[Collab-maint-devel] grain dryer rice dryer food dryer corn dryer wheat dryer

Dear Sirs / Madam, www.kurutmaci.com grain dryer to take advantage of an opportunity kurutmaci at bnet.net.tr
Wed Apr 25 23:42:10 UTC 2007

grain dryer rice dryer food dryer  corn dryer wheat dryer
Dear Sir   / Madam, www. kurutmaci. com szem szАrМtС to take advantage of

Our tАrsasАg is nagy tАrsasАg manufacturing szem szАrМtС gИp, vezet termel
szem szАraz rendszer bennszЭlЖtt szЖvetsИges and alapМt in Pulyka,
strategic szЖvetsИges one of fontos   kЖzpont.  We are kiАrusМtАs piac our
termelИs based on Pulyka.  We jelenleg munka on demands kЖrЭlbelЭl our
termИk helyi orszАg, Orosz, Ukrain   Romania   Kazakhstan   and Azerbaijan
orszАg in nЖvekszik quantity.  

Our gИp manufactured as their sajАt felirat for osztС in Pulyka kЖrЭlbelЭl
pillanat idozМtИs.  bАrmennyire, we eldЖnt rИszt vesz with our sajАt
felirat in piac and we talАlkozik our ЭgyfИl kЖvetelИs since 2006.  Also,
without ad any engedmИny in tulajdonsАg we eldЖnt take place in belfЖldi
and abroad piac with our jС price for positive kЖvetelИs from our ЭgyfИl
tisztel to nЖvekszik our termelИs tehetsИg. 

We keres kitartАs that our gИp tЖkИletesМt capability and technology
szЖvetsИges around Pulyka and also abroad.  Our АllМtАs; "User barАtsАgos,
minimalizАl lapos irАnyadС, magas tulajdonsАg termelИs, termelИs for
purchaser nedvessИg" 

We also Иrdekes in exporting our termИk your orszАg szeret all orszАg all
over the world.  We highly willing to folytatСdik our el with you as been
sikeres in eladАs termИk in szektor. 

We szeret kИrdez if you are interested in АbrАzol our eros in your orszАg
and take advantage of each osztozik experiences in this terЭlet.  If you
are positive to our felajАnl which is jСtИtemИny mАrka more hasznАra van
with lИt of you and us, we tetszik hear from you.  

We hisz this felajАnl that is nagy lehetЖsИg Иrt more hasznАra van in piac. 

Yours Sincerely, 

Aykut Coskun  

aykutcoskun @msn. com 


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