: subdirectories
remove setGraphicsSystem
add <QObject> header
update README.md: about Qt5
update doc: about OpenSSH 7.0p1
split source code for imageviewer and imageviewer_origin
include <QMenuBar>
sourceforge -> fosshub
CMakeLists.txt cleanup
move imageviewer sources to ui/imageviewer
imageviewer: add target_link_libraries for Qt5 build
new feature: raw packet capture.
reset FQTerm icon path
Fix relative redirection problem
use setsid(1) to run fqterm.bin
README.md: notes for archlinuxcn, add -DUSE_QT5=1 in MacOS build
Move ``find_package(OpenSSL)`` to protocol/CMakeLists.txt
Use BN_is_negative(bignum) instead of bignum->neg
fqterm_ssh_des.cpp: use EVP_CIPHER_CTX_new()
draft for the new SSH public key crypto code
use the ssh_pubkey_crypto to deal with fqterm_ssh_kex
fqterm_ssh2_kex.cpp: use RSA_set0_key for OpenSSL 1.1.0
only link crypto library instead of linking ssl and crypto
Song Li (2):
Fix build error on Qt5.6.1
Add macOS build steps
This annotated tag includes the following new commits:
new 9e25a50 update default config
new 2cd2984 board statistics for newsmth.net
new b806d39 Qt4 and Qt5 in one CMakeList: CMakeLists.txt{,.linux}
new c89a790 Qt 4 and 5 in one CMakeLists: subdirectories
new 493c496 remove setGraphicsSystem
new 11572c6 add <QObject> header
new 86810b9 update README.md: about Qt5
new 30a6a3c update doc: about OpenSSH 7.0p1
new bd8a86f split source code for imageviewer and imageviewer_origin
new 5f41dbc include <QMenuBar>
new a65de06 sourceforge -> fosshub
new b91ee98 CMakeLists.txt cleanup
new 3a2cb75 move imageviewer sources to ui/imageviewer
new b4267aa imageviewer: add target_link_libraries for Qt5 build
new 3ddf947 new feature: raw packet capture.
new c8a4ec5 reset FQTerm icon path
new d421c22 Fix relative redirection problem
new 978ef23 use setsid(1) to run fqterm.bin
new 39cd310 Fix build error on Qt5.6.1
new 0c3eec0 Add macOS build steps
new d11e989 README.md: notes for archlinuxcn, add -DUSE_QT5=1 in MacOS build
new e224786 Move ``find_package(OpenSSL)`` to protocol/CMakeLists.txt
new a2f29b5 Use BN_is_negative(bignum) instead of bignum->neg
new 1b2181a fqterm_ssh_des.cpp: use EVP_CIPHER_CTX_new()
new 3db93e4 draft for the new SSH public key crypto code
new 1e66ba8 use the ssh_pubkey_crypto to deal with fqterm_ssh_kex
new 7b07a2f fqterm_ssh2_kex.cpp: use RSA_set0_key for OpenSSL 1.1.0
new f1e3739 only link crypto library instead of linking ssl and crypto
The 28 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/chinese/fqterm.git
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