[Collab-qa-commits] r584 - svnbuildstat/trunk/script

goneri-guest at alioth.debian.org goneri-guest at alioth.debian.org
Thu Dec 13 20:57:39 UTC 2007

Author: goneri-guest
Date: 2007-12-13 20:57:39 +0000 (Thu, 13 Dec 2007)
New Revision: 584

mv svnbuildstat_www_server.pl svnbuildstat_server.pl

Copied: svnbuildstat/trunk/script/svnbuildstat_server.pl (from rev 583, svnbuildstat/trunk/script/svnbuildstat_www_server.pl)
--- svnbuildstat/trunk/script/svnbuildstat_server.pl	                        (rev 0)
+++ svnbuildstat/trunk/script/svnbuildstat_server.pl	2007-12-13 20:57:39 UTC (rev 584)
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+    require Catalyst::Engine::HTTP;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use Pod::Usage;
+use FindBin;
+use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../lib";
+my $debug             = 0;
+my $fork              = 0;
+my $help              = 0;
+my $host              = undef;
+my $port              = 3000;
+my $keepalive         = 0;
+my $restart           = 0;
+my $restart_delay     = 1;
+my $restart_regex     = '\.yml$|\.yaml$|\.pm$';
+my $restart_directory = undef;
+my @argv = @ARGV;
+    'debug|d'             => \$debug,
+    'fork'                => \$fork,
+    'help|?'              => \$help,
+    'host=s'              => \$host,
+    'port=s'              => \$port,
+    'keepalive|k'         => \$keepalive,
+    'restart|r'           => \$restart,
+    'restartdelay|rd=s'   => \$restart_delay,
+    'restartregex|rr=s'   => \$restart_regex,
+    'restartdirectory=s'  => \$restart_directory,
+pod2usage(1) if $help;
+if ( $restart ) {
+    $ENV{CATALYST_ENGINE} = 'HTTP::Restarter';
+if ( $debug ) {
+# This is require instead of use so that the above environment
+# variables can be set at runtime.
+require SvnBuildStat;
+SvnBuildStat->run( $port, $host, {
+    argv              => \@argv,
+    'fork'            => $fork,
+    keepalive         => $keepalive,
+    restart           => $restart,
+    restart_delay     => $restart_delay,
+    restart_regex     => qr/$restart_regex/,
+    restart_directory => $restart_directory,
+} );
+=head1 NAME
+svnbuildstat_www_server.pl - Catalyst Testserver
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+svnbuildstat_www_server.pl [options]
+ Options:
+   -d -debug          force debug mode
+   -f -fork           handle each request in a new process
+                      (defaults to false)
+   -? -help           display this help and exits
+      -host           host (defaults to all)
+   -p -port           port (defaults to 3000)
+   -k -keepalive      enable keep-alive connections
+   -r -restart        restart when files get modified
+                      (defaults to false)
+   -rd -restartdelay  delay between file checks
+   -rr -restartregex  regex match files that trigger
+                      a restart when modified
+                      (defaults to '\.yml$|\.yaml$|\.pm$')
+   -restartdirectory  the directory to search for
+                      modified files
+                      (defaults to '../')
+ See also:
+   perldoc Catalyst::Manual
+   perldoc Catalyst::Manual::Intro
+Run a Catalyst Testserver for this application.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Sebastian Riedel, C<sri at oook.de>
+Maintained by the Catalyst Core Team.
+This library is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the same terms as Perl itself.

Deleted: svnbuildstat/trunk/script/svnbuildstat_www_server.pl
--- svnbuildstat/trunk/script/svnbuildstat_www_server.pl	2007-12-12 21:00:59 UTC (rev 583)
+++ svnbuildstat/trunk/script/svnbuildstat_www_server.pl	2007-12-13 20:57:39 UTC (rev 584)
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-    require Catalyst::Engine::HTTP;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Getopt::Long;
-use Pod::Usage;
-use FindBin;
-use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../lib";
-my $debug             = 0;
-my $fork              = 0;
-my $help              = 0;
-my $host              = undef;
-my $port              = 3000;
-my $keepalive         = 0;
-my $restart           = 0;
-my $restart_delay     = 1;
-my $restart_regex     = '\.yml$|\.yaml$|\.pm$';
-my $restart_directory = undef;
-my @argv = @ARGV;
-    'debug|d'             => \$debug,
-    'fork'                => \$fork,
-    'help|?'              => \$help,
-    'host=s'              => \$host,
-    'port=s'              => \$port,
-    'keepalive|k'         => \$keepalive,
-    'restart|r'           => \$restart,
-    'restartdelay|rd=s'   => \$restart_delay,
-    'restartregex|rr=s'   => \$restart_regex,
-    'restartdirectory=s'  => \$restart_directory,
-pod2usage(1) if $help;
-if ( $restart ) {
-    $ENV{CATALYST_ENGINE} = 'HTTP::Restarter';
-if ( $debug ) {
-# This is require instead of use so that the above environment
-# variables can be set at runtime.
-require SvnBuildStat;
-SvnBuildStat->run( $port, $host, {
-    argv              => \@argv,
-    'fork'            => $fork,
-    keepalive         => $keepalive,
-    restart           => $restart,
-    restart_delay     => $restart_delay,
-    restart_regex     => qr/$restart_regex/,
-    restart_directory => $restart_directory,
-} );
-=head1 NAME
-svnbuildstat_www_server.pl - Catalyst Testserver
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-svnbuildstat_www_server.pl [options]
- Options:
-   -d -debug          force debug mode
-   -f -fork           handle each request in a new process
-                      (defaults to false)
-   -? -help           display this help and exits
-      -host           host (defaults to all)
-   -p -port           port (defaults to 3000)
-   -k -keepalive      enable keep-alive connections
-   -r -restart        restart when files get modified
-                      (defaults to false)
-   -rd -restartdelay  delay between file checks
-   -rr -restartregex  regex match files that trigger
-                      a restart when modified
-                      (defaults to '\.yml$|\.yaml$|\.pm$')
-   -restartdirectory  the directory to search for
-                      modified files
-                      (defaults to '../')
- See also:
-   perldoc Catalyst::Manual
-   perldoc Catalyst::Manual::Intro
-Run a Catalyst Testserver for this application.
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Sebastian Riedel, C<sri at oook.de>
-Maintained by the Catalyst Core Team.
-This library is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the same terms as Perl itself.

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