[Clc-users] Obama: the Zionist wolf in sheep’s clothing : A message to the world on the Obama inauguration

Lawrence Auster lawrence.auster at att.net
Tue Jan 20 20:17:36 UTC 2009

Obama: the Zionist wolf in sheep’s clothing : A message to the world on the Obama inauguration
by David Duke, PhD

If you want to know who the real establishment is in America and around the world, the real power behind the so-called “military-industrial complex”, the real maleficent power that has led this world to inexorable conflict, war, hatreds, destruction of real human values, morality, conscience — it is the global media establishment.

This same media witnessed the Zionist slaughter of 1,300 people in Gaza, and the maiming of 6,000 more, half of them women and children. More than 20,000 homes and buildings were destroyed or damaged and thousands became homeless. This horrendous mass slaughter of Palestinians is compared to the loss of 3 Israeli civilians. Yet, the media never dare to call this slaughter exactly what it is: terrorism on a horrendous scale! This same American and global media has not informed the American people or the people of the world of the damning truth about Barack Obama.

In truth, Obama is a complete creation of extremist Jewish Zionists and he has already begun to serve Israel by his top appointments.

The Jewish-dominated media in America is promoting the Obama inauguration as akin to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. (If you question Jewish control of the media read Who Runs the Media? and you will find documentation proving the Jewish control being far greater than you might suspect) The rest of the world’s powerful media (Which also has a powerful Jewish presence in the UK, France, Spain, Sweden, Russia, and the rest of Europe) takes its cues from the NY/Hollywood media axis, and presents Obama as kind of a superhuman agent of real change.

In fact, it is a Huge Lie!

Obama is completely controlled by the same forces that have controlled George Bush, so much so that The Chicago Tribune quotes leading Jews bragging that Obama is so in the hands of the Zionists that he is “the first Jewish President.” Obama received about 80 percent of the Jewish vote in the United States!

The Three critical things that made Obama President:

1)Jewish political influence

Obama’s chief handler is David Axelrod, a radical Jewish Zionist whose previous claim to fame was the fact that he was the Zionist political hit man against Illinois Senator Charles Percy, who was not deemed to be pro-Israel enough. (He was only 99.9 percent Israel’s lackey, not the required 100 percent) Obama went to Israel and made sure he pronounced himself even more radically pro-Zionist than Bush or McCain.

2) Massive amounts of Jewish money

Obama’s campaign was kicked in high gear by Jewish Hollywood and financial moguls. In just one of the early fundraising parties in Hollywood by Spielberg, Geffen and Katzenburg it raised over a million dollars for Obama. Obama raised more money than any political candidate in American history and his biggest contributors were overwhelmingly Jewish activists, Jewish international finance and banking firms and Jewish globalists. His largest single contributor was the international Jewish Banking firm of Goldman Sachs. He received more money from the same international bankers that ripped off trillions of dollars in the recent economic scandals than even John McCain. Is a man totally under the power of the most powerful financial organizations in the entire world, really an agent of “change?”

3) Overwhelming positive support in the Jewish-dominated media

By a large margin, Jewish-owned media officially endorsed Obama, and that is not counting tens of thousands of positive articles by Jewish; owned publications and pundits.

Obama’s first act as President-elect was to appoint a Jewish extremist, dual citizen, Rahm Emmanuel, as his chief of staff. As the people of Gaza were slaughtered, Obama would not make a single statement to stop this murder and maiming of thousands of innocents!

Israel, very carefully timed its terrorist attack on Gaza to be in the remaining days of the Bush Administration. The day before Obama’s inauguration Israel announced that it would be completely out of Gaza by the time Obama took his oath of office.


Before Obama took office, Israel could make this terrorist slaughter against Palestinians and Obama would still be perceived as having clean hands. Because Obama is completely under their control, they want him to have an image of fairness, honor and peacefulness, and as representing a new direction of American policy, as he begins to deal with the Mideast turmoil.

Since he is Israel’s boy in the White House, what better scenario could they have than a President perceived as practically the Second Coming, of high moral conviction, and dedicated to fairness,  but who is actually bound hand-and-foot to the Zionist agenda, just as the last president’s have been. Talk about a perfect shill. And the game is working, for even many Palestinians are filled with hope that the new President will work to end their long suffering.

With an almost godlike positive image around the world, a Barack Obama who is in reality controlled by Israel, is a much bigger danger than was even George Bush. We know what Bush is, but too many Americans and other peoples around the world are falling for the lies about the new “savior” of the world: Barack Obama. He already says we are to put thousands of new troops in Afghanistan and has rattled the sabers against Iran. Obama with highest positive image (created by media) in the world is in a more dangerous position to lead us into catastrophic wars than George Bush ever was.

Jewish screenwriters in Hollywood couldn’t have written a better script for the Zionist agenda than what is being played out on inauguration day, USA.

Of course, why should they write it, they did it.

God save America, God save the Palestinians, God save peace and justice in the world!

–david duke

 Source : http://www.davidduke.com/general/wake-up-world-meet-the-new-boss-same-as-the-old-boss_7225.html


 The Israel Lobby Takes Off the Gloves
Posted by Taki Theodoracopulos

So what’s a few hundred dead Palestinian children when Tzipi and Ehud have gained eight to ten points in the polls? They were terrorist babies, anyway. So what if the Egyptians and Saudis are ignoring them while spending millions on hookers, palaces and yachts? The Gazans don’t deserve such goodies, certainly not palaces on the Riviera. My favourite is Yigal Palmor, an Israeli spokesman, who took umbrage when Cardinal Renato Martino, a high-ranking Vatican official, compared Gaza to a concentration camp. The Israeli whined that World War II imagery was below the belt. I suppose the Cardinal should have called it a beach resort. Oy veh, one can’t trust these Wops, they’re all a bunch of anti-Semites!

The best is Tony Blair. The great peacemaker demanded that the West bomb the Kosovo Serbs in order to save the lives of innocent Muslim women and children back in 1999. Now he’s busy collecting medals for having killed thousands of Iraqis: 900 Gazan dead and close to 4,000 wounded are small change to the great Middle East negotiator.

Uri Avnery, an Israeli so-called ‘peacenik’, calls his country a “blood-stained monster.” The dreadful self-publicist Alan Dershowitz uses that old canard of Hamas using Gazans as human shields ad nauseam, which is like saying that Churchill used Londoners as shields against the Blitz in order to rally the West and his people. Better yet, the grotesque Dershowitz invokes Article 51 of the United Nations charter to stop armed attacks against civilians. In Israel’s favour. What in God’s name has happened to decency? To truth?

I’ll tell you. The rows of boys and girls in white shrouds, the blinded children and babies, the white phosphorus bombs, the killing of medics and UN drivers trying to help innocent civilians, the 110 people forced into a house that Israel shelled the next day, the 12 corpses of the Samouni household which four tiny children cowered next to, that’s what happened to decency and to truth.

And where’s Obama while this is going on? Listening to Rahm Emanuel, his chief of staff and son of an Irgun terrorist, that’s where. Obama promised “change.” He is a man of his word. Here is his new line-up for the Middle East: Dennis Ross, of Clinton infamy, Jim Steinberg, Dan Kurtzer (former U.S. ambassador to Israel), Dan Shapiro and Martin Indyk, another former ambassador to the moral insanity that is Israel today. If you thought black humour was dead, just look at this list. What is an Arab, especially a Palestinian, supposed to think when Obama comes up with five men, all with close ties to Israel, to advise him on the Middle East? Mind you, there’s always Hillary. We can count on her to ignore political expediency and to play with a full deck.

And it gets better. Only an American Congress could declare that Israel is defending itself against terror while slaughtering hundreds of Palestinian children. American politicians know the score. Fail to back Israel and AIPAC will target you out in the next election by pouring funds to your opponent.

Obama is not yet in office and he’s already changing his tune. “An unwavering pro-Likud approach to Israel can’t be the measure of our friendship with Israel.” That was then. Now it’s the economy, and that of course comes before the killing of civilians.

Beware of answered prayers, I believe, is a mordant ancient Greek proverb. Bush insisted on elections in Gaza and he got them. Yet the slaughterhouse that is Gaza is still a sideshow, however senseless. It does not deal with the fundamental cause of the conflict, which is Israel’s continuing occupation of Palestinian lands. When will the US and Israel figure out that it’s not Hamas ideology that keeps the Palestinian group in power, but Hamas’s resistance to the cruelty of the occupiers. Why is Fatah a laughing stock among all Palestinians not in the pay of the US or the EU? Give Palestinians their 1967 borders with land swaps and equitable treatment of refugees and I will show you who will be the first to be denounced and renounced by the Palestinian people. The hard men of today. Hamas and Hezbollah will be irrelevant almost immediately.

And who are the Israelis who are blind to this? That’s an easy one: 500,000 settlers, many of them Americans, the followers of a small number of right-wing zealots, and, of course, the Likudists. Israelis are supposed to be an intelligent people but I have yet to see dumber moves than theirs since 1967. The West keeps harping on about Syria and Iran. I don’t think half of the American Congress even knows where these countries are. But neither Syria nor Iran created the violence, racism and colonisation that have been the hallmarks of Israeli policies since day one. Syria and Iran did not create the policies of resistance. Israel did. After 60 years of bombs and violence that have only brought more bombs and violence, surely it’s time to change a losing game. Personally, I blame America more than I blame Israel. All it needs to do is to halt military and economic aid until Israel returns to its 1967 borders, and to hell with AIPAC and the political blackmail on Congress. Obama can do it in a jiffy. But that’s like expecting to read the obituary of an African leader without ‘whose years in power left his nation mired in poverty and corruption’ following his name. 


Lawrence Auster,
238 W 101 St Apt. 3B
New York, NY 10025
Contact: lawrence.auster at att.net

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