[Clc-users] using CLISP can't make directory in /var subdirectory for cl-plplot

David A. Ventimiglia ventimig at msu.edu
Tue Aug 4 00:14:29 UTC 2009


I have an issue with common-lisp-controller where it complains about
making certain directories in /var/cache/common-lisp-controller.  I'm
trying to use cl-plplot.  I downloaded cl-plplot
into /usr/share/common-lisp/source.  Then, I added a symlink
from /usr/share/common-lisp/source/cl-plplot/cl-plplot.asd
to /usr/share/common-lisp/systems.  Then, I called
clc-register-user-package cl-plplot.asd while in the ../systems
directory.  That all worked fine.  But then while in CLISP, when I
issued this command:

(clc:clc-require :cl-plplot)

I get this error:

MAKE-PATHNAME: illegal :DIRECTORY argument (:RELATIVE "src/system")
   [Condition of type SIMPLE-ERROR]

I believe it's trying to make directories deep in /var somewhere,
because I had the same problem with cl-plplot and SBCL.  In that case, I
forced it by manually creating the directories clc was trying to create,
but I know that's not really the correct solution.  I figure it's got to
be a permission problem.  Have folks seen this before?  Thanks!


David A. Ventimiglia <ventimig at msu.edu>
Michigan State University

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