[Collab-qa-commits] r100 - in archive-rebuilds: . 2007-05-01-unstable-main-i386

Lucas Nussbaum lucas at alioth.debian.org
Wed May 2 14:17:11 UTC 2007

Author: lucas
Date: 2007-05-02 14:17:10 +0000 (Wed, 02 May 2007)
New Revision: 100

added build results for 2007-05-01

Added: archive-rebuilds/2007-05-01-unstable-main-i386/00failed.sid.i386.20070501.main.ddlist.txt
--- archive-rebuilds/2007-05-01-unstable-main-i386/00failed.sid.i386.20070501.main.ddlist.txt	2007-04-30 07:48:21 UTC (rev 99)
+++ archive-rebuilds/2007-05-01-unstable-main-i386/00failed.sid.i386.20070501.main.ddlist.txt	2007-05-02 14:17:10 UTC (rev 100)
@@ -0,0 +1,1909 @@
+Guenter Geiger (Debian/GNU) <geiger at debian.org>
+   soundtouch
+Marc Dequènes (Duck) <Duck at DuckCorp.org>
+   cdbs (U)
+Adam Cécile (Le_Vert) <gandalf at le-vert.net>
+   museek+
+Loic Dachary (OuoU) <loic at debian.org>
+   openscenegraph
+   osgal-cvs
+   osgcal
+   poker-network
+Ying-Chun Liu (PaulLiu) <grandpaul at gmail.com>
+   jlha-utils
+   libjlha-java (U)
+J.H.M. Dassen (Ray) <jdassen at debian.org>
+   gnome-system-tools (U)
+   xchat-gnome (U)
+Marco Presi (Zufus) <zufus at debian.org>
+   matplotlib (U)
+   python-scipy (U)
+Krzysztof Krzyzaniak (eloy) <eloy at debian.org>
+   libmail-box-perl (U)
+Masayuki Hatta (mhatta) <mhatta at debian.org>
+   ptex-bin
+Peter De Schrijver (p2) <p2 at debian.org>
+   libdc1394
+   libgcr410
+Tim Dijkstra (tdykstra) <tim at famdijkstra.org>
+   digitaldj
+Ian Lynagh (wibble) <igloo at debian.org>
+   ghc-cvs
+   haskell98-report
+   haskell98-tutorial
+Danai SAE-HAN (韓達耐) <danai.sae-han at edpnet.be>
+   cjk
+   latex-cjk-chinese-arphic
+   latex-cjk-japanese-wadalab
+Salvador Abreu <spa at debian.org>
+   gprolog
+Clint Adams <schizo at debian.org>
+   db4.2 (U)
+   db4.3 (U)
+   db4.4 (U)
+   db4.5 (U)
+   fakeroot
+   glibc (U)
+Moray Allan <moray at debian.org>
+   gpe-calendar (U)
+   gpe-contacts
+Bill Allombert <ballombe at debian.org>
+   gap-ctbllib
+Pierre Ancelot <eternityos at free.fr>
+   hwtools
+Chris Anderson <chris at nullcode.org>
+   php-date
+Micah Anderson <micah at debian.org>
+   libmime-encwords-perl (U)
+Leo Antunes <costela at debian.org>
+   transmission (U)
+Osamu Aoki <osamu at debian.org>
+   apt-howto (U)
+   scim-uim (U)
+Ryuichi Arafune <arafune at debian.org>
+   j-cvsbook
+   webmagick
+Hakan Ardo <hakan at debian.org>
+   avr-libc
+   gcc-avr
+Julien BLACHE <jblache at debian.org>
+   airport-utils
+Thomas Bushnell, BSG <tb at debian.org>
+   lilypond
+Sebastien Bacher <seb128 at debian.org>
+   evince (U)
+   gnome-system-tools (U)
+   xchat-gnome (U)
+Wolfgang Baer <WBaer at gmx.de>
+   ant (U)
+   asm (U)
+   asm2 (U)
+   avalon-framework (U)
+   bcel (U)
+   bsh (U)
+   buoy (U)
+   charva (U)
+   checkstyle (U)
+   commons-beanutils (U)
+   concurrent-dfsg (U)
+   cup (U)
+   dresden-ocl (U)
+   jakarta-log4j1.2 (U)
+   jama (U)
+   japitools (U)
+   java-snmp (U)
+   javax-servletapi2.3 (U)
+   jcifs (U)
+   jflex (U)
+   jmock (U)
+   jmp (U)
+   jts (U)
+   junit (U)
+   junitperf (U)
+   libcommons-cli-java (U)
+   libcommons-codec-java (U)
+   libcommons-collections-java (U)
+   libcommons-collections3-java (U)
+   libcommons-dbcp-java (U)
+   libcommons-digester-java (U)
+   libcommons-discovery-java (U)
+   libcommons-el-java (U)
+   libcommons-fileupload-java (U)
+   libcommons-jexl-java (U)
+   libcommons-jxpath-java (U)
+   libcommons-launcher-java (U)
+   libcommons-logging-java (U)
+   libcommons-modeler-java (U)
+   libcommons-validator-java (U)
+   libfonts-java (U)
+   libgetopt-java (U)
+   libi18n-java (U)
+   libjakarta-poi-java (U)
+   libjaxen-java (U)
+   libjcommon-java (U)
+   libjdepend-java (U)
+   libjdom-java (U)
+   libjdom0-java (U)
+   libjdom1-java (U)
+   libjessie-java (U)
+   libjfreechart-java (U)
+   liblogkit-java (U)
+   libmx4j-java (U)
+   libpgjava (U)
+   libregexp-java (U)
+   libsaxon-java (U)
+   libservlet2.4-java (U)
+   libstruts1.2-java (U)
+   libswidgets-java (U)
+   libtoolbar-java (U)
+   libxalan2-java (U)
+   libxerces2-java (U)
+   libxml-commons-resolver1.1-java (U)
+   libxpp2-java (U)
+   libxpp3-java (U)
+   libxt-java (U)
+   mysql-connector-java (U)
+   ow-util-ant-tasks (U)
+   rhino (U)
+   tomcat5 (U)
+   tomcat5.5 (U)
+   vecmath1.2 (U)
+   velocity (U)
+   werken.xpath (U)
+   xml-crimson (U)
+Jeff Bailey <jbailey at nisa.net>
+   oskit (U)
+Jeff Bailey <jbailey at raspberryginger.com>
+   cdbs (U)
+   glibc (U)
+   klibc (U)
+Michael Banck <mbanck at debian.org>
+   referencer
+Andreas Barth <aba at not.so.argh.org>
+   db4.2 (U)
+   db4.3 (U)
+   db4.4 (U)
+   db4.5 (U)
+Mirco Bauer <meebey at debian.org>
+   gfax
+   monodevelop
+   stetic
+Daniel Baumann <daniel at debian.org>
+   helix-player
+   ieee80211
+   libextractor-java
+   linux-modules-extra-2.6 (U)
+   ncurses
+Christian Bayle <bayle at debian.org>
+   crystalspace
+   libjakarta-poi-java (U)
+   libjcommon-java (U)
+   libjfreechart-java (U)
+Romain Beauxis <toots at rastageeks.org>
+   transfermii
+Dave Beckett <dajobe at debian.org>
+   ikvm
+   nant
+Bradley Bell <btb at debian.org>
+   bakery2.3
+   bakery2.4
+   gnome-vfsmm2.6
+   gtkmm2.0
+Luciano Bello <luciano at linux.org.ar>
+   dsniff
+Philipp Benner <mail at philipp-benner.de>
+   transmission
+   wise
+Marcus Better <marcus at better.se>
+   backport-util-concurrent (U)
+   commons-daemon (U)
+   commons-pool (U)
+   dom4j (U)
+   emma-coverage (U)
+   ganymed-ssh2 (U)
+   jaxme (U)
+   libjaxen-java (U)
+   libxalan2-java (U)
+   libxerces2-java (U)
+   mysql-connector-java (U)
+   nekohtml (U)
+   php-date (U)
+   slide-webdavclient (U)
+   tomcat5 (U)
+   tomcat5.5 (U)
+   xml-im-exporter (U)
+Michael Biebl <biebl at debian.org>
+   eiciel
+Kęstutis Biliūnas <kebil at kaunas.init.lt>
+   lingoteach-ui
+Bastian Blank <waldi at debian.org>
+   libapp-cli-perl
+   linux-latest-2.6 (U)
+   linux-modules-extra-2.6 (U)
+   xen-unstable (U)
+Eduard Bloch <blade at debian.org>
+   scsi-idle
+   svn-buildpackage
+Phil Blundell <pb at debian.org>
+   gpe-calendar (U)
+   gpe-contacts (U)
+Philip Blundell <pb at nexus.co.uk>
+   glibc (U)
+Achim Bohnet <ach at mpe.mpg.de>
+   digikam (U)
+   digikamimageplugins (U)
+Jay Bonci <jaybonci at debian.org>
+   liblinux-aio-perl
+   libwww-perl
+Daniel Bonniot <bonniot at users.sf.net>
+   nice
+Ed Boraas <ed at debian.org>
+   oskit
+W. Borgert <debacle at debian.org>
+   ttthreeparser (U)
+Fathi Boudra <fboudra at free.fr>
+   taskjuggler (U)
+Nicolas Boullis <nboullis at debian.org>
+   athcool
+Jeremy T. Bouse <jbouse at debian.org>
+   fwbuilder
+   php-image-canvas
+   php-image-graph
+   xen-unstable (U)
+Rob Bradford <robster at debian.org>
+   screem
+Goswin von Brederlow <brederlo at informatik.uni-tuebingen.de>
+   defrag
+   lustre (U)
+Jeff Breidenbach <jab at debian.org>
+   lucene (U)
+Joachim Breitner <nomeata at debian.org>
+   libxml-filter-sort-perl (U)
+Ludovic Brenta <lbrenta at debian.org>
+   adabrowse
+   adacontrol
+   asis
+   gnade
+   gnat-glade
+   gnat-gps
+   libaunit
+   libaws
+   libflorist
+   libgtkada2
+   libopentoken
+   libtemplates-parser
+   libtexttools
+   libxmlada2
+Ludovic Brenta <ludovic at ludovic-brenta.org>
+   gnat-glade-doc
+Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt <he at debian.org>
+   evince
+   gnome-system-tools (U)
+   libcairo-perl (U)
+   libgstreamer-perl
+   xchat-gnome (U)
+Phil Brooke <pjb at debian.org>
+   adacgi
+   adasockets
+Mark Brown <broonie at debian.org>
+   zlib
+Ben Burton <bab at debian.org>
+   koffice (U)
+   libreadline-java
+   magnus
+Ross Burton <ross at debian.org>
+   gnome-system-tools (U)
+   xchat-gnome (U)
+CDBS Hackers <build-common-hackers at lists.alioth.debian.org>
+   cdbs
+Marco Cabizza <marco87 at gmail.com>
+   gnome-system-tools (U)
+   xchat-gnome
+Paul Cager <paul-debian at home.paulcager.org>
+   bcel (U)
+   checkstyle (U)
+   javacc (U)
+   javatar (U)
+   jtidy (U)
+   libplexus-utils (U)
+   plexus-classworlds (U)
+   tagsoup (U)
+Hubert Chan <uhoreg at debian.org>
+   noweb
+Hubert Chan <hubert at uhoreg.ca>
+   gnustep-make (U)
+Luk Claes <luk at debian.org>
+   koffice (U)
+Isaac Clerencia <isaac at debian.org>
+   kdebindings (U)
+   koffice (U)
+Ben Collins <bcollins at debian.org>
+   glibc (U)
+Robert Collins <robertc at robertcollins.net>
+   testresources
+Adam Conrad <adconrad at 0c3.net>
+   db4.2 (U)
+   db4.3 (U)
+   db4.4 (U)
+   db4.5 (U)
+Eric Cooper <ecc at cmu.edu>
+   approx
+Leo Costela <costela at debian.org>
+   camorama
+Kevin Coyner <kevin at rustybear.com>
+   rpl
+Marcus Crafter <crafterm at debian.org>
+   asm (U)
+   asm2 (U)
+Maximiliano Curia <maxy at gnuservers.com.ar>
+   oregano
+Gerardo Curiel <gcuriel at debianvenezuela.org>
+   libitext-java (U)
+Gerardo Curiel <gcuriel at gmail.com>
+   blam (U)
+Julien Danjou <acid at debian.org>
+   xen-unstable (U)
+Debian ALSA Maintainers <pkg-alsa-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org>
+   alsa-lib
+Debian BOINC Maintainers <pkg-boinc-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org>
+   boinc-app-seti
+Debian Berkeley DB Maintainers <pkg-db-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org>
+   db4.2
+   db4.3
+   db4.4
+   db4.5
+Debian Cyrus Team <pkg-cyrus-imapd-debian-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org>
+   cyrus-imapd-2.2
+Debian FDT tools team <pkg-fdt-tools-team at lists.alioth.debian.org>
+   ttthreeparser
+Debian GCC Maintainers <debian-gcc at lists.debian.org>
+   gcc-4.0
+   gcc-snapshot
+   gcj-4.1
+   gnat-4.1
+   java-gcj-compat
+Debian GCC maintainers <debian-gcc at lists.debian.org>
+   gcc-2.95
+Debian GGZ Maintainers <pkg-ggz-maintainers at lists.alioth.debian.org>
+   ggz-gtk-games
+   ggz-server
+Debian GIS Project <pkg-grass-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org>
+   jts
+   mapserver
+   postgis
+   qgis
+   thuban
+Debian GNOME Maintainers <pkg-gnome-maintainers at lists.alioth.debian.org>
+   evince (U)
+   gnome-system-tools (U)
+   xchat-gnome (U)
+Debian GNUstep maintainers <pkg-gnustep-maintainers at lists.alioth.debian.org>
+   gnustep-make
+Debian Install System Team <debian-boot at lists.debian.org>
+   debian-installer
+   installation-guide
+   linux-kernel-di-i386-2.6
+   linux-modules-di-i386-2.6
+Debian JED Group <pkg-jed-sl-modules at lists.alioth.debian.org>
+   slpvm
+Debian Java Maintainers <pkg-java-maintainers at lists.alioth.debian.org>
+   ant
+   antlr
+   asm
+   asm2
+   avalon-framework
+   axis
+   backport-util-concurrent
+   bcel
+   bouncycastle
+   bsh
+   buoy
+   charva
+   checkstyle
+   classpath
+   commons-beanutils
+   commons-daemon
+   commons-httpclient
+   commons-io
+   commons-pool
+   concurrent-dfsg
+   cup
+   dom4j
+   dresden-ocl
+   eclipse
+   eclipse-cdt
+   emma-coverage
+   ganymed-ssh2
+   gjdoc
+   jakarta-log4j1.2
+   jama
+   japitools
+   jargs
+   java-snmp
+   javacc
+   javatar
+   javax-servletapi2.3
+   jaxme
+   jcifs
+   jflex
+   jline
+   jmock
+   jmp
+   jrexx
+   jsch
+   jta
+   jtidy
+   junit
+   junitperf
+   libbsf-java
+   libcommons-cli-java
+   libcommons-codec-java
+   libcommons-collections-java
+   libcommons-collections3-java
+   libcommons-dbcp-java
+   libcommons-digester-java
+   libcommons-discovery-java
+   libcommons-el-java
+   libcommons-fileupload-java
+   libcommons-jexl-java
+   libcommons-jxpath-java
+   libcommons-lang-java
+   libcommons-launcher-java
+   libcommons-logging-java
+   libcommons-modeler-java
+   libcommons-net-java
+   libcommons-validator-java
+   libdtdparser-java
+   libfonts-java
+   libgef-java
+   libgetopt-java
+   libgnucrypto-java
+   libgnuinet-java
+   libgnujaf-java
+   libgnumail-java
+   libi18n-java
+   libitext-java
+   libjakarta-poi-java
+   libjaxen-java
+   libjaxp1.2-java
+   libjaxp1.3-java
+   libjcommon-java
+   libjdepend-java
+   libjdom-java
+   libjdom0-java
+   libjdom1-java
+   libjessie-java
+   libjfreechart-java
+   libjgoodies-forms-java
+   libjgrapht-java
+   libjlha-java
+   liblogkit-java
+   libmx4j-java
+   libnsuml-java
+   liboro-java
+   libpgjava
+   libplexus-utils
+   libregexp-java
+   libsaxon-java
+   libservlet2.4-java
+   libstruts1.2-java
+   libswidgets-java
+   libtoolbar-java
+   libxalan2-java
+   libxerces2-java
+   libxml-commons-resolver1.1-java
+   libxpp2-java
+   libxpp3-java
+   libxt-java
+   lucene
+   mysql-connector-java
+   ow-util-ant-tasks
+   plexus-classworlds
+   rhino
+   tagsoup
+   tomcat5
+   tomcat5.5
+   vecmath1.2
+   velocity
+   werken.xpath
+   wsdl4j
+   xml-crimson
+   xmlgraphics-commons
+Debian Java maintainers <pkg-java-maintainers at lists.alioth.debian.org>
+   cairo-java
+   glib-java
+   libgconf-java
+   libglade-java
+   libgnome-java
+   libgtk-java
+   nekohtml
+   slide-webdavclient
+   xml-im-exporter
+Debian KDE Extras Team <pkg-kde-extras at lists.alioth.debian.org>
+   digikam
+   digikamimageplugins
+   taskjuggler
+Debian Kernel Team <debian-kernel at lists.debian.org>
+   linux-latest-2.6
+   linux-modules-extra-2.6
+Debian Kolab Maintainers <pkg-kolab-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org>
+   kolab-cyrus-imapd
+Debian Lustre Packaging team <pkg-lustre at lists.alioth.debian.org>
+   lustre
+Debian Mono Group <pkg-mono-group at lists.alioth.debian.org>
+   beagle
+Debian Octave Group <pkg-octave-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org>
+   octave2.1-forge
+   octave2.9-forge
+   octplot
+Debian OpenOffice Team <debian-openoffice at lists.debian.org>
+   openoffice.org
+Debian Perl Group <pkg-perl-maintainers at lists.alioth.debian.org>
+   libmail-box-perl
+   libmime-encwords-perl
+   libxml-filter-sort-perl
+Debian Python Modules Team <python-modules-team at lists.alioth.debian.org>
+   python-mysqldb
+   pyusb
+Debian Qt/KDE Maintainers <debian-qt-kde at lists.debian.org>
+   kdebindings
+   koffice
+Debian Scientific Computing Team <pkg-scicomp-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org>
+   cimg
+   freefem
+   gmsh
+Debian VSquare Team <pkg-vsquare-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org>
+   fuse-umfuse-iso9660
+   purelibc
+Debian VoIP Team <pkg-voip-maintainers at lists.alioth.debian.org>
+   asterisk-chan-capi
+   asterisk-oh323
+   asterisk-spandsp-plugins
+   bayonne
+   libccaudio
+   rate-engine
+   yate
+Debian X Strike Force <debian-x at lists.debian.org>
+   compiz
+   xserver-xorg-input-calcomp
+   xserver-xorg-input-citron
+   xserver-xorg-input-dmc
+   xserver-xorg-input-dynapro
+   xserver-xorg-input-elo2300
+   xserver-xorg-input-evdev
+   xserver-xorg-input-microtouch
+   xserver-xorg-input-penmount
+   xserver-xorg-video-intel-modesetting
+   xserver-xorg-video-nsc
+Debian Xen Team <pkg-xen-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org>
+   xen-unstable
+Debian-BR Team Maintainers <debian-devel-portuguese at lists.debian.org>
+   apt-howto (U)
+Debian/Ubuntu Zope Team <pkg-zope-developers at lists.alioth.debian.org>
+   schoolbell
+   schooltool
+Sebastien Delafond <seb at debian.org>
+   jruby0.9
+Cédric Delfosse <cedric at debian.org>
+   diacanvas2
+Yann Dirson <dirson at debian.org>
+   bigloo
+   jargs (U)
+   tulip
+Agustin Martin Domingo <agmartin at debian.org>
+   dictionaries-common
+Mattia Dongili <malattia at debian.org>
+   user-mode-linux (U)
+   xf86-input-evtouch
+Eric Dorland <eric at debian.org>
+   lat
+   opensc
+Roland Dreier <rolandd at cisco.com>
+   libmthca
+Ludovic Drolez <ldrolez at debian.org>
+   atftp
+Sebastian Dröge <slomo at debian.org>
+   banshee-official-plugins
+Nicolas Duboc <nduboc at debian.org>
+   jython
+Peter Eisentraut <petere at debian.org>
+   cdbs (U)
+   ggz-gtk-games (U)
+   ggz-server (U)
+   hsqldb
+   jline (U)
+   kolab-cyrus-imapd (U)
+   postgresql-pljava
+Free Ekanayaka <freee at debian.org>
+   nautilus-open-terminal (U)
+Martin Ellis <martin.ellis at kdemail.net>
+   keximdb
+Rene Engelhard <rene at debian.org>
+   dictionaries-common (U)
+   openoffice.org (U)
+Schuyler Erle <schuyler at nocat.net>
+   mapserver (U)
+Experimental Psychology Maintainers <pkg-exppsy-maintainers at lists.alioth.debian.org>
+   pyepl
+Peter Van Eynde <pvaneynd at debian.org>
+   sbcl
+Alexandre Fayolle <afayolle at debian.org>
+   matplotlib (U)
+   python-scipy (U)
+Anthony Fok <foka at debian.org>
+   hbf-cns40-1
+   hbf-cns40-2
+   hbf-cns40-3
+   hbf-cns40-4
+   hbf-cns40-5
+   hbf-cns40-6
+   hbf-cns40-7
+   hbf-jfs56
+   hbf-kanji48
+José Fonseca <j_r_fonseca at yahoo.co.uk>
+   python-scipy
+Arnaud Fontaine <arnaud at andesi.org>
+   gwget2
+Gustavo Franco <stratus at debian.org>
+   apt-howto (U)
+   gnome-system-tools (U)
+   libmail-box-perl (U)
+   xchat-gnome (U)
+Stephen Frost <sfrost at debian.org>
+   postgis (U)
+Charles Fry <cfry at debian.org>
+   bouncycastle (U)
+   libjgrapht-java (U)
+   php-cache-lite
+   php-pager
+   php-simpletest
+GNU Libc Maintainers <debian-glibc at lists.debian.org>
+   glibc
+Bdale Garbee <bdale at gag.com>
+   debian-history
+   efibootmgr
+Ludovico Gardenghi <garden at acheronte.it>
+   fuse-umfuse-iso9660 (U)
+   purelibc (U)
+David Moreno Garza <damog at damog.net>
+   oregano (U)
+RISKO Gergely <risko at debian.org>
+   sbm
+   xcache
+Frank Gevaerts <frank at gevaerts.be>
+   foobillard
+Julian Gilbey <jdg at debian.org>
+   tetex-src (U)
+Thomas Girard <thomas.g.girard at free.fr>
+   libgnome-java (U)
+Oystein Gisnas <oystein at gisnas.net>
+   gnome-system-tools (U)
+   xchat-gnome (U)
+Filippo Giunchedi <filippo at debian.org>
+   fuse-umfuse-iso9660 (U)
+Kevin Glynn <glynn at info.ucl.ac.be>
+   mozart-gtk
+John Goerzen <jgoerzen at complete.org>
+   dfsbuild
+   ftphs
+   gpsbabel
+   haskell-anydbm
+   haskell-configfile
+   haskell-hsh
+   hdbc-missingh
+   hdbc-sqlite3
+   hg-buildpackage
+   hsffig
+   missingpy
+   srcinst
+Federico Di Gregorio <fog at debian.org>
+   ogre
+Debian QA Group <packages at qa.debian.org>
+   drip
+   ethiop
+   ion3-mod-ionflux
+   libjconv
+   libooc-x11
+   libooc-xml
+   nbio
+   turkey
+Gtk2-Perl Maintainers <pkg-gtk2-perl-maintainers at lists.alioth.debian.org>
+   libcairo-perl
+Yu Guanghui <ygh at debian.org>
+   debian-zh-faq
+Steinar H. Gunderson <sesse at debian.org>
+   evms
+Stefan Gybas <sgybas at debian.org>
+   ant (U)
+   bcel (U)
+   libbsf-java (U)
+   libjaxp1.2-java (U)
+   libmx4j-java (U)
+   libpgjava (U)
+   libstruts1.2-java (U)
+   libxalan2-java (U)
+   libxerces2-java (U)
+   libxml-commons-resolver1.1-java (U)
+   tomcat5 (U)
+   tomcat5.5 (U)
+Aurélien GÉRÔME <ag at roxor.cx>
+   pdftk
+Pierre Habouzit <madcoder at debian.org>
+   glibc (U)
+Yaroslav Halchenko <debian at onerussian.com>
+   lush
+   pyepl (U)
+Chris Halls <halls at debian.org>
+   openoffice.org (U)
+Jerry Haltom <wasabi at larvalstage.net>
+   eclipse (U)
+   jsch (U)
+Michael Hanke <michael.hanke at gmail.com>
+   pyepl (U)
+Dafydd Harries <daf at debian.org>
+   gnome-system-tools (U)
+   gst-plugins-farsight
+   xchat-gnome (U)
+Barry Hawkins <barry at alltc.com>
+   asm (U)
+   asm2 (U)
+   commons-httpclient (U)
+   lucene (U)
+   ow-util-ant-tasks (U)
+Barry Hawkins <barry at bytemason.org>
+   antlr (U)
+Peter Hawkins <peterh at debian.org>
+   mercury
+Adam Heath <doogie at brainfood.com>
+   commons-pool (U)
+   jmagick
+Adam Heath <doogie at debian.org>
+   jzlib
+Troy Heber <troyh at debian.org>
+   subversion (U)
+Eric Heintzmann <eric at gnustep.fr.st>
+   gnustep-make (U)
+Ernesto Hernández-Novich <emhn at telcel.net.ve>
+   libemail-mime-modifier-perl
+   libemail-mime-perl
+   libhttp-request-params-perl
+Raphael Hertzog <hertzog at debian.org>
+   python-mysqldb (U)
+Joey Hess <joeyh at debian.org>
+   debian-installer (U)
+   installation-guide (U)
+   linux-kernel-di-i386-2.6 (U)
+Florian Hinzmann <fh at debian.org>
+   xfmail
+Varun Hiremath <varunhiremath at gmail.com>
+   cortado
+   squareness
+Richard Hirst <richard at sleepie.demon.co.uk>
+   m68k-vme-tftplilo
+Magnus Holmgren <magnus at kibibyte.se>
+   libdkim
+Henrique de Moraes Holschuh <hmh at debian.org>
+   cyrus-imapd-2.2 (U)
+Mike Hommey <glandium at debian.org>
+   xulrunner
+Mark Howard <mh at debian.org>
+   cairo-java (U)
+   gjdoc (U)
+   glib-java (U)
+   libgconf-java (U)
+   libgetenv-java
+   libglade-java (U)
+   libgnome-java (U)
+   libgtk-java (U)
+Ming Hua <minghua at rice.edu>
+   scim-uim
+Christian Hudon <chrish at debian.org>
+   icon
+Mark Hymers <mark at hymers.org.uk>
+   ifrit
+Shaun Jackman <sjackman at debian.org>
+   azureus
+   monotone
+   swt-gtk
+Ian Jackson <ian at chiark.greenend.org.uk>
+   chiark-utils
+Daniel Jacobowitz <dan at debian.org>
+   dejagnu
+   glibc (U)
+Aurelien Jarno <aurel32 at debian.org>
+   glibc (U)
+Steffen Joeris <white at debian.org>
+   kolab-cyrus-imapd (U)
+Mario Joussen <joussen at debian.org>
+   rxtx
+Takuo KITAME <kitame at debian.org>
+   gtkam
+   smtpguard
+Atsuhito KOHDA <kohda at debian.org>
+   tetex-src (U)
+Tomohiro KUBOTA <kubota at debian.org>
+   mlterm
+Theppitak Karoonboonyanan <thep at linux.thai.net>
+   thailatex
+Jean-Michel Kelbert <kelbert at debian.org>
+   showimg
+Jesse van den Kieboom <jesse at icecrew.nl>
+   gnoemoe
+Thijs Kinkhorst <thijs at debian.org>
+   php-http-request
+   php-net-url
+Martin Kittel <debian at martin-kittel.de>
+   libsapdbc-java
+   maxdb-7.5.00
+Kalle Kivimaa <killer at debian.org>
+   jakarta-log4j1.2 (U)
+   jspwiki
+   libgnu-regexp-java
+   oscache
+Bastian Kleineidam <calvin at debian.org>
+   fiaif
+Matthias Klose <doko at ubuntu.com>
+   bouncycastle (U)
+   eclipse-pydev
+   libjaxp1.2-java (U)
+   libjaxp1.3-java (U)
+   libpgjava (U)
+   libxalan2-java (U)
+   libxerces2-java (U)
+Matthias Klose <doko at debian.org>
+   doxygen
+   eclipse (U)
+   gcc-2.95 (U)
+   gcc-4.0 (U)
+   gcc-snapshot (U)
+   gcj-4.1 (U)
+   gjdoc (U)
+   gnat-4.1 (U)
+   gnat-glade-doc (U)
+   java-gcj-compat (U)
+   libsapdbc-java (U)
+   maxdb-7.5.00 (U)
+   readline5
+   sqlrelay
+Daniel Kobras <kobras at debian.org>
+   graphicsmagick
+Michael Koch <konqueror at gmx.de>
+   ant (U)
+   antlr (U)
+   asm2 (U)
+   axis (U)
+   bcel (U)
+   checkstyle (U)
+   classpath (U)
+   commons-daemon (U)
+   cyphesis-cpp
+   eclipse (U)
+   eclipse-cdt (U)
+   gjdoc (U)
+   java-gcj-compat (U)
+   jsch (U)
+   jta (U)
+   junit (U)
+   libbsf-java (U)
+   libcommons-digester-java (U)
+   libgnome-java (U)
+   libgnuinet-java (U)
+   libgnumail-java (U)
+   libjlha-java (U)
+   libmx4j-java (U)
+   liboro-java (U)
+   lucene (U)
+   mercator
+   sear
+   tomcat5 (U)
+   wsdl4j (U)
+Ivan Kohler <ivan-debian at 420.am>
+   libauthen-passphrase-perl
+Kilian Krause <kilian at debian.org>
+   asterisk-chan-capi (U)
+   asterisk-oh323 (U)
+   asterisk-spandsp-plugins (U)
+   bayonne (U)
+   gnome-system-tools (U)
+   xchat-gnome (U)
+   yate (U)
+Helge Kreutzmann <debian at helgefjell.de>
+   goobox
+Joshua Kwan <joshk at triplehelix.org>
+   autoprofile
+   debian-installer (U)
+Arnaud Kyheng <Arnaud.Kyheng at free.fr>
+   libextractor-java (U)
+Noèl Köthe <noel at debian.org>
+   kolab-cyrus-imapd (U)
+Frank Küster <frank at debian.org>
+   tetex-src (U)
+Rafael Laboissiere <rafael at debian.org>
+   dictionaries-common (U)
+   octave2.1-forge (U)
+   octave2.9-forge (U)
+   octplot (U)
+   slpvm (U)
+Vladimír Lapáček <vladimir.lapacek at gmail.com>
+   axis (U)
+Andrew Lau <netsnipe at users.sourceforge.net>
+   gnome-system-tools (U)
+   xchat-gnome (U)
+Trygve Laugstøl <trygvis at codehaus.org>
+   libplexus-utils (U)
+Trygve Laugstøl <trygvis at inamo.no>
+   commons-io (U)
+Trygve Laugstøl <trygvis at inamo.n>
+   jmock (U)
+Filipe Lautert <filipe at icewall.org>
+   postgresql-plsh
+Eric Lavarde <deb at zorglub.s.bawue.de>
+   libjgoodies-forms-java (U)
+Chris Lawrence <lawrencc at debian.org>
+   trang
+David I. Lehn <dlehn at debian.org>
+   gst-plugins0.8 (U)
+John Leuner <jewel at debian.org>
+   antlr (U)
+   classpath (U)
+Faidon Liambotis <faidon at cube.gr>
+   dsniff (U)
+Frank Lichtenheld <djpig at debian.org>
+   modconf
+Jeff Licquia <licquia at debian.org>
+   diald
+Francesco Paolo Lovergine <frankie at debian.org>
+   aolserver4-nscache
+   aolserver4-nsimap (U)
+   aolserver4-nsldap (U)
+   aolserver4-nsopenssl
+   aolserver4-nspostgres
+   aolserver4-nssha1
+   aolserver4-nsxml (U)
+   qgis (U)
+   thuban (U)
+Ola Lundqvist <opal at debian.org>
+   php-cache (U)
+   php-imagick (U)
+   php-log (U)
+   php-net-checkip (U)
+   php-net-dime (U)
+   php-net-ftp (U)
+   php-net-ldap (U)
+   php-net-sieve (U)
+   php-services-weather (U)
+   php-soap (U)
+   php-xml-serializer (U)
+   php-xml-util (U)
+Sven Luther <luther at debian.org>
+   approx (U)
+Eduardo Marcel Macan <macan at debian.org>
+   apt-howto (U)
+Mikael Magnusson <mikma at users.sourceforge.net>
+   alsa-lib (U)
+   yate (U)
+Camm Maguire <camm at enhanced.com>
+   acl2
+   cxref
+   ess
+   gclcvs
+Maintainers of GStreamer packages <pkg-gstreamer-maintainers at lists.alioth.debian.org>
+   gst-plugins0.8
+   gst-python
+OHURA Makoto <ohura at debian.org>
+   jadetex
+   okumura-clsfiles
+Jordi Mallach <jordi at debian.org>
+   alsa-lib (U)
+   gnome-system-tools (U)
+   xchat-gnome (U)
+Lionel Elie Mamane <lmamane at debian.org>
+   asterisk-chan-capi (U)
+Santiago Garcia Mantinan <manty at debian.org>
+   asterisk-chan-capi (U)
+   asterisk-oh323 (U)
+   asterisk-spandsp-plugins (U)
+   bayonne (U)
+   mbr
+   yate (U)
+Stephen R. Marenka <smarenka at debian.org>
+   emile (U)
+Loeberbauer Markus <loeberbauer at ssw.jku.at>
+   coco-java
+Bart Martens <bartm at knars.be>
+   php-benchmark
+   phpunit2
+Christoph Martin <christoph.martin at uni-mainz.de>
+   boinc-app-seti (U)
+Christopher Martin <chrsmrtn at debian.org>
+   kdebindings (U)
+   koffice (U)
+GOTO Masanori <gotom at debian.org>
+   glibc (U)
+Kevin B. McCarty <kmccarty at debian.org>
+   feynmf
+   geant321
+   paw
+Neil McGovern <neilm at debian.org>
+   drivel
+Alastair McKinstry <mckinstry at debian.org>
+   lustre (U)
+Alastair McKinstry <mckinstry at computer.org>
+   debian-installer (U)
+Jose Carlos Medeiros <debian at psabs.com.br>
+   php-cache
+   php-imagick
+   php-log
+   php-net-checkip
+   php-net-dime
+   php-net-ftp
+   php-net-ldap
+   php-net-sieve
+   php-services-weather
+   php-soap
+   php-xml-serializer
+   php-xml-util
+Ricardo Javier Cardenes Medina <rcardenes at debian.org>
+   kdebindings (U)
+Stefano Melchior <stefano.melchior at openlabs.it>
+   user-mode-linux (U)
+Abraham vd Merwe <abz at debian.org>
+   hexcat
+   orca
+Jonas Meurer <mejo at debian.org>
+   python-mysqldb (U)
+Stephan Michels <stephan at apache.org>
+   axis (U)
+   eclipse (U)
+   eclipse-cdt (U)
+Martin Michlmayr <tbm at cyrius.com>
+   gcc-snapshot (U)
+Samuel Mimram <smimram at debian.org>
+   ocsigen
+Loic Minier <lool at dooz.org>
+   evince (U)
+   flumotion
+   gnome-system-tools (U)
+   gst-plugins0.8 (U)
+   gst-python (U)
+   xchat-gnome (U)
+Andrew Mitchell <ajmitch at debian.org>
+   gnue-appserver
+   gnue-forms
+Andrew Mitchell <ajmitch at gnu.org>
+   gnue-designer
+   gnue-navigator
+   gnue-reports
+   pnetc
+Atsushi Mitsuka <mitsuka at misao.gr.jp>
+   canna
+Steffen Moeller <steffen_moeller at gmx.de>
+   boinc-app-seti (U)
+   wsdl4j (U)
+Hamish Moffatt <hamish at debian.org>
+   xastir
+Juan Manuel Garcia Molina <juanma at debian.org>
+   ktoon
+Stephen M Moraco <stephen at debian.org>
+   graphviz
+David Martínez Moreno <ender at debian.org>
+   openmash
+   viewvc
+Josselin Mouette <joss at debian.org>
+   evince (U)
+   gnome-system-tools (U)
+   xchat-gnome (U)
+Francisco Moya <francisco.moya at uclm.es>
+   zeroc-ice-java
+   zeroc-icee-java
+Sven Mueller <sven at debian.org>
+   cyrus-imapd-2.2 (U)
+Ryan Murray <rmurray at debian.org>
+   gdm
+Kenshi Muto <kmuto at debian.org>
+   mlterm (U)
+Johannes Nicolai <jonico at users.sourceforge.net>
+   realtimebattle (U)
+Carlos Martín Nieto <carlos at cmartin.tk>
+   blam
+Fabio M. Di Nitto <fabbione at fabbione.net>
+   xserver-xorg-input-calcomp (U)
+   xserver-xorg-input-citron (U)
+   xserver-xorg-input-dmc (U)
+   xserver-xorg-input-dynapro (U)
+   xserver-xorg-input-elo2300 (U)
+   xserver-xorg-input-evdev (U)
+   xserver-xorg-input-microtouch (U)
+   xserver-xorg-input-penmount (U)
+   xserver-xorg-video-nsc (U)
+David Nusinow <dnusinow at debian.org>
+   compiz (U)
+   xserver-xorg-input-calcomp (U)
+   xserver-xorg-input-citron (U)
+   xserver-xorg-input-dmc (U)
+   xserver-xorg-input-dynapro (U)
+   xserver-xorg-input-elo2300 (U)
+   xserver-xorg-input-evdev (U)
+   xserver-xorg-input-microtouch (U)
+   xserver-xorg-input-penmount (U)
+   xserver-xorg-video-intel-modesetting (U)
+   xserver-xorg-video-nsc (U)
+Takashi Okamoto <tora at debian.org>
+   jmp (U)
+Morten Werner Olsen <werner at debian.org>
+   java-snmp (U)
+Goedson Teixeira Paixao <goedson at debian.org>
+   apt-howto (U)
+Vittorio Palmisano <redclay81 at gmail.com>
+   matplotlib
+Gerrit Pape <pape at smarden.org>
+   bcron
+Eloy A. Paris <peloy at debian.org>
+   dhcp
+Drew Parsons <dparsons at debian.org>
+   xserver-xorg-input-calcomp (U)
+   xserver-xorg-input-citron (U)
+   xserver-xorg-input-dmc (U)
+   xserver-xorg-input-dynapro (U)
+   xserver-xorg-input-elo2300 (U)
+   xserver-xorg-input-evdev (U)
+   xserver-xorg-input-microtouch (U)
+   xserver-xorg-input-penmount (U)
+   xserver-xorg-video-intel-modesetting (U)
+Guilherme de S. Pastore <gpastore at debian.org>
+   gnome-system-tools (U)
+   subversion (U)
+   xchat-gnome (U)
+Guilherme de S. Pastore <guilherme.pastore at terra.com.br>
+   apt-howto (U)
+   john
+Javier Fernandez-Sanguino Pen~a <jfs at computer.org>
+   etoken
+   john (U)
+Frederic Peters <fpeters at debian.org>
+   gphoto2
+Michael Piefel <piefel at debian.org>
+   kimwitu-doc
+   ttthreeparser (U)
+Frans Pop <fjp at debian.org>
+   debian-installer (U)
+   installation-guide (U)
+   linux-kernel-di-i386-2.6 (U)
+   linux-modules-di-i386-2.6 (U)
+Norbert Preining <preining at debian.org>
+   tetex-src (U)
+Christophe Prud'homme <prudhomm at debian.org>
+   freefem (U)
+   gmsh (U)
+Justin Pryzby <justinpryzby at users.sf.net>
+   saods9
+Mark Purcell <msp at debian.org>
+   asterisk-chan-capi (U)
+   asterisk-oh323 (U)
+   asterisk-spandsp-plugins (U)
+   bayonne (U)
+   digikam (U)
+   digikamimageplugins (U)
+   libccaudio (U)
+   libccscript
+   rate-engine (U)
+   taskjuggler (U)
+   yate (U)
+Florian Ragwitz <rafl at debianforum.de>
+   libperldoc-search-perl
+Florian Ragwitz <florian at mookooh.org>
+   libxml-filter-sort-perl (U)
+Florian Ragwitz <rafl at debian.org>
+   libcairo-perl (U)
+   libtest-base-perl
+Thierry Reding <thierry at gilfi.de>
+   compiz (U)
+Silke Reimer <silke at intevation.de>
+   thuban (U)
+Petter Reinholdtsen <pere at debian.org>
+   buoy (U)
+   mapserver (U)
+   pyusb (U)
+Simon Richter <sjr at debian.org>
+   asterisk-chan-capi (U)
+   asterisk-chan-misdn
+   asterisk-oh323 (U)
+   asterisk-spandsp-plugins (U)
+   bayonne (U)
+   misdn-kernel
+Elimar Riesebieter <riesebie at lxtec.de>
+   alsa-lib (U)
+Santiago Ruano Rincón <santiago at debian.org>
+   bzip2 (U)
+Patrick Ringl <patrick_ at freenet.de>
+   php-net-smartirc
+Sebastian Rittau <srittau at debian.org>
+   deskbar-applet
+Steve M. Robbins <smr at debian.org>
+   geomview
+Branden Robinson <branden at debian.org>
+   xserver-xorg-input-calcomp (U)
+   xserver-xorg-input-citron (U)
+   xserver-xorg-input-dmc (U)
+   xserver-xorg-input-dynapro (U)
+   xserver-xorg-input-elo2300 (U)
+   xserver-xorg-input-evdev (U)
+   xserver-xorg-input-microtouch (U)
+   xserver-xorg-input-penmount (U)
+   xserver-xorg-video-intel-modesetting (U)
+   xserver-xorg-video-nsc (U)
+Polkan Alexis Garcia Rodriguez <pagarcia at slcolombia.org>
+   matanza
+Piotr Roszatycki <dexter at debian.org>
+   henplus
+Andreas Rottmann <rotty at debian.org>
+   guile-gnome-platform
+Florent Rougon <frn at debian.org>
+   tetex-src (U)
+Daniel Ruoso <daniel at ruoso.com>
+   maildir-filter
+Filippo Rusconi <polyxmass-maintainer at polyxmass.org>
+   polyxmass-doc
+Nicolas Sabouret <nico at debian.org>
+   javacc (U)
+   png-sixlegs
+Anibal Monsalve Salazar <anibal at debian.org>
+   bzip2
+Andres Salomon <dilinger at debian.org>
+   libapache2-mod-xmlrpc2
+   ndiswrapper-modules-i386
+Otavio Salvador <otavio at debian.org>
+   apt-howto (U)
+Peter Samuelson <peter at p12n.org>
+   subversion
+David Schleef <ds at schleef.org>
+   uclibc
+Erich Schubert <erich at debian.org>
+   refpolicy (U)
+Andreas Schuldei <andreas at schuldei.org>
+   user-mode-linux (U)
+Frederik Schüler <fs at debian.org>
+   linux-latest-2.6 (U)
+Benjamin Seidenberg <benjamin at debian.org>
+   cyrus-imapd-2.2 (U)
+Riccardo Setti <giskard at autistici.org>
+   aolserver4-nsimap
+   aolserver4-nsldap
+   aolserver4-nsxml
+Riccardo Setti <giskard at debian.org>
+   galago-gtk-sharp
+Thiemo Seufer <ths at debian.org>
+   gcc-2.95 (U)
+Gustavo Noronha Silva <kov at debian.org>
+   apt-howto
+   gnome-system-tools (U)
+   xchat-gnome (U)
+Sjoerd Simons <sjoerd at debian.org>
+   gnome-system-tools (U)
+   xchat-gnome (U)
+Adeodato Simó <dato at net.com.org.es>
+   kdebindings (U)
+Jonas Smedegaard <dr at jones.dk>
+   cdbs (U)
+   python-gdchart
+Miquel van Smoorenburg <miquels at cistron.nl>
+   liblockfile
+Jose Carlos Garcia Sogo <jsogo at debian.org>
+   asterisk-chan-capi (U)
+   asterisk-oh323 (U)
+   asterisk-spandsp-plugins (U)
+   bayonne (U)
+   beagle (U)
+   gnome-system-tools
+   pyspi
+   xchat-gnome (U)
+   yate (U)
+Jörg Sommer <joerg at alea.gnuu.de>
+   bootchart
+Thomas Sondag <thomas at microdop.org>
+   mapserver (U)
+Soeren Sonnenburg <debian at nn7.de>
+   shogun
+Josef Spillner <josef at ggzgamingzone.org>
+   ggz-gtk-games (U)
+   ggz-server (U)
+Lex Spoon <lex at debian.org>
+   sbaz
+   scala
+Manoj Srivastava <srivasta at debian.org>
+   policycoreutils
+   refpolicy
+   slat
+Christian T. Steigies <cts at debian.org>
+   moon-buggy
+Clément Stenac <zorglub at debian.org>
+   gnome-system-tools (U)
+   xchat-gnome (U)
+Ondřej Surý <ondrej at debian.org>
+   cyrus-imapd-2.2 (U)
+   gnome-system-tools (U)
+   xchat-gnome (U)
+Brian Sutherland <jinty at web.de>
+   schoolbell (U)
+   schooltool (U)
+Bryan Sutula <Bryan.Sutula at hp.com>
+   openhpi
+Philippe De Swert <philippedeswert at scarlet.be>
+   gpe-calendar (U)
+Reinhard Tartler <siretart at tauware.de>
+   oops (U)
+Enrico Tassi <gareuselesinge at debian.org>
+   lua-posix
+Marcio Roberto Teixeira <marciotex at pop.com.br>
+   apt-howto (U)
+Paul Telford <pxt at debian.org>
+   digikam (U)
+   digikamimageplugins (U)
+Frank S. Thomas <frank at thomas-alfeld.de>
+   boinc-app-seti (U)
+Paul van Tilburg <paulvt at debian.org>
+   gnoemoe (U)
+   php-net-smartirc (U)
+Fabio Tranchitella <kobold at debian.org>
+   mapserver (U)
+   postgis (U)
+   schoolbell (U)
+   schooltool (U)
+Guido Trotter <ultrotter at debian.org>
+   fuse-umfuse-iso9660 (U)
+   purelibc (U)
+   xen-unstable (U)
+Niko Tyni <ntyni at iki.fi>
+   libxml-filter-sort-perl (U)
+User Mode Linux Maintainers <pkg-uml-pkgs at lists.alioth.debian.org>
+   user-mode-linux
+Julien Valroff <julien at kirya.net>
+   nautilus-open-terminal
+Arnaud Vandyck <avdyk at debian.org>
+   ant (U)
+   antlr (U)
+   avalon-framework (U)
+   bcel (U)
+   bsh (U)
+   charva (U)
+   checkstyle (U)
+   classpath (U)
+   commons-beanutils (U)
+   commons-daemon (U)
+   commons-httpclient (U)
+   commons-io (U)
+   commons-pool (U)
+   cup (U)
+   dresden-ocl (U)
+   gjdoc (U)
+   javax-servletapi2.3 (U)
+   jflex (U)
+   jrexx (U)
+   jta (U)
+   junitperf (U)
+   libbsf-java (U)
+   libcommons-cli-java (U)
+   libcommons-codec-java (U)
+   libcommons-collections-java (U)
+   libcommons-collections3-java (U)
+   libcommons-dbcp-java (U)
+   libcommons-discovery-java (U)
+   libcommons-el-java (U)
+   libcommons-fileupload-java (U)
+   libcommons-jexl-java (U)
+   libcommons-jxpath-java (U)
+   libcommons-lang-java (U)
+   libcommons-launcher-java (U)
+   libcommons-modeler-java (U)
+   libcommons-net-java (U)
+   libcommons-validator-java (U)
+   libdtdparser-java (U)
+   libgef-java (U)
+   libgetopt-java (U)
+   libgnucrypto-java (U)
+   libgnuinet-java (U)
+   libgnujaf-java (U)
+   libgnumail-java (U)
+   libi18n-java (U)
+   libjakarta-poi-java (U)
+   libjaxen-java (U)
+   libjaxp1.3-java (U)
+   libjcommon-java (U)
+   libjdepend-java (U)
+   libjdom-java (U)
+   libjdom0-java (U)
+   libjdom1-java (U)
+   libjessie-java (U)
+   liblogkit-java (U)
+   libmx4j-java (U)
+   libnsuml-java (U)
+   liboro-java (U)
+   libpgjava (U)
+   libplexus-utils (U)
+   libregexp-java (U)
+   libsaxon-java (U)
+   libservlet2.4-java (U)
+   libstruts1.2-java (U)
+   libswidgets-java (U)
+   libtoolbar-java (U)
+   libxalan2-java (U)
+   libxerces2-java (U)
+   libxml-commons-resolver1.1-java (U)
+   libxt-java (U)
+   mysql-connector-java (U)
+   rhino (U)
+   tomcat5 (U)
+   tomcat5.5 (U)
+   velocity (U)
+   werken.xpath (U)
+   xml-crimson (U)
+   xmlgraphics-commons (U)
+Arnaud Vandyck <abdyk at debian.org>
+   libcommons-logging-java (U)
+Remi Vanicat <vanicat at debian.org>
+   realtimebattle
+Tiago Bortoletto Vaz <tiago at debian-ba.org>
+   apt-howto (U)
+Wouter Verhelst <wouter at debian.org>
+   belpic
+   emile
+   emile (U)
+Matthew Vernon <matthew-chiark-utils at debian.org>
+   chiark-utils (U)
+Tommi Virtanen <tv at debian.org>
+   mc-foo
+Michael Vogt <mvo at debian.org>
+   gnome-commander
+   scanlogd
+Max Vozeler <xam at debian.org>
+   linux-modules-di-i386-2.6 (U)
+Jaldhar H. Vyas <jaldhar at debian.org>
+   jta (U)
+Colin Watson <cjwatson at debian.org>
+   jlex
+Göran Weinholt <weinholt at debian.org>
+   aterm
+Florian M. Weps <fmw at debian.org>
+   libooc-vo
+Torsten Werner <twerner at debian.org>
+   cortado (U)
+   shogun (U)
+   squareness (U)
+Matthew Wilcox <willy at debian.org>
+   db4.2 (U)
+   db4.3 (U)
+   db4.4 (U)
+   db4.5 (U)
+Neil Williams <codehelp at debian.org>
+   gpe-calendar
+Paul Wise <pabs at debian.org>
+   khmerconverter
+   mapserver (U)
+   nsis
+Gunnar Wolf <gwolf at debian.org>
+   libmail-box-perl (U)
+Jeroen van Wolffelaar <jeroen at wolffelaar.nl>
+   libxalan2-java (U)
+NIIBE Yutaka <gniibe at fsij.org>
+   gauche-gtk
+   libwebapp-ruby
+Stefano Zacchiroli <zack at debian.org>
+   approx (U)
+Alexander Zangerl <az at debian.org>
+   libclass-trait-perl
+Jesper Zedlitz <jesper at zedlitz.de>
+   librelaxng-datatype-java
+Michael Zehrer <zehrer at zepan.org>
+   oops
+Matt Zimmerman <mdz at debian.org>
+   dhcp (U)
+Anton Zinoviev <zinoviev at debian.org>
+   scalable-cyrfonts
+maximilian attems <maks at debian.org>
+   klibc
+dann frazier <dannf at debian.org>
+   systemimager
+gregor herrmann <gregor+debian at comodo.priv.at>
+   libjempbox-java
+   libjgoodies-looks-java
+   libjgraph-java
+   libmail-box-perl (U)
+   libmicroba-java
+   libspin-java
+tony mancill <tmancill at debian.org>
+   libjempbox-java (U)
+   libjgoodies-looks-java (U)
+   libjgraph-java (U)
+   libmicroba-java (U)
+   libspin-java (U)
+matthew at debian.org
+   chiark-utils (U)
+Sam Hocevar (Debian packages) <sam+deb at zoy.org>
+   cimg (U)
+   papaya
+teTeX maintainers <debian-tex-maint at lists.debian.org>
+   tetex-src

Added: archive-rebuilds/2007-05-01-unstable-main-i386/00failed.sid.i386.20070501.main.txt
--- archive-rebuilds/2007-05-01-unstable-main-i386/00failed.sid.i386.20070501.main.txt	2007-04-30 07:48:21 UTC (rev 99)
+++ archive-rebuilds/2007-05-01-unstable-main-i386/00failed.sid.i386.20070501.main.txt	2007-05-02 14:17:10 UTC (rev 100)
@@ -0,0 +1,539 @@
+acl2 3.1-1 Failed 79.780989s APT_GET_FAILED #420640: FTBFS due to TeX Live migration RECHECK RECHECK_TIME(79/36)
+adabrowse 4.0.2-5 Failed 24.0805s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+adacgi 1.6-9 Failed 71.851582s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+adacontrol 1.6r8-1 Failed 18.327931s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+adasockets Failed 18.122035s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+airport-utils 1-3 Failed 21.975076s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+alsa-lib 1.0.13-2 Failed 113.434428s NO_SUCH_FILE TODO NEWFAIL
+ant 1.6.5-6 Failed 42.840645s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+antlr 2.7.6-8 Failed 25.964171s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+aolserver4-nscache 1.5-1 Failed 133.646121s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+aolserver4-nsimap 3.1-3 Failed 73.118139s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+aolserver4-nsldap 0.8-2 Failed 146.950576s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+aolserver4-nsopenssl 3.0beta22-3 Failed 171.401803s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+aolserver4-nspostgres 4.0-4 Failed 75.198558s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+aolserver4-nssha1 0.1-1 Failed 160.186352s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+aolserver4-nsxml 1.5-1 Failed 165.988564s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+approx 2.8.0 Failed 81.106533s UNKNOWN #420478: FTBFS: Unbound type constructor Nethttpd_types.http_service RECHECK
+apt-howto 2.0.2-2 Failed 841.750996s NO_SUCH_FILE #402118: debiandoc-sgml: Must specifiy explicit TeXLive dependencies RECHECK
+asis 2005-5 Failed 17.618935s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+asm 1.5.3-4 Failed 22.979273s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+asm2 2.2.3-1 Failed 65.533555s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+asterisk-chan-capi 1.0.0-1 Failed 49.912177s GCC_ERROR #416774: asterisk-chan-capi: Doesn't work with asterisk 1.4 RECHECK
+asterisk-chan-misdn 0.1.1-1 Failed 167.165079s TOO_MANY_ARGS/HEADER_NO_SUCH_FILE/NO_SUCH_FILE/GCC_ERROR #358338: asterisk-chan-misdn: FTBFS: compile error  RECHECK RECHECK_TIME(167/52)
+asterisk-oh323 0.7.3-2.1 Failed 192.683304s HEADER_NO_SUCH_FILE/NO_SUCH_FILE/GCC_ERROR #420641: FTBFS: chan_oh323.c:50:22: error: asterisk.h: No such file or directory RECHECK RECHECK_TIME(192/131)
+asterisk-spandsp-plugins 0.0.20060218-4 Failed 46.412474s GCC_ERROR #419888: asterisk-app-fax: Doesn't work with Asterisk 1.4.x RECHECK
+aterm 1.0.0-4 Failed 332.517722s LD_ERROR/NO_SUCH_FILE TODO NEWFAIL
+atftp 0.7.dfsg-1.2 Failed 143.463352s GCC_ERROR #420900: FTBFS: stats.c:160: error: 'CLK_TCK' undeclared (first use in this function) RECHECK RECHECK_TIME(143/70)
+athcool 0.3.11-1 Failed 99.172904s LD_ERROR #403181: athcool: FTBFS: undefined references to gz*  RECHECK
+autoprofile 2.14-2 Failed 201.485237s HEADER_NO_SUCH_FILE/NO_SUCH_FILE/GCC_ERROR #396372: FTBFS: src/autoprofile.h:30:20: error: config.h: No such file or directory  RECHECK RECHECK_TIME(201/317)
+avalon-framework 4.2.0-3 Failed 14.549361s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+avr-libc 1:1.4.5-3 Failed 525.359679s UNKNOWN #420060: avr-libc: FTBS due missing "epstopdf"  RECHECK RECHECK_VERSION RECHECK_GUESS RECHECK_TIME(525/678)
+axis 1.4-2 Failed 58.91327s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+azureus Failed 45.396022s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+backport-util-concurrent 2.2+dfsg-1 Failed 19.958996s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+bakery2.3 2.3.11-2.1 Failed 526.870272s NO_SUCH_FILE/GCC_ERROR TODO NEWFAIL
+bakery2.4 2.4.0-2 Failed 631.215419s NO_SUCH_FILE/GCC_ERROR TODO NEWFAIL
+banshee-official-plugins 0.11.3-1 Failed 84.907549s APT_GET_FAILED TODO
+bayonne 1.2.16-6 Failed 241.142659s NO_SUCH_FILE/GCC_ERROR TODO
+bcel 5.2-2 Failed 22.97886s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+bcron 0.09-7 Failed 79.167413s NO_SUCH_FILE TODO
+beagle Failed 977.222621s UNKNOWN #419655: missing Depends: on procps RECHECK RECHECK_VERSION RECHECK_GUESS RECHECK_TIME(977/475)
+belpic 2.5.9-7 Failed 13.350818s APT_GET_FAILED #415030: belpic: FTBFS: src/newpkcs11/src/libopensc/reader-pcsc.c:509: error: 'SCARD_SCOPE_GLOBAL' undeclared (first use in this function)  RECHECK RECHECK_GUESS RECHECK_TIME(13/271)
+bigloo 2.8c-6 Failed 485.526931s NO_SUCH_FILE caused by sablevm #395260  RECHECK RECHECK_GUESS RECHECK_TIME(485/253)
+blam 1.8.3-2 Failed 803.750948s UNKNOWN TODO NEWFAIL
+boinc-app-seti 5.13+cvs20060510-1 Failed 120.879515s HEADER_NO_SUCH_FILE/NO_SUCH_FILE/GCC_ERROR TODO NEWFAIL
+bootchart 0.9-4 Failed 48.044714s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+bouncycastle 1.33-4 Failed 50.850575s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+bsh 2.0b4-4 Failed 21.104766s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+buoy 1.6-2 Failed 18.807989s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+bzip2 1.0.3-6 Failed 77.21777s LD_ERROR TODO NEWFAIL
+cairo-java 1.0.8-1 Failed 47.714669s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+camorama 0.17-5 Failed 567.946722s GCC_ERROR #420723: FTBFS: main.c:442: error: 'GNOMELOCALEDIR' undeclared (first use in this function) RECHECK RECHECK_TIME(567/192)
+canna 3.7p3-6 Failed 624.194917s APT_GET_FAILED #420397: ptex-bin does not install on clean system RECHECK
+cdbs 0.4.48 Failed 15.040856s APT_GET_FAILED #420329: FTBFS: epstopdf: Command not found RECHECK RECHECK_GUESS RECHECK_TIME(15/579)
+charva 1.1.1-3 Failed 17.38426s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+checkstyle 4.1+dfsg-1 Failed 54.330803s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+chiark-utils 4.1.10 Failed 86.16991s LD_ERROR #415034: chiark-utils: FTBFS: /usr/lib/gcc/i486-linux-gnu/4.1.2/../../../../lib/libnettle.so: undefined reference to `__gmpz_clear'  RECHECK
+cjk 4.7.0+cvs20061019-2 Failed 184.247676s UNKNOWN TODO
+classpath 2:0.92-4 Failed 69.416977s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+coco-java 20061206-1 Failed 18.313041s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+commons-beanutils 1.7.0-4 Failed 22.937322s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+commons-daemon 1.0.2~svn20061127-5 Failed 52.061161s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+commons-httpclient 3.0.1-0.1 Failed 20.288533s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+commons-io 1.3.1.dfsg.1-1 Failed 20.622217s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+commons-pool 1.3-1 Failed 16.495401s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+compiz 0.2.2-1 Failed 780.250516s GCC_ERROR compiz=0.3.6-1 (in experimental) builds ok RECHECK RECHECK_TIME(780/250)
+concurrent-dfsg 1.3.4-2 Failed 23.866512s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+cortado 0.2.2-2 Failed 22.777163s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+crystalspace 0.99-20060125-2 Failed 73.029499s APT_GET_FAILED Caused by sbuild's broken dependency resolution  RECHECK RECHECK_TIME(73/33)
+cup 0.10k-5 Failed 17.036713s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+cxref 1.6a-1.1 Failed 54.638828s APT_GET_FAILED #420906: FTBFS due to TeX Live migration  RECHECK
+cyphesis-cpp 0.5.8-2 Failed 42.992412s APT_GET_FAILED builds ok on lunar's pbuilder RECHECK
+cyrus-imapd-2.2 2.2.13-10 Failed 224.864241s LD_ERROR/NO_SUCH_FILE #419919: libsnmp10-dev: Please stop renaming the -dev package. RECHECK RECHECK_GUESS RECHECK_TIME(224/23)
+db4.2 4.2.52+dfsg-2 Failed 49.233105s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+db4.3 4.3.29-8 Failed 99.89621s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+db4.4 4.4.20-8 Failed 76.571012s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+db4.5 4.5.20-2 Failed 87.632973s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+debian-history 2.7 Failed 49.110552s APT_GET_FAILED #420332: FTBFS: po-debiandoc build-dep does not exist anymore RECHECK
+debian-installer 20070308 Failed 2459.233836s NO_SUCH_FILE TODO
+debian-zh-faq 1.10 Failed 38.039989s APT_GET_FAILED #393734: debian-zh-faq: FTBFS: tetex/texlive conflict RECHECK
+defrag 0.73pjm1-8 Failed 264.268499s NO_SUCH_FILE/GCC_ERROR #373573: defrag: FTBFS (amd64): warning: dereferencing type-punned pointer will break strict-aliasing rules  RECHECK RECHECK_TIME(264/61)
+dejagnu 1.4.4.cvs20060709-4 Failed 415.80198s NO_SUCH_FILE TODO NEWFAIL
+deskbar-applet 2.14.2-4.2 Failed 943.030063s NO_SUCH_FILE/GCC_ERROR TODO NEWFAIL
+dfsbuild 1.0.0 Failed 464.813332s APT_GET_FAILED caused by #419194: libghc6-hsh-dev: Fails to install: dependency FilePath-0.11 doesn't exist  RECHECK RECHECK_GUESS
+dhcp 2.0pl5-19.5 Failed 77.094477s GCC_ERROR #420941: FTBFS: tr.c:34: error: expected specifier-qualifier-list before '__u16' RECHECK
+diacanvas2 0.14.4-4 Failed 903.866849s PYTHON_TRACEBACK/NO_SUCH_FILE TODO NEWFAIL
+diald 0.99.4-7.1 Failed 116.770307s GCC_ERROR #420942: FTBFS: diald.c:188: error: 'CLK_TCK' undeclared RECHECK RECHECK_TIME(116/64)
+dictionaries-common 0.80.1 Failed 195.823516s UNKNOWN TODO NEWFAIL
+digikam 2:0.9.1-3 Failed 74.735336s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+digikamimageplugins 2:0.9.1-3 Failed 69.8993s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+digitaldj 0.7.5-5 Failed 268.664972s GCC_ERROR #420943: FTBFS: ddj.c:1025: error: 'CLK_TCK' undeclared RECHECK
+dom4j 1.6.1+dfsg-2 Failed 22.152815s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+doxygen 1.5.1-1 Failed 1058.641123s NO_SUCH_FILE #420331: FTBFS: epstopdf: Command not found RECHECK RECHECK_GUESS RECHECK_TIME(1058/750)
+dresden-ocl 1.1.debian-1 Failed 58.434052s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+drip 0.9.0-4 Failed 743.627273s NO_SUCH_FILE/GCC_ERROR TODO NEWFAIL
+drivel 2.0.3-2 Failed 19.374062s APT_GET_FAILED #419655: missing Depends: on procps RECHECK RECHECK_GUESS RECHECK_TIME(19/431)
+dsniff 2.4b1+debian-15 Failed 145.825451s NO_SUCH_FILE/GCC_ERROR #420944: FTBFS: ./sshow.c:226: error: 'CLK_TCK' undeclared RECHECK RECHECK_GUESS
+eclipse 3.2.1-6 Failed 96.574737s APT_GET_FAILED TODO
+eclipse-cdt 3.1.1-1 Failed 77.140065s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+eclipse-pydev 1.2.5-2 Failed 51.048674s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+efibootmgr 0.5.3-2 Failed 110.017055s LD_ERROR #420045: efibootmgr: FTBFS: In function `pci_load_name_list': undefined reference to `gzopen' RECHECK RECHECK_TIME(110/154)
+eiciel 0.9.4-1 Failed 589.025631s NO_SUCH_FILE TODO NEWFAIL
+emile 0.10-1 Failed 75.104765s APT_GET_FAILED Not for i386, needs cross compiler RECHECK
+emma-coverage 2.0.5312+dfsg-1 Failed 14.473456s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+ess 5.3.0-1 Failed 62.658524s APT_GET_FAILED #420945: FTBFS due to TeX Live transition RECHECK
+ethiop 0.7-12 Failed 59.076903s APT_GET_FAILED #420947: FTBFS due to TeX Live transition  RECHECK
+etoken 0.3.9-6 Failed 101.320962s GCC_ERROR #420044 etoken: FTBFS: ifdhandler.h:147: error: expected '=', ',', ';', 'asm' or '__attribute__' before 'IFDHCreateChannel' RECHECK
+evince 0.4.0-5 Failed 555.744688s UNKNOWN TODO
+evms 2.5.5-22 Failed 18.149481s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+fakeroot 1.7 Failed 108.117511s NO_SUCH_FILE TODO NEWFAIL
+feynmf 1.08-3 Failed 667.459846s NO_SUCH_FILE TODO NEWFAIL
+fiaif 1.21.1-3 Failed 469.835843s NO_SUCH_FILE #421450: Tex transition RECHECK RECHECK_VERSION RECHECK_GUESS RECHECK_TIME(469/996)
+flumotion 0.2.2-6 Failed 579.498596s NO_SUCH_FILE TODO NEWFAIL
+foobillard 3.0a-2 Failed 70.270626s APT_GET_FAILED #409451: foobillard: FTBFS: build-dep on virtual pkg libgl-dev without explicitly selecting one RECHECK RECHECK_GUESS RECHECK_TIME(70/306)
+freefem 3.5.8-3 Failed 535.852044s UNKNOWN #421071: FTBFS: ! LaTeX Error: File `fancyheadings.sty' not found. RECHECK
+ftphs 1.0.0 Failed 119.223488s UNKNOWN TODO NEWFAIL
+fuse-umfuse-iso9660 0.1-1 Failed 236.464502s NO_SUCH_FILE #421453: Can't find zlib RECHECK RECHECK_GUESS RECHECK_TIME(236/116)
+fwbuilder 2.1.8-1 Failed 53.306632s APT_GET_FAILED #419919: libsnmp10-dev: Please stop renaming the -dev package. RECHECK RECHECK_TIME(53/24)
+galago-gtk-sharp 0.5.0-1 Failed 658.31859s NO_SUCH_FILE TODO NEWFAIL
+ganymed-ssh2 210-1 Failed 16.60924s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+gap-ctbllib 1r1p3-4 Failed 511.611924s UNKNOWN #421073: FTBFS: I couldn't open database file mrabbrev.bib RECHECK
+gauche-gtk 0.4.1-7 Failed 338.753553s UNKNOWN TODO
+gcc-2.95 2.95.4.ds15-27 Failed 270.868838s NO_SUCH_FILE TODO
+gcc-4.0 4.0.4-1 Failed 671.951966s NO_SUCH_FILE Normal, not for us. RECHECK RECHECK_GUESS RECHECK_TIME(671/76)
+gcc-avr 1:4.1.1-1 Failed 243.078375s NO_SUCH_FILE TODO NEWFAIL
+gcc-snapshot 20070422-1 Failed 99.730093s APT_GET_FAILED caused by sbuild #395271 RECHECK RECHECK_VERSION RECHECK_TIME(99/26)
+gcj-4.1 4.1.2-4 Failed 81.668306s APT_GET_FAILED transitory (?) uninstallability of locales RECHECK RECHECK_VERSION RECHECK_TIME(81/37)
+gclcvs 2.7.0-67 Failed 627.648813s NO_SUCH_FILE #420034: gclcvs: FTBFS: TYPE-ERROR :DATUM 1469528 :EXPECTED-TYPE LIST NIL RECHECK RECHECK_TIME(627/1045)
+gdm 2.16.4-1.1 Failed 821.972895s NO_SUCH_FILE TODO
+geant321 1:3.21.14.dfsg-4 Failed 688.545485s LD_ERROR/NO_SUCH_FILE TODO NEWFAIL
+geomview 1.8.1-14 Failed 452.915706s HEADER_NO_SUCH_FILE/LD_ERROR/NO_SUCH_FILE/GCC_ERROR TODO
+gfax 0.7.6-2 Failed 1268.840962s UNKNOWN TODO
+ggz-gtk-games 0.0.13-4 Failed 329.820829s GCC_ERROR TODO NEWFAIL
+ggz-server 0.0.13-4 Failed 113.153064s GCC_ERROR TODO NEWFAIL
+ghc-cvs 20060905-1 Failed 1087.626096s APT_GET_FAILED transitory (?) uninstallability of locales RECHECK RECHECK_TIME(1087/34)
+gjdoc 0.7.7-7 Failed 476.591849s NO_SUCH_FILE TODO NEWFAIL
+glibc 2.5-4 Failed 96.76003s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+glib-java 0.4.2-1 Failed 51.292323s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+gmsh 2.0.7-1 Failed 636.813808s LD_ERROR/NO_SUCH_FILE TODO NEWFAIL
+gnade 1.6.1-1 Failed 42.143546s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+gnat-4.1 4.1.1-22 Failed 68.655196s APT_GET_FAILED transitory (?) uninstallability of locales RECHECK
+gnat-glade 2006-3 Failed 12.004353s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+gnat-glade-doc 3.15p-5 Failed 19.236673s APT_GET_FAILED #420948: FTBFS: glade_ug.texi:373: epsf.tex not found RECHECK RECHECK_GUESS RECHECK_TIME(19/268)
+gnat-gps 4.0.1-3 Failed 98.422037s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+gnoemoe 2.2.0+dfsg-1 Failed 690.377659s UNKNOWN TODO
+gnome-commander 1.2.3-1 Failed 703.432416s UNKNOWN TODO
+gnome-system-tools 2.14.0-3 Failed 792.833434s UNKNOWN TODO
+gnome-vfsmm2.6 2.14.0-1 Failed 274.575839s GCC_ERROR TODO NEWFAIL
+gnue-appserver 0.4.3-1 Failed 209.947832s NO_SUCH_FILE #391937: FTBFS: You need GNUe-Common 0.5.2 or newer installed to install GNUe-AppServer RECHECK RECHECK_GUESS
+gnue-designer 0.5.7-1 Failed 27.206112s UNKNOWN #391941: FTBFS: You need GNUe-Common 0.5.2 or newer installed to install GNUe-Designer RECHECK RECHECK_TIME(27/64)
+gnue-forms 0.5.13-1 Failed 67.776024s UNKNOWN #391942: FTBFS: You need GNUe-Common 0.5.2 or newer installed to install GNUe-Forms RECHECK RECHECK_TIME(67/433)
+gnue-navigator 0.0.9-1 Failed 271.901309s NO_SUCH_FILE #391947: FTBFS: You need GNUe-Common 0.5.2 or newer installed to install GNUe-Navigator RECHECK RECHECK_GUESS RECHECK_TIME(271/130)
+gnue-reports 0.1.8-1 Failed 276.260392s NO_SUCH_FILE #391950: FTBFS: You need GNUe-Common 0.5.2 or newer installed to install GNUe-Reports RECHECK RECHECK_GUESS RECHECK_TIME(276/60)
+gnustep-make 1.13.0-1 Failed 54.163977s APT_GET_FAILED TODO
+goobox 0.9.93-8 Failed 1000.195176s UNKNOWN TODO
+gpe-calendar 0.72-3 Failed 315.287024s GCC_ERROR TODO NEWFAIL
+gpe-contacts 0.46-1 Failed 159.846551s BUILDDEP_UNSAT TODO NEWFAIL
+gphoto2 2.2.0-3 Failed 105.820647s LD_ERROR TODO
+gprolog 1.3.0-2 Failed 197.365488s NO_SUCH_FILE #420335: FTBFS: epstopdf: Command not found RECHECK RECHECK_VERSION RECHECK_GUESS RECHECK_TIME(197/588)
+gpsbabel 1.3.2-2 Failed 55.330505s APT_GET_FAILED #420976: FTBFS due to TeX Live migration  RECHECK
+graphicsmagick 1.1.7-14 Failed 62.435479s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+graphviz 2.8-2.6 Failed 492.012924s LD_ERROR/NO_SUCH_FILE #420043: graphviz: FTBFS: multiple definition of `entities' RECHECK RECHECK_GUESS RECHECK_TIME(492/274)
+gst-plugins0.8 0.8.12-6 Failed 1533.807596s NO_SUCH_FILE/GCC_ERROR TODO
+gst-plugins-farsight 0.10.2-1 Failed 29.516839s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+gst-python 0.8.4-5 Failed 429.917883s PYTHON_TRACEBACK TODO NEWFAIL
+gtkam 0.1.12-2.2 Failed 861.621649s GCC_ERROR TODO
+gtkmm2.0 2.2.12-2 Failed 708.778866s NO_SUCH_FILE/GCC_ERROR TODO
+guile-gnome-platform 2.7.99-4 Failed 991.693829s NO_SUCH_FILE/GCC_ERROR TODO NEWFAIL
+haskell98-report 20030706-3 Failed 1319.436803s UNKNOWN #420479: FTBFS: dvips: ! Couldn't find header file times.ttf. RECHECK RECHECK_TIME(1319/622)
+haskell98-tutorial 200006-2-1 Failed 193.739034s UNKNOWN #419397: haskell98-tutorial: FTBFS after the tetex to texlive transition RECHECK
+haskell-anydbm 1.0.1 Failed 162.427844s UNKNOWN TODO NEWFAIL
+haskell-configfile 1.0.1 Failed 116.761389s UNKNOWN TODO NEWFAIL
+haskell-hsh 1.2.1 Failed 290.53365s NO_SUCH_FILE #419194: libghc6-hsh-dev: Fails to install: dependency FilePath-0.11 doesn't exist RECHECK RECHECK_GUESS RECHECK_TIME(290/169)
+hbf-cns40-1 1.0-3.1 Failed 124.287343s NO_SUCH_FILE TODO
+hbf-cns40-2 1.0-3.1 Failed 117.209421s NO_SUCH_FILE TODO
+hbf-cns40-3 1.0-3.1 Failed 71.027784s NO_SUCH_FILE TODO
+hbf-cns40-4 1.0-3.1 Failed 128.931052s NO_SUCH_FILE TODO
+hbf-cns40-5 1.0-3.1 Failed 132.898926s NO_SUCH_FILE TODO
+hbf-cns40-6 1.0-3.1 Failed 113.145498s NO_SUCH_FILE TODO
+hbf-cns40-7 1.0-3.1 Failed 137.140086s NO_SUCH_FILE TODO
+hbf-jfs56 1.0-3.1 Failed 134.185108s NO_SUCH_FILE TODO
+hbf-kanji48 1.0-2 Failed 132.008222s NO_SUCH_FILE TODO
+hdbc-missingh Failed 513.033062s UNKNOWN #410835: FTBFS: Could not find module `MissingH.AnyDBM' RECHECK RECHECK_TIME(513/195)
+hdbc-sqlite3 Failed 180.187481s NO_SUCH_FILE TODO NEWFAIL
+helix-player 1.0.8-2 Failed 702.329789s NO_SUCH_FILE/GCC_ERROR #420981: FTBFS: pthreadthreads.h:110: error: base type `sem_t' fails to be a struct or class type RECHECK RECHECK_GUESS RECHECK_TIME(702/461)
+henplus 0.9.5-cvs20051003+2 Failed 237.544909s UNKNOWN caused by sablevm #395260  RECHECK RECHECK_TIME(237/334)
+hexcat Failed 60.203807s UNKNOWN TODO
+hg-buildpackage 1.0.2 Failed 687.053502s APT_GET_FAILED #419194: libghc6-hsh-dev: Fails to install: dependency FilePath-0.11 doesn't exist RECHECK RECHECK_GUESS RECHECK_TIME(687/852)
+hsffig 0.1.2-2 Failed 127.549121s UNKNOWN #393951: hsffig: FTBFS with ghc6 6.6 RECHECK
+hsqldb Failed 18.097932s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+hwtools 0.8-6.1 Failed 82.637167s GCC_ERROR #393054: FTBFS: error: redefinition of 'fls'  RECHECK
+icon 9.4.2-2.7 Failed 65.843945s GCC_ERROR #420979: FTBFS: time.c:35: error: 'CLK_TCK' undeclared  RECHECK
+ieee80211 1.1.14-1 Failed 16.46016s APT_GET_FAILED #397768: ieee80211: build-depends on the wrong version of the kernel RECHECK
+ifrit 3.0.5-1 Failed 415.827357s NO_SUCH_FILE #420042: ifrit: FTBFS: CMake Error: VTK not found. RECHECK RECHECK_GUESS RECHECK_TIME(415/120)
+ikvm Failed 72.574395s APT_GET_FAILED #415644: ikvm: incorrect and unsatisfiable build-depends RECHECK
+installation-guide 20070319 Failed 1342.031931s NO_SUCH_FILE TODO
+ion3-mod-ionflux 20061022-4 Failed 122.238555s UNKNOWN #416324: FTBFS: needs udpate for new ion3-dev in unstable  RECHECK
+jadetex 3.13-7.1 Failed 469.514112s NO_SUCH_FILE TODO
+jakarta-log4j1.2 1.2.13-3 Failed 17.42449s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+jama 1.0.2-2 Failed 17.263224s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+japitools 0.9.5+cvs20060115-1 Failed 47.777365s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+jargs 1.0.0-1 Failed 46.809471s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+javacc 4.0+cvs20070207-2 Failed 16.412192s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+java-gcj-compat 1.0.65-10 Failed 51.173638s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+java-snmp 1.4-5 Failed 19.320693s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+javatar 2.5+dfsg-1 Failed 44.163523s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+javax-servletapi2.3 4.0-8 Failed 15.553234s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+jaxme 0.5.1+dfsg-1 Failed 44.610716s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+jcifs 1.2.7-1 Failed 12.976332s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+j-cvsbook 1.12-3.1 Failed 596.133693s APT_GET_FAILED #420397: ptex-bin does not install on clean system RECHECK RECHECK_TIME(596/798)
+jflex 1.4.1-3 Failed 20.526754s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+jlex 1.2.6-3 Failed 51.365474s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+jlha-utils 0.1.5-1 Failed 18.924599s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+jline 0.9.5-2 Failed 58.49302s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+jmagick 6.2.4-1-1 Failed 33.703249s APT_GET_FAILED #349564: jmagick - FTBFS: configure: error: 'Unable to locate Java directories'  RECHECK RECHECK_GUESS RECHECK_TIME(33/373)
+jmock 1.0.1-2 Failed 49.607461s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+jmp 0.48-1 Failed 17.144114s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+john 1.6-40.1 Failed 68.079954s GCC_ERROR #420980: FTBFS: bench.c:147: error: 'CLK_TCK' undeclared  RECHECK
+jrexx 1.1.1-1 Failed 74.345473s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+jruby0.9 0.9.8-2 Failed 312.85172s NO_SUCH_FILE TODO NEWFAIL
+jsch 0.1.28-2 Failed 19.628576s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+jspwiki 2.2.33.ds1-1 Failed 12.763648s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+jta 2.5+dfsg-1 Failed 14.600512s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+jtidy 7+svn20070309-1 Failed 68.947781s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+jts 1.6-2 Failed 18.015329s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+junit Failed 12.013338s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+junitperf 1.9.1-5 Failed 16.584543s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+jython 2.1.0-23 Failed 55.942695s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+jzlib 1.0.5-1.1 Failed 16.160077s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+kdebindings 4:3.5.6-2 Failed 84.748593s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+keximdb 1.1.0-1 Failed 50.653423s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+khmerconverter 1.3-2 Failed 149.185069s UNKNOWN TODO NEWFAIL
+kimwitu-doc 10a-3 Failed 1060.09836s NO_SUCH_FILE TODO
+klibc 1.5-2 Failed 22.838682s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+koffice 1:1.6.1-2 Failed 106.739394s APT_GET_FAILED TODO
+kolab-cyrus-imapd 2.2.13-2 Failed 209.145773s LD_ERROR/NO_SUCH_FILE TODO
+ktoon 0.8-1 Failed 764.666709s NO_SUCH_FILE/GCC_ERROR #394403: ktoon_0.8-1(ia64/unstable): FTBFS: g++ errors RECHECK RECHECK_GUESS RECHECK_TIME(764/400)
+lat 1.2.2-1 Failed 640.396418s NO_SUCH_FILE TODO NEWFAIL
+latex-cjk-chinese-arphic 1.16 Failed 21775.41885s NO_SUCH_FILE TODO
+latex-cjk-japanese-wadalab 0.20050817-12 Failed 443.216847s UNKNOWN TODO
+libapache2-mod-xmlrpc2 2.2.1-2 Failed 371.516334s NO_SUCH_FILE #383955: FTBFS: Shouldn't use shell expansions in variable assignments  RECHECK RECHECK_TIME(371/181)
+libapp-cli-perl 0.07-1 Failed 165.507611s NO_SUCH_FILE TODO NEWFAIL
+libaunit 1.03-2 Failed 54.051396s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+libauthen-passphrase-perl 0.005-1 Failed 78.990807s APT_GET_FAILED TODO
+libaws 2.2dfsg-1 Failed 76.526607s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+libbsf-java 1:2.3.0+cvs20050308a-2 Failed 18.474231s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+libcairo-perl 1.01-1 Failed 219.383618s UNKNOWN TODO
+libccaudio 1.2.0-1 Failed 272.47545s GCC_ERROR #420982: FTBFS: audio.h:109: error: invalid function declaration  RECHECK RECHECK_TIME(272/106)
+libccscript 2.5.9-1 Failed 232.448885s TOO_MANY_ARGS/GCC_ERROR #420984: FTBFS: script.h:59: error: aggregate 'ost::CCXX_CLASS_EXPORT ost::ScriptCommand' has incomplete type and cannot be defined  RECHECK RECHECK_TIME(232/107)
+libclass-trait-perl 0.22-2 Failed 222.810147s BUILDDEP_UNSAT/NO_SUCH_FILE caused by sbuild #395271 RECHECK RECHECK_GUESS RECHECK_TIME(222/120)
+libcommons-cli-java 1.0-8 Failed 50.877s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+libcommons-codec-java 1.3-4 Failed 20.331005s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+libcommons-collections3-java 3.1a-3.1 Failed 13.156672s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+libcommons-collections-java 2.1.1-6 Failed 47.238862s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+libcommons-dbcp-java 1.2.1-4 Failed 18.745631s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+libcommons-digester-java 1.7-2 Failed 26.158937s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+libcommons-discovery-java 0.2-9 Failed 14.20401s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+libcommons-el-java 1.0-3 Failed 18.783529s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+libcommons-fileupload-java 1.0-14 Failed 15.792807s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+libcommons-jexl-java 1.0-5 Failed 19.684454s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+libcommons-jxpath-java 1.2-7 Failed 12.459568s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+libcommons-lang-java 2.3-1 Failed 21.954899s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+libcommons-launcher-java 1.1-3 Failed 24.528886s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+libcommons-logging-java 1.0.4-5 Failed 20.158351s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+libcommons-modeler-java 1.1-8 Failed 18.867406s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+libcommons-net-java 1.4.1-1 Failed 20.959461s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+libcommons-validator-java 1:1.1.4a-1 Failed 14.700236s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+libdc1394 1.1.0-3 Failed 116.038708s GCC_ERROR #421075: FTBFS: grab_partial_image.c:216: error: 'CLK_TCK' undeclared RECHECK
+libdkim 1.0.13-1 Failed 228.102343s NO_SUCH_FILE TODO NEWFAIL
+libdtdparser-java 1.21a-1.1 Failed 12.541654s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+libemail-mime-modifier-perl 1.441-1 Failed 47.996719s UNKNOWN TODO
+libemail-mime-perl 1.857-1 Failed 56.987074s NO_SUCH_FILE TODO
+libextractor-java 0.5.6-3 Failed 21.753436s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+libflorist 2006-1 Failed 18.722524s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+libfonts-java 0.1.4-1 Failed 19.55115s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+libgconf-java 2.12.3-1 Failed 22.013197s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+libgcr410 2.4.0-7 Failed 94.834136s GCC_ERROR #420046: libgcr410: FTBFS: ./ifdhandler.h:115: error: expected '=', ',', ';', 'asm' or '__attribute__' before 'IFDHCreateChannel' RECHECK
+libgef-java 0.11.999.0.11.3M10-2 Failed 20.772927s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+libgetenv-java 1.0-6 Failed 398.293704s UNKNOWN TODO NEWFAIL
+libgetopt-java 1.0.11-2 Failed 17.082447s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+libglade-java 2.12.4-1 Failed 63.74049s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+libgnome-java 2.12.3-2 Failed 49.880484s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+libgnucrypto-java 2.1.0-2 Failed 17.715287s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+libgnuinet-java 1.1.1-1 Failed 17.583158s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+libgnujaf-java 1.1.1-3 Failed 17.894784s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+libgnumail-java 1.1.1-2 Failed 15.040447s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+libgnu-regexp-java 1.1.4-3.1 Failed 16.055349s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+libgstreamer-perl 0.09-1 Failed 133.654318s UNKNOWN TODO
+libgtkada2 2.8.1-5 Failed 90.649708s APT_GET_FAILED TODO
+libgtk-java 2.8.5-1.2 Failed 54.814548s APT_GET_FAILED #420052: libgtk-java: FTBFS: 3 errors, 77 warnings during build RECHECK RECHECK_GUESS RECHECK_TIME(54/270)
+libhttp-request-params-perl 1.01-1 Failed 207.254005s UNKNOWN TODO
+libi18n-java 0.1.3a-2 Failed 52.925391s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+libitext-java 1.4.5-1 Failed 54.300888s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+libjakarta-poi-java 2.5.1-3 Failed 21.827171s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+libjaxen-java 1.1~beta11-1 Failed 20.330239s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+libjaxp1.2-java 1.2.01-2 Failed 15.543401s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+libjaxp1.3-java 1.3.03-5 Failed 19.521457s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+libjcommon-java 1.0.6-1 Failed 15.527778s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+libjconv 2.8-5 Failed 80.928317s LD_ERROR TODO NEWFAIL
+libjdepend-java 2.9-3 Failed 14.143508s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+libjdom0-java 0.9b-3 Failed 17.583279s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+libjdom1-java 1.0-4 Failed 19.051359s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+libjdom-java 0.99.b10-6 Failed 17.570507s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+libjempbox-java 0.1.0.dfsg-1 Failed 7.440249s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+libjessie-java 1.0.1-3 Failed 42.39775s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+libjfreechart-java 1.0.2-2 Failed 11.390692s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+libjgoodies-forms-java 1.0.5-5 Failed 17.05023s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+libjgoodies-looks-java 2.1.3-1 Failed 20.626105s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+libjgraph-java Failed 17.095358s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+libjgrapht-java 0.6.0-4 Failed 21.243412s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+libjlha-java 0.0.20050504-6 Failed 18.359616s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+liblinux-aio-perl 1.9-1 Failed 45.283898s TOO_MANY_ARGS/NO_SUCH_FILE/GCC_ERROR #393015: FTBFS: expected expression before '__kernel_size_t' RECHECK RECHECK_GUESS
+liblockfile 1.06.1 Failed 65.014315s GCC_ERROR TODO
+liblogkit-java 1.2.2-8 Failed 18.641814s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+libmail-box-perl 2.070-1 Failed 134.572027s BUILDDEP_UNSAT caused by sbuild #395271  RECHECK RECHECK_VERSION RECHECK_TIME(134/308)
+libmicroba-java 0.4.4.dfsg-1 Failed 32.822518s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+libmime-encwords-perl 0.040-1 Failed 22.284739s NO_SUCH_FILE TODO NEWFAIL
+libmthca 1.0.3-1 Failed 103.683291s GCC_ERROR TODO NEWFAIL
+libmx4j-java 3.0.1-3 Failed 14.378311s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+libnsuml-java 0.4.20-12.1 Failed 12.822584s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+libooc-vo 20020310-3 Failed 291.812414s APT_GET_FAILED/NO_SUCH_FILE #355140: FTBFS: Oberon-2 compiler was not installed with X11 support. RECHECK RECHECK_TIME(291/106)
+libooc-x11 20020123-3 Failed 34.303018s NO_SUCH_FILE #402194: libocc-x11: FTBFS: cp: missing destination file operand after `oo2crc.tmp' RECHECK RECHECK_TIME(34/85)
+libooc-xml 3.2.0-2 Failed 238.358698s NO_SUCH_FILE #394718: libooc-xml: FTBFS: cp: missing destination file operand after `oo2crc.tmp'  RECHECK RECHECK_TIME(238/101)
+libopentoken 3.0b-5 Failed 14.143686s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+liboro-java 2.0.8a-1 Failed 19.658059s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+libperldoc-search-perl 0.01-1 Failed 71.373106s UNKNOWN TODO
+libpgjava 8.2-504-1 Failed 11.663566s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+libplexus-utils 1.4.1+svn6048-1 Failed 14.093987s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+libreadline-java Failed 15.877333s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+libregexp-java 1.4-3 Failed 15.016585s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+librelaxng-datatype-java 1.0-2.1 Failed 21.083989s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+libsapdbc-java 5567-1 Failed 12.210372s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+libsaxon-java 1:6.5.5-1 Failed 44.456104s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+libservlet2.4-java 5.0.30-3 Failed 45.317268s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+libspin-java 1.4-2 Failed 16.958952s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+libstruts1.2-java 1.2.9-1 Failed 54.418642s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+libswidgets-java 0.1.4-1 Failed 16.429558s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+libtemplates-parser 10.0+20060522-5 Failed 42.225009s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+libtest-base-perl 0.47-1 Failed 114.899323s BUILDDEP_UNSAT caused by sbuild #395271  RECHECK RECHECK_TIME(114/167)
+libtexttools 2.0.3-4 Failed 14.693615s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+libtoolbar-java 1.3-1 Failed 51.891903s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+libwebapp-ruby 0.0.20061228-1 Failed 243.604065s NO_SUCH_FILE #419067: libwebapp-ruby: FTBFS on both lenny and sid RECHECK RECHECK_TIME(243/108)
+libwww-perl 5.805-1 Failed 65.691632s UNKNOWN caused by sbuild #395271 RECHECK
+libxalan2-java 2.7.0-4 Failed 76.654184s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+libxerces2-java 2.8.1-2 Failed 54.307789s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+libxmlada2 2.2-7 Failed 72.142084s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+libxml-commons-resolver1.1-java 1.1-7 Failed 15.917198s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+libxml-filter-sort-perl 1.01-1 Failed 108.52913s UNKNOWN #419689 libxml-filter-sort-perl: FTBFS: 3/7 test scripts RECHECK
+libxpp2-java 2.1.10-4 Failed 45.588546s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+libxpp3-java Failed 19.286626s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+libxt-java 0.20050823-2 Failed 51.88681s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+lilypond 2.8.7-3 Failed 1199.521677s NO_SUCH_FILE TODO
+lingoteach-ui 0.3.99+cvs20050512-3 Failed 164.542201s NO_SUCH_FILE/GCC_ERROR TODO
+linux-kernel-di-i386-2.6 1.47 Failed 122.613616s APT_GET_FAILED cannot be autobuilt RECHECK RECHECK_VERSION
+linux-latest-2.6 6 Failed 47.989599s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+linux-modules-di-i386-2.6 1.04 Failed 133.24004s APT_GET_FAILED cannot be autobuilt RECHECK RECHECK_VERSION
+linux-modules-extra-2.6 2.6.18-8 Failed 56.72296s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+lua-posix 1.0-5 Failed 52.8922s GCC_ERROR TODO
+lucene 1.4.3.dfsg-1.2 Failed 33.801559s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+lush 1.2.1-4 Failed 45.644685s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+lustre 1.5.97-1 Failed 74.646267s APT_GET_FAILED #419919: libsnmp10-dev: Please stop renaming the -dev package. RECHECK RECHECK_TIME(74/30)
+m68k-vme-tftplilo 1.1.3-1 Failed 60.733978s APT_GET_FAILED Not for us! RECHECK
+magnus 20060324-3 Failed 61.29948s APT_GET_FAILED TODO
+maildir-filter 1.20-1 Failed 78.226969s UNKNOWN TODO
+mapserver 4.10.0-6 Failed 48.669342s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+matanza 0.13-3.3 Failed 396.068372s NO_SUCH_FILE TODO
+matplotlib 0.87.7-0.3 Failed 587.040601s UNKNOWN TODO
+maxdb-7.5.00 Failed 524.839807s NO_SUCH_FILE/GCC_ERROR TODO
+mbr 1.1.9-2 Failed 87.502374s UNKNOWN Doesn't build in an AMD64 chroot RECHECK
+mc-foo 0.0.13 Failed 24.199107s UNKNOWN #380867: Python transition (#2): you are building a private python module ! RECHECK
+mercator 0.2.5-1 Failed 33.690784s UNKNOWN TODO
+mercury 0.11.0.rotd.20040511-5 Failed 58.266779s NO_SUCH_FILE/GCC_ERROR #381813: mercury: FTBFS: cannot stat `./debian/tmp/usr/lib/mercury/bin': No such file or directory RECHECK
+misdn-kernel 0.0.0+cvs20061029-4 Failed 50.973182s APT_GET_FAILED #380057: misdn-kernel: FTBFS: build-dep on an non-existing package RECHECK
+missingpy Failed 103.941249s NO_SUCH_FILE # #409689: FTBFS: Could not find module `MissingH.IO.HVIO' RECHECK
+mlterm 2.9.3-5 Failed 496.336032s NO_SUCH_FILE TODO NEWFAIL
+modconf 0.3.1 Failed 48.316167s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+monodevelop 0.13.1+dfsg-2 Failed 49.849358s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+monotone 0.31-8 Failed 996.816294s NO_SUCH_FILE TODO
+moon-buggy 1.0.51-2 Failed 504.374174s NO_SUCH_FILE TODO
+mozart-gtk 20060615-2 Unknown 0s  #419692 FTBFS: 'parse error'(9681 '__pthread_slist_t'|pthread_attr_t|pthread_t|fsfilcnt_t|fsblkcnt_t|blkcnt_t|fd_m ask|fd_set|'__fd_mask'|suseconds_t|,,,|,,,) RECHECK RECHECK_GUESS RECHECK_TIME(0/27348)
+museek+ 0.1.12-2 Failed 540.163964s NO_SUCH_FILE #421076: FTBFS: KeyError: 'CPPDEFINES' RECHECK RECHECK_TIME(540/444)
+mysql-connector-java 5.0.4+dfsg-2 Failed 19.748663s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+nant 0.85-1 Failed 264.713278s UNKNOWN TODO
+nautilus-open-terminal 0.7-2 Failed 487.058037s UNKNOWN TODO NEWFAIL
+nbio 2.0-14 Failed 250.022219s NO_SUCH_FILE TODO NEWFAIL
+ncurses 5.5-5 Failed 677.56474s NO_SUCH_FILE TODO NEWFAIL
+ndiswrapper-modules-i386 1.1-2 Failed 34.309517s APT_GET_FAILED #336705: FTBFS: Unsatisfiable build-dependency on kernel-headers-2.6.8-2-386 RECHECK
+nekohtml 0.9.5+dfsg-1.1 Failed 16.947753s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+nice 0.9.12-2 Failed 9.153767s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+noweb 2.11b-2 Failed 515.595763s UNKNOWN #420614: FTBFS: ! LaTeX Error: File `vpage.sty' not found. RECHECK
+nsis 2.19-3 Failed 204.609126s UNKNOWN TODO
+ocsigen 0.6.0-1 Failed 290.229623s UNKNOWN TODO
+octave2.1-forge 2006.03.17+dfsg1-3 Failed 1033.428832s NO_SUCH_FILE TODO
+octave2.9-forge 2006.07.09+dfsg1-8 Failed 54.825778s APT_GET_FAILED TODO
+octplot 0.3.9-3 Failed 443.134185s LD_ERROR/NO_SUCH_FILE TODO NEWFAIL
+ogre 1.0.6-1.4 Failed 981.572667s NO_SUCH_FILE/GCC_ERROR #419681 FTBFS: error: cannot allocate an object of abstract type 'CEGUI::OgreCEGUITexture' RECHECK RECHECK_TIME(981/671)
+okumura-clsfiles 2006.11.06-1 Failed 15.971729s APT_GET_FAILED #420397: ptex-bin does not install on clean system RECHECK
+oops 1.5.23.cvs-5.1 Failed 93.616678s GCC_ERROR TODO
+openhpi 2.6.2-3 Failed 47.584911s APT_GET_FAILED #419919: libsnmp10-dev: Please stop renaming the -dev package. RECHECK
+openmash 5.2-4 Failed 344.016092s NO_SUCH_FILE #364271: openmash: FTBFS: ./configure: line 3716: unexpected EOF while looking for matching ``' RECHECK RECHECK_GUESS RECHECK_TIME(344/83)
+openoffice.org 2.2.0-4 Failed 144.752474s APT_GET_FAILED TODO
+opensc 0.11.1-3 Failed 111.731007s NO_SUCH_FILE/GCC_ERROR #419680 FTBFS: error: 'SCARD_SCOPE_GLOBAL' undeclared RECHECK
+openscenegraph 1.2.0-2 Failed 4257.034891s HEADER_NO_SUCH_FILE/NO_SUCH_FILE/GCC_ERROR TODO
+orca 0.2.3 Failed 54.819327s APT_GET_FAILED #333915: Unsatisfiable build dep on librrd0-dev RECHECK RECHECK_TIME(54/23)
+oregano 0.60.0-1 Failed 1064.850694s NO_SUCH_FILE/GCC_ERROR TODO
+oscache 2.0.2-1 Failed 20.487741s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+osgal-cvs 20060903-3 Failed 49.988465s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+osgcal 0.1.44-3 Failed 45.927332s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+oskit 0.97.20030827savannah-1 Failed 209.96247s NO_SUCH_FILE/GCC_ERROR #318555: oskit: FTBFS with gcc-4.0: Array type has incomplete element type RECHECK RECHECK_GUESS RECHECK_TIME(209/74)
+ow-util-ant-tasks 1.3-4 Failed 14.068328s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+papaya 0.97.20031122-5.2 Failed 1781.026448s NO_SUCH_FILE #420342: FTBFS: mv: cannot stat `debian/papaya/usr/share/papaya/manual.pdf': No such file or directory RECHECK RECHECK_TIME(1781/773)
+paw 1:2.14.04-7 Failed 638.924484s LD_ERROR/NO_SUCH_FILE TODO NEWFAIL
+pdftk 1.40-2 Failed 386.311696s NO_SUCH_FILE/JAVA_TB TODO NEWFAIL
+php-benchmark 1.2.6-1 Failed 64.979914s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+php-cache 1.5.5RC4-1 Failed 62.46912s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+php-cache-lite 1.7.2-2 Failed 69.938218s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+php-date 1.4.6-1 Failed 76.411708s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+php-http-request 1.4.0-1 Failed 13.222984s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+php-image-canvas 0.2.2-1 Failed 66.428764s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+php-image-graph 0.7.1-1 Failed 54.385005s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+php-imagick 0.9.13-1 Failed 239.910403s UNKNOWN TODO NEWFAIL
+php-log 1.9.8-1 Failed 18.533142s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+php-net-checkip 1.2.0-3 Failed 24.428694s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+php-net-dime 0.3-1 Failed 53.911375s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+php-net-ftp 1.3.2-1 Failed 14.392408s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+php-net-ldap 0.6.6-1 Failed 56.878136s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+php-net-sieve 1.1.3-1 Failed 41.637415s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+php-net-smartirc 1.0.0-2 Failed 58.628268s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+php-net-url 1.0.14-4 Failed 57.215849s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+php-pager 2.4.2-2 Failed 64.800853s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+php-services-weather 1.4.0-1 Failed 18.725716s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+php-simpletest 1.0.0-4 Failed 72.062061s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+php-soap 0.9.4-1 Failed 29.546641s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+phpunit2 2.3.6-2 Failed 58.312585s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+php-xml-serializer 0.18.0-2 Failed 16.771097s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+php-xml-util 1.1.1-3 Failed 58.681461s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+plexus-classworlds 1.2+svn5720-1 Failed 72.385458s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+pnetc 0.6.12-1 Failed 107.59085s APT_GET_FAILED b-dep on RC buggy pnet-assemblies RECHECK RECHECK_TIME(107/33)
+png-sixlegs 1.2.3-3 Failed 12.740144s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+poker-network 1.0.36-1 Failed 21.889049s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+policycoreutils 2.0.7-1 Failed 15.143785s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+polyxmass-doc 0.9.0-1 Failed 57.355975s APT_GET_FAILED #421082: Acknowledgement (FTBFS due to TeX Live transition) RECHECK
+postgis 1.1.6-2 Failed 625.564953s UNKNOWN #419590: postgis: FTBFS: configure: error: Invalid argument to --with-pgsql RECHECK RECHECK_TIME(625/393)
+postgresql-pljava 1.3.0-1 Failed 16.592537s APT_GET_FAILED TODO
+ptex-bin 3.1.10~beta3+0.04b-2.2 Failed 725.068115s UNKNOWN TODO
+purelibc 0.2-1 Failed 93.852988s HEADER_NO_SUCH_FILE/NO_SUCH_FILE/GCC_ERROR #403658: purelibc: FTBFS: Makes use of glibc internal _IO_MTSAFE_IO. RECHECK
+pyepl 1.0.28-1 Failed 178.859625s NO_SUCH_FILE TODO NEWFAIL
+pyspi 0.6.1-1 Failed 452.98406s UNKNOWN TODO NEWFAIL
+python-gdchart 0.6.1-9 Failed 75.482574s APT_GET_FAILED #373538: Python policy transition RECHECK RECHECK_TIME(75/29)
+python-mysqldb 1.2.2-1 Failed 68.698488s PYTHON_TRACEBACK TODO NEWFAIL
+python-scipy 0.5.2-7 Failed 337.017649s PYTHON_TRACEBACK/NO_SUCH_FILE TODO
+pyusb 0.3.5-3 Failed 284.614092s NO_SUCH_FILE TODO NEWFAIL
+qgis 0.8.0-2 Failed 796.812364s NO_SUCH_FILE TODO
+rate-engine 0.5.5-1 Failed 51.345013s APT_GET_FAILED #356756: Please upgrade build depends to libmysqlclient15-dev RECHECK
+readline5 5.2-2 Failed 127.511521s NO_SUCH_FILE TODO NEWFAIL
+realtimebattle 1.0.8-2 Failed 17.113329s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+referencer 1.0.2-1 Failed 879.79342s NO_SUCH_FILE/GCC_ERROR TODO NEWFAIL
+refpolicy 0.0.20070417-1 Failed 18.651916s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+rhino 1.6.R5-1 Failed 50.437802s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+rpl 1.5.4 Failed 210.008855s PYTHON_TRACEBACK TODO NEWFAIL
+rxtx 2.1.7-2 Failed 17.216777s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+saods9 4.0b7-1.4 Failed 589.282448s NO_SUCH_FILE #409488: FTBFS: can't open "/usr/lib/tcllib1.8/base64/base64.tcl" for reading RECHECK RECHECK_GUESS RECHECK_TIME(589/389)
+sbaz 1.20-1 Failed 57.955555s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+sbcl 1: Failed 1489.096797s NO_SUCH_FILE transitory (?) uninstallability of locales RECHECK RECHECK_GUESS RECHECK_TIME(1489/24)
+sbm 3.7.1-9 Failed 20.180311s APT_GET_FAILED #421084: FTBFS due to TeX Live migration RECHECK
+scala 2.4.0-1 Failed 96.98206s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+scalable-cyrfonts 4.10-0.1 Failed 253.072306s NO_SUCH_FILE TODO
+scanlogd 2.2.5-2 Failed 72.294512s GCC_ERROR #421085: FTBFS: scanlogd.c:181: error: 'CLK_TCK' undeclared RECHECK
+schoolbell 1.2.4-2 Failed 392.739747s PYTHON_TRACEBACK #393244: schoolbell: FTBFS: ImportError: No module named servicecontainer RECHECK RECHECK_TIME(392/310)
+schooltool 0.11.4-3 Failed 64.089838s APT_GET_FAILED depends on uninstallable python2.4-schoolbell (from src:schoolbell) RECHECK
+scim-uim 0.1.4-2 Failed 357.857549s NO_SUCH_FILE/GCC_ERROR TODO NEWFAIL
+screem 0.16.1-4 Failed 1108.509421s NO_SUCH_FILE/GCC_ERROR TODO
+scsi-idle 2.4.23-5 Failed 40.632363s APT_GET_FAILED #385285: scsi-idle: obsolete kernel, dummy bug RM_CANDIDATE RECHECK
+sear 0.6.1-1 Failed 19.424297s APT_GET_FAILED TODO
+shogun 0.3.2-1 Failed 91.258452s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+showimg 0.9.5-1.1 Failed 68.579102s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+slat 2.0-3 Failed 54.735008s GCC_ERROR TODO NEWFAIL
+slide-webdavclient 2.1+dfsg-1 Failed 15.589666s APT_GET_FAILED TODO
+slpvm 0.1.5-5 Unknown 0s  TODO NEWFAIL
+smtpguard 1.1.3-1.1 Failed 71.065084s APT_GET_FAILED caused by build env RECHECK
+soundtouch 1.3.0-2.1 Failed 69.187645s NO_SUCH_FILE TODO NEWFAIL
+sqlrelay 1:0.38-2 Failed 51.323566s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+squareness 2.3.0-2 Failed 45.723595s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+srcinst 0.8.8 Failed 90.455886s NO_SUCH_FILE #409687: FTBFS: Could not find module `MissingH.Logging.Logger':  RECHECK
+stetic 0.1.0~svn.74962+dfsg-2 Failed 44.613152s APT_GET_FAILED #419072: stetic: FTBFS in both lenny and sid RECHECK RECHECK_VERSION RECHECK_GUESS RECHECK_TIME(44/276)
+subversion 1.4.2dfsg1-2 Failed 85.319198s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+svn-buildpackage 0.6.18 Failed 1531.89275s APT_GET_FAILED error when configuring jadetex #420056: fmtutil-sys fail by update the package RECHECK RECHECK_GUESS RECHECK_TIME(1531/801)
+swt-gtk 3.2.1-5 Failed 63.354861s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+systemimager 3.6.3dfsg1-3 Failed 1163.385584s NO_SUCH_FILE/GCC_ERROR TODO
+tagsoup 1.0.1-1 Failed 16.501565s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+taskjuggler 2.3.1-3 Failed 1359.230596s UNKNOWN TODO
+testresources 0.1-1.1 Failed 207.891676s PYTHON_TRACEBACK TODO NEWFAIL
+tetex-src 3.0.dfsg.2-1 Failed 104.160178s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+thailatex 0.4.0-1 Failed 291.613929s UNKNOWN TODO
+thuban 1.2.0-1 Failed 715.541451s NO_SUCH_FILE TODO
+tomcat5 5.0.30-12 Failed 19.652669s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+tomcat5.5 5.5.20-4 Failed 64.10756s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+trang 20030619-5.1 Failed 253.01615s GCC_ERROR TODO NEWFAIL
+transfermii 0.4-2 Failed 145.023305s GCC_ERROR TODO NEWFAIL
+transmission 0.6.1.dfsg-2 Failed 132.555184s TOO_MANY_ARGS/HEADER_NO_SUCH_FILE/NO_SUCH_FILE/GCC_ERROR TODO
+ttthreeparser 1.4-6 Failed 15.96471s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+tulip 2.0.6-4 Failed 1954.289698s NO_SUCH_FILE TODO
+turkey 1.34.0-3 Failed 44.681219s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+uclibc 0.9.27-1 Failed 209.876429s HEADER_NO_SUCH_FILE/NO_SUCH_FILE/GCC_ERROR #336367: FTBFS: uclibc missing asm-i486/mman.h  RECHECK RECHECK_TIME(209/51)
+user-mode-linux 2.6.18-1um-2 Failed 54.492616s APT_GET_FAILED TODO
+vecmath1.2 1.14-3 Failed 20.14307s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+velocity 1.4-5 Failed 27.172648s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+viewvc 1.0.3-2 Failed 339.265402s NO_SUCH_FILE #419674 Applying patches... failed! RECHECK RECHECK_GUESS RECHECK_TIME(339/209)
+webmagick 2.02-8.3 Failed 16.239281s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+werken.xpath 0.9.4-9 Failed 32.38772s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+wise 2.2.0-4 Failed 16.664807s APT_GET_FAILED TODO
+wsdl4j 1.5.2-4 Failed 30.529572s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+xastir 1.8.4-2 Failed 52.030721s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+xcache 1.0-4.1 Failed 99.4148s UNKNOWN # #398244: xcache - FTBFS: AUTOCHECK ERROR: ==== calc zend_brk_cont_element =================  RECHECK RECHECK_TIME(99/234)
+xchat-gnome 1:0.13-1 Failed 906.006088s NO_SUCH_FILE #420322: FTBFS: db2omf: Could not construct the OMF subject element RECHECK RECHECK_TIME(906/188)
+xen-unstable 3.0-unstable+hg11561-1 Failed 71.935377s APT_GET_FAILED #399700: FTBFS, build-deps on linux-support-2.6.17-2  RECHECK
+xf86-input-evtouch 0.8.3-1 Failed 126.944003s HEADER_NO_SUCH_FILE/NO_SUCH_FILE/GCC_ERROR TODO NEWFAIL
+xfmail 1.5.5-4 Failed 385.971183s NO_SUCH_FILE/GCC_ERROR #420311: FTBFS: error: invalid conversion from 'char*' to 'unsigned char*' RECHECK
+xml-crimson 1:1.1.3-8 Failed 16.858722s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+xmlgraphics-commons 1.1.dfsg.1-1 Failed 33.416728s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+xml-im-exporter 1.1-2 Failed 54.313882s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+xserver-xorg-input-calcomp 1:1.1.0-1 Failed 107.122333s GCC_ERROR TODO NEWFAIL
+xserver-xorg-input-citron 1:2.2.0-2 Failed 61.895602s GCC_ERROR TODO NEWFAIL
+xserver-xorg-input-dmc 1:1.1.0-1 Failed 96.913404s GCC_ERROR TODO NEWFAIL
+xserver-xorg-input-dynapro 1:1.1.0-1 Failed 95.878988s GCC_ERROR TODO NEWFAIL
+xserver-xorg-input-elo2300 1:1.1.0-1 Failed 72.624022s GCC_ERROR TODO NEWFAIL
+xserver-xorg-input-evdev 1:1.1.2-6 Failed 156.128678s GCC_ERROR TODO NEWFAIL
+xserver-xorg-input-microtouch 1:1.1.0-1 Failed 105.629613s GCC_ERROR TODO NEWFAIL
+xserver-xorg-input-penmount 1:1.2.0-1 Failed 95.716064s GCC_ERROR TODO NEWFAIL
+xserver-xorg-video-i810-modesetting 1.6.5.git20061014.ac1-1 Failed 162.023785s TOO_MANY_ARGS/GCC_ERROR TODO NEWFAIL
+xserver-xorg-video-nsc 1:2.8.1-3 Failed 76.39832s NO_SUCH_FILE/GCC_ERROR TODO NEWFAIL
+xulrunner Failed 95.381198s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+yate 1.1.0-1.dfsg-1 Failed 355.957955s NO_SUCH_FILE #419455: FTBFS: cp: cannot stat `./debian/tmp/usr/lib/yate/modules/zapchan.yate': No such file or directory RECHECK RECHECK_TIME(355/227)
+zeroc-icee-java 1.1.0-5 Failed 223.953284s UNKNOWN caused by sablevm #395260  RECHECK RECHECK_TIME(223/336)
+zeroc-ice-java 3.2.0-1 Failed 43.255671s APT_GET_FAILED TODO NEWFAIL
+zlib 1:1.2.3-13 Failed 76.695848s LD_ERROR TODO NEWFAIL

Added: archive-rebuilds/2007-05-01-unstable-main-i386/README
--- archive-rebuilds/2007-05-01-unstable-main-i386/README	2007-04-30 07:48:21 UTC (rev 99)
+++ archive-rebuilds/2007-05-01-unstable-main-i386/README	2007-05-02 14:17:10 UTC (rev 100)
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+logs: http://people.debian.org/~lucas/logs/2007/05/rebuild.sid.i386/
+see ../Notes

Added: archive-rebuilds/2007-05-01-unstable-main-i386/no-longer-fails
--- archive-rebuilds/2007-05-01-unstable-main-i386/no-longer-fails	2007-04-30 07:48:21 UTC (rev 99)
+++ archive-rebuilds/2007-05-01-unstable-main-i386/no-longer-fails	2007-05-02 14:17:10 UTC (rev 100)
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+libnetfilter-conntrack 0.0.50-1 Failed 84.785476s UNKNOWN TODO
+hpoj 0.91-12 Failed 32.089938s APT_GET_FAILED #419919: libsnmp10-dev: Please stop renaming the -dev package.
+plr 1:0.6.2-4 Failed 101.485561s GCC_ERROR #421081: FTBFS: plr.c:195: error: too few arguments to function 'R_ParseVector'
+listen 0.4.3-2 Failed 198.630104s NO_SUCH_FILE caused by docbook2x #420345
+gcalctool 5.8.25-1 Failed 705.587681s UNKNOWN TODO
+xfce4-session 4.4.1-1 Failed 137.58822s UNKNOWN build tried in the middle of the xfce4 transition
+wmnd 0.4.12-1 Failed 42.821488s APT_GET_FAILED #419919: libsnmp10-dev: Please stop renaming the -dev package.
+maxima 5.11.0-1 Failed 34.836496s APT_GET_FAILED transitory (?) uninstallability of locales
+xmltex 1.9-11.1 Failed 71.04738s APT_GET_FAILED #419390: xmltex: Please drop dependency on tetex-base, and switch to texlive
+toshset 1.72-2 Failed 149.00358s LD_ERROR/NO_SUCH_FILE #385285 undefined reference to `gzopen'
+libdbd-excel-perl 0.06-4 Failed 197.14598s UNKNOWN #420037: libdbd-excel-perl: FTBFS: Base class package "Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::Workbook" is empty.
+libfwbuilder 2.1.8-1 Failed 22.91824s APT_GET_FAILED TODO
+libapache2-mod-defensible 1.2-1 Failed 205.386231s GCC_ERROR #419686 libapache2-mod-defensible: FTBFS: error: too few arguments to function 'dns_init'
+helpdeco 2.1.3-3 Failed 139.97165s UNKNOWN caused by docbook2x #420345
+gnome-panel 2.14.3-5 Failed 439.175733s UNKNOWN TODO
+mysql-dfsg-5.0 5.0.38-1 Failed 26.921493s APT_GET_FAILED #420612: FTBFS due to TeX Live transition
+mt-st 0.9b-3 Failed 101.03616s UNKNOWN caused by debhelper #419612
+euler 1.61.0-1 Failed 136.504998s GCC_ERROR #420608: FTBFS: main.c:442: error: 'CLK_TCK' undeclared (first use in this function)
+xfce4-panel 4.4.1-1 Failed 300.234936s UNKNOWN build tried in the middle of the xfce4 transition
+rkward 0.4.2-2 Failed 368.474069s GCC_ERROR 0.4.7-2 uploaded meanwhile
+qhull 2003.1-4 Failed 144.225962s UNKNOWN TODO
+mail-notification 4.0.dfsg.1-1 Failed 583.320394s APT_GET_FAILED/NO_SUCH_FILE TODO
+kdeutils 4:3.5.5-3 Failed 31.207287s APT_GET_FAILED #419919: libsnmp10-dev: Please stop renaming the -dev package.
+libxml-simple-perl 2.16-1 Failed 104.038123s UNKNOWN TODO
+kftpgrabber 0.8.0-2 Failed 794.022011s NO_SUCH_FILE TODO
+libemail-filter-perl 1.031-1 Failed 224.512103s UNKNOWN TODO
+evolution-jescs 2.6.4-2 Failed 664.936s APT_GET_FAILED TODO
+gnome-applets 2.14.3-6 Failed 269.693509s UNKNOWN TODO
+console-data 2:1.01-7 Failed 33.839814s APT_GET_FAILED transitory (?) uninstallability of locales
+katapult 0.3.1-1 Failed 528.534021s NO_SUCH_FILE TODO
+xapian-bindings 0.9.9-1.1 Failed 194.300537s GCC_ERROR #420325: ruby1.8 needs a rebuild (binNMU requested)
+libnetfilter-queue 0.0.13-1 Failed 87.19511s UNKNOWN depends on package still in NEW
+bitpim 0.9.14.dfsg.1-1 Failed 120.576563s UNKNOWN caused by debhelper #419612
+gnome-power-manager 2.14.3-3 Failed 493.210057s UNKNOWN TODO
+ddccontrol 0.4.2-1 Failed 230.566034s UNKNOWN #396732: ddccontrol: FTBFS: PCI utils library not found, please install pci-utils
+cacti-cactid 0.8.6i-2 Failed 25.206503s APT_GET_FAILED #419919: libsnmp10-dev: Please stop renaming the -dev package.
+xfprint4 4.4.1-1 Failed 118.896754s UNKNOWN build tried in the middle of the xfce4 transition
+thunar 0.8.0-2 Failed 122.476193s UNKNOWN build tried in the middle of the xfce4 transition
+gconf-editor 2.16.0-2 Failed 286.098069s UNKNOWN TODO
+wmaloader 0.1-3 Failed 101.988237s LD_ERROR TODO
+exo 0.3.2-3 Failed 213.11759s UNKNOWN build tried in the middle of the xfce4 transition
+libhtml-calendarmonth-perl 1.18-1 Failed 334.06758s UNKNOWN #420048: libhtml-calendarmonth-perl: FTBFS: test t/20_i8n.t failed 1/2
+seahorse 1.0.1-1 Failed 759.918845s APT_GET_FAILED/NO_SUCH_FILE TODO
+snmptrapfmt 1.11 Failed 25.102545s APT_GET_FAILED #419919: libsnmp10-dev: Please stop renaming the -dev package.
+installation-locale 1.1 Failed 43.45752s APT_GET_FAILED transitory (?) uninstallability of locales
+edict-fpw 1.2.1-5 Failed 47.172833s NO_SUCH_FILE #420041: edict-fpw: FTBFS: zcat: /usr/share/doc/edict/edict_doc.txt.gz: No such file or directory
+apcupsd 3.14.0-2 Failed 24.647096s APT_GET_FAILED #419919: libsnmp10-dev: Please stop renaming the -dev package.
+xfce4-utils 4.4.1-1 Failed 153.714203s UNKNOWN build tried in the middle of the xfce4 transition
+openipmi 2.0.7-1 Failed 27.084772s APT_GET_FAILED #419919: libsnmp10-dev: Please stop renaming the -dev package.
+murasaki 0.8.11-3 Failed 77.55226s APT_GET_FAILED TODO
+minbar 0.1-8 Failed 484.244973s LD_ERROR fixed according to adn
+heartbeat 1.2.5-3 Failed 23.868181s APT_GET_FAILED #419919: libsnmp10-dev: Please stop renaming the -dev package.
+netmrg 0.18.2-14 Failed 23.281238s APT_GET_FAILED #419919: libsnmp10-dev: Please stop renaming the -dev package.
+mousepad 0.2.12-1 Failed 271.499703s UNKNOWN build tried in the middle of the xfce4
+libemail-localdelivery-perl 0.21-1 Failed 125.483463s UNKNOWN TODO
+gst-plugins-bad0.10 0.10.3-3.1 Failed 263.382508s GCC_ERROR TODO
+libxfcegui4 4.4.1-1 Failed 103.504194s UNKNOWN TODO
+hpodder 0.99.2 Failed 334.702895s NO_SUCH_FILE #420977: FTBFS: setup: cannot satisfy dependency FilePath-any
+heartbeat-2 2.0.8-1 Failed 23.909851s APT_GET_FAILED #419919: libsnmp10-dev: Please stop renaming the -dev package.
+xfce4-appfinder 4.4.1-1 Failed 256.644s UNKNOWN build tried in the middle of the xfce4 transition
+localechooser 1.38 Failed 58.2281s APT_GET_FAILED transitory (?) uninstallability of locales
+cyrus21-imapd 2.1.18-5.1 Failed 29.077555s APT_GET_FAILED #419919: libsnmp10-dev: Please stop renaming the -dev package.
+python2.4 2.4.4-3 Failed 24.727649s APT_GET_FAILED transitory (?) uninstallability of locales
+grass 6.2.1-2 Failed 23.308499s APT_GET_FAILED #419584: grass - FTBFS: Unavailable build dependency: libgdal1-dev
+python2.5 2.5-5 Failed 34.387289s APT_GET_FAILED transitory (?) uninstallability of locales
+gcc-3.3 1:3.3.6ds1-15 Failed 42.880103s APT_GET_FAILED transitory (?) uninstallability of locales
+slony1 1.2.9-1 Failed 249.350366s HEADER_NO_SUCH_FILE/NO_SUCH_FILE/GCC_ERROR #419586: slony1 - FTBFS: error: access/xact.h: No such file or directory
+gcc-3.4 3.4.6ds1-5 Failed 43.199199s APT_GET_FAILED transitory (?) uninstallability of locales
+libclass-dbi-asform-perl 2.42-2 Failed 113.38617s UNKNOWN #414745: libclass-dbi-asform-perl: FTBFS: failed 2 tests of 4
+control-center 1:2.14.2-7 Failed 369.525755s NO_SUCH_FILE TODO
+cheops 0.61-15 Failed 67.638368s APT_GET_FAILED #419919: libsnmp10-dev: Please stop renaming the -dev package.
+kerry 0.2.1-2 Failed 452.019524s NO_SUCH_FILE caused by docbook2x #420345
+kdepim 4:3.5.5.dfsg.1-6 Failed 1003.702262s NO_SUCH_FILE/GCC_ERROR #420040: kdepim: FTBFS: error: could not convert template argument 'unpack_MemoAppInfo' to 'int (*)(MemoAppInfo*, unsigned char*, unsigned int)'
+sympa 5.2.3-2 Failed 48.500371s APT_GET_FAILED transitory (?) uninstallability of locales
+epiphany-extensions Failed 469.124056s APT_GET_FAILED/NO_SUCH_FILE TODO
+nut 2.0.5-3 Failed 40.882241s APT_GET_FAILED #419919: libsnmp10-dev: Please stop renaming the -dev package.
+gsl 1.9-1 Failed 962.280611s NO_SUCH_FILE #420336: FTBFS: epstopdf: command not found
+xfce4-mixer 4.4.1-1 Failed 112.870411s UNKNOWN build tried in the middle of the xfce4 transition
+nagios-plugins 1.4.5-2 Failed 23.341245s APT_GET_FAILED #419919: libsnmp10-dev: Please stop renaming the -dev package.
+ndtpd 3.1.5-6.3 Failed 85.53543s APT_GET_FAILED #410446: ndtpd: FTBFS: build-depends on non-available libeb7-dev
+cpqarrayd 2.2-3 Failed 24.216541s APT_GET_FAILED #419919: libsnmp10-dev: Please stop renaming the -dev package.
+snort 2.3.3-13 Failed 665.711705s UNKNOWN TODO
+gucharmap 1:1.6.0-1 Failed 203.384896s UNKNOWN TODO
+gdal 1.4.0-2 Failed 22.901383s APT_GET_FAILED TODO
+orsa 0.7.0-7 Failed 498.199655s UNKNOWN caused by docbook2x #420345
+ifstat 1.1-5 Failed 48.962499s APT_GET_FAILED #419919: libsnmp10-dev: Please stop renaming the -dev package.
+banshee 0.12.1+dfsg-2 Failed 1027.626185s APT_GET_FAILED/NO_SUCH_FILE #419655: missing Depends: on procps
+icecc-monitor 1.1-1 Failed 262.661189s UNKNOWN caused by docbook2x #420345
+pommed 1.2~dfsg-1 Failed 115.482801s LD_ERROR 1.3 uploaded meanwhile
+php4 6:4.4.4-9 Failed 23.631038s APT_GET_FAILED TODO
+array-info 0.13-1 Failed 49.267145s UNKNOWN caused by docbook2x #420345
+kboincspy 0.9.1-3 Failed 498.664863s NO_SUCH_FILE TODO
+kimwitu++ 2.3.10-1 Failed 232.135792s UNKNOWN already fixed
+xfwm4 4.4.1-1 Failed 114.211153s UNKNOWN build tried in the middle of the xfce4 transition
+xfce-mcs-manager 4.4.1-1 Failed 242.5256s UNKNOWN build tried in the middle of the xfce4 transition
+php5 5.2.0-10 Failed 29.58639s APT_GET_FAILED TODO
+codeine 1.0.1-3.dfsg-2 Failed 492.165281s UNKNOWN caused by docbook2x #420345
+bash 3.1dfsg-8 Failed 24.368369s APT_GET_FAILED Problem with build environment. NEEDS_INVESTIGATION by lucas. RECHECK RECHECK_GUESS RECHECK_TIME(24/55)
+gnome-python-desktop 2.14.0-3 Failed 218.595374s GCC_ERROR TODO
+quagga 0.99.6-5 Failed 323.967617s UNKNOWN #420468: quagga - FTBFS: pdfetex exited with bad status, quitting.
+octaviz 0.4.5-4 Failed 292.810393s UNKNOWN #419683 FTBFS: CMake Error: VTK not found.
+m17n-db 1.3.1-1 Failed 51.494048s APT_GET_FAILED transitory (?) uninstallability of locales
+libwiki-toolkit-plugin-ping-perl 0.01-1 Failed 52.011963s UNKNOWN #420039: libwiki-toolkit-plugin-ping-perl: FTBFS: install_driver(SQLite) failed: Can't locate DBD/SQLite.pm
+xfce4-diskperf-plugin 2.1.0-1 Failed 355.736992s UNKNOWN build tried in the middle of the xfce4 transition
+wacom-tools Failed 93.752425s UNKNOWN caused by debhelper #419612
+uim 1:1.4.1-2 Failed 1222.150033s APT_GET_FAILED/NO_SUCH_FILE TODO
+python-networkx 0.33-1 Failed 83.975764s PYTHON_TRACEBACK/NO_SUCH_FILE TODO
+epiphany-browser 2.14.3-6 Failed 788.542153s NO_SUCH_FILE New version uploaded
+boinc 5.4.11-5 Failed 154.244554s UNKNOWN caused by docbook2x #420345
+zabbix 1:1.1.7-1 Failed 23.927959s APT_GET_FAILED #419919: libsnmp10-dev: Please stop renaming the -dev package.
+uswsusp 0.6~cvs20070202-1 Failed 115.435908s NO_SUCH_FILE TODO
+xfce-mcs-plugins 4.4.1-1 Failed 153.638298s UNKNOWN build tried in the middle of the xfce4 transition
+strigi 0.3.9-1 Failed 212.805255s LD_ERROR/NO_SUCH_FILE TODO
+moreutils 0.20 Failed 99.528016s UNKNOWN caused by docbook2x #420345
+ip4r 1.0-1 Failed 76.69717s NO_SUCH_FILE #419295: ip4r: Please build 8.2 extension only
+cpad-kernel 0.10-3 Failed 78.157482s UNKNOWN caused by debhelper #419612
+aolserver4 4.0.10-7 Failed 96.986348s LD_ERROR/NO_SUCH_FILE #402848: undefined reference to `pthread_kill_other_threads_np'
+tendra 4.1.2-16 Failed 205.377541s NO_SUCH_FILE TODO
+ipod-sharp 0.6.3-2 Failed 301.773756s APT_GET_FAILED/NO_SUCH_FILE TODO
+sgf2dg 4.026-6 Failed 153.938437s UNKNOWN TODO
+quantlib-swig 0.4.1-1 Failed 384.256631s GCC_ERROR TODO
+piuparts 0.20-3 Failed 110.550189s UNKNOWN caused by docbook2x #420345
+ispell-lt 1.1+cvs20060719-1 Failed 24.602259s APT_GET_FAILED transitory (?) uninstallability of locales
+ginspector 20050529-1 Failed 184.807918s UNKNOWN TODO
+enchant 1.3.0-2 Failed 102.091919s GCC_ERROR #418262: FTBFSes with hunspell 1.1.5
+libgdal-grass 1.4.0-2 Failed 23.359488s APT_GET_FAILED TODO
+mbrowse 0.3.1-6 Failed 42.545052s APT_GET_FAILED TODO
+pennmush 1.8.0p13-1 Failed 23.564045s APT_GET_FAILED transitory (?) uninstallability of locales
+hplip 1.6.10-3 Failed 24.912463s APT_GET_FAILED #419919: libsnmp10-dev: Please stop renaming the -dev package.
+gri 2.12.14-1 Failed 237.946656s UNKNOWN #419602: gri: FTBFS: f.tex not found, images will be ignored 
+latex-mk 1.8-8 Failed 924.308187s UNKNOWN TODO
+perl 5.8.8-7 Failed 1294.15435s NO_SUCH_FILE TODO
+libxfce4mcs 4.4.1-1 Failed 121.653985s UNKNOWN TODO
+ispell-uk 1.3.3-1 Failed 31.250237s APT_GET_FAILED transitory (?) uninstallability of locales
+gcc-4.1 4.1.1ds2-21 Failed 44.508539s APT_GET_FAILED transitory (?) uninstallability of locales
+evolution-exchange 2.6.3.dfsg-1 Failed 637.106579s APT_GET_FAILED TODO
+mesa 6.5.1-0.6 Failed 474.159963s NO_SUCH_FILE/GCC_ERROR TODO
+kscope 1.5.1-2 Failed 349.577506s NO_SUCH_FILE caused by docbook2x #420345
+keep 0.4.0-1 Failed 237.99641s NO_SUCH_FILE caused by docbook2x #420345
+kasablanca Failed 281.271379s NO_SUCH_FILE caused by docbook2x #420345
+kmplayer 1:0.9.4-1 Failed 346.634272s NO_SUCH_FILE caused by docbook2x #420345
+ipolish 20070410-2 Failed 25.279336s APT_GET_FAILED transitory (?) uninstallability of locales
+ksystemlog 0.3.2-1 Failed 456.310033s NO_SUCH_FILE TODO
+openct 0.6.11-1 Failed 113.102176s NO_SUCH_FILE/GCC_ERROR #414715: openct: FTBFS: Parse errors in ifdhandler.h
+evolution-sharp 0.11.1-3 Failed 565.307461s APT_GET_FAILED TODO
+albatross 1.36-1 Failed 762.926722s UNKNOWN #419756: epstopdf: Command not found
+libeb-ruby 2.3-1 Failed 78.069345s APT_GET_FAILED #419375: libeb-ruby: Build depends on removed libeb7-dev
+cvs2svn 1.5.0-1 Failed 24.10963s APT_GET_FAILED transitory (?) uninstallability of locales
+bluez-utils 3.7-1 Failed 135.437238s UNKNOWN caused by debhelper #419612
+cwebx 3.04-8 Failed 45.922432s APT_GET_FAILED #420904: FTBFS due to TeX Live migration
+gkrellm-snmp 1.0-1 Failed 31.070866s APT_GET_FAILED #419919: libsnmp10-dev: Please stop renaming the -dev package.
+icecc 0.7.14-4 Failed 165.123939s UNKNOWN caused by docbook2x #420345
+libxml-twig-perl 1:3.26-2 Failed 329.860089s UNKNOWN #414746: libxml-twig-perl: FTBFS: failed test t/test_bugs_3_22
+grub2 1.95-5 Failed 20605.820072s UNKNOWN was caused by build env
+xfdesktop4 4.4.1-1 Failed 138.533941s UNKNOWN build tried in the middle of the xfce4 transition
+musixtex 1:0.112.2-2 Failed 44.625069s APT_GET_FAILED #420480: FTBFS due to TeX Live migration 
+mga-vid 2.6.18-2 Failed 94.567775s UNKNOWN caused by debhelper #419612
+plotmtv 1.4.4t-9 Failed 109.086317s NO_SUCH_FILE was caused by build env
+gnome-alsamixer 0.9.7~cvs.20060916-1 Failed 199.258472s NO_SUCH_FILE fixed according to adn
+drscheme 1:352-10 Failed 548.544141s NO_SUCH_FILE TODO
+gaim 1:2.0.0+beta5-11 Failed 284.742212s APT_GET_FAILED TODO
+orage 4.4.1-1 Failed 188.865304s UNKNOWN build tried in the middle of the xfce4 transition
+biblememorizer 0.5.2-1 Failed 216.922824s NO_SUCH_FILE caused by docbook2x #420345
+choose-mirror 2.15 Failed 30.980239s APT_GET_FAILED transitory (?) uninstallability of locales

Modified: archive-rebuilds/Notes
--- archive-rebuilds/Notes	2007-04-30 07:48:21 UTC (rev 99)
+++ archive-rebuilds/Notes	2007-05-02 14:17:10 UTC (rev 100)
@@ -1,8 +1,12 @@
+# merge-in previous results
+./merge-results.rb previous current > current.new
+(also creates a 'no-longer-fails' file in the current dir)
-# add TODO to each line
-sed -i 's/$/ TODO/' $LIST
+# Tags:
+RECHECK means that the failure is already known, but that it would be a good idea to check it again (it always add the tag if the failure is already known).
-# merge-in previous results
-./merge-results.rb previous current > current.new
+RECHECK_GUESS is added if there's RECHECK, and the "hint" about why it failed has changed since the last time.
+RECHECK_TIME is added if there's RECHECK, and the time until the failure has changed a lot (both times are given between parentheses). A different time-to-fail might mean that it's a different failure.
+RECHECK_VERSION is added if there's RECHECK, and the version of the package has changed since the last failure.

Modified: archive-rebuilds/merge-results.rb
--- archive-rebuilds/merge-results.rb	2007-04-30 07:48:21 UTC (rev 99)
+++ archive-rebuilds/merge-results.rb	2007-05-02 14:17:10 UTC (rev 100)
@@ -21,15 +21,19 @@
   r = Result::new
   pkg, r.version, r.result, r.time, r.guess, r.explanation = l.split(' ', 6)
+  r.explanation = "TODO" if r.explanation.nil?
   if previous[pkg].nil?
     r.explanation += " NEWFAIL"
     prev = previous[pkg]
     if prev.explanation != "TODO"
       r.explanation = prev.explanation
+      r.explanation.gsub!(/RECHECK[^\s]*/,'')
+      r.explanation.gsub!(/NEWFAIL/, '')
+      r.explanation.gsub!(/\s+/, ' ')
       r.explanation += " RECHECK"
       r.explanation += " RECHECK_VERSION" if r.version != prev.version
-      r.explanation += " RECHECK_GUESS" if r.guess != prev.version
+      r.explanation += " RECHECK_GUESS" if r.guess != prev.guess
       nt = r.time.to_f
       ot = prev.time.to_f
       m = [ nt, ot ].min.to_f
@@ -47,6 +51,13 @@
         r.explanation += " RECHECK_TIME(#{nt.to_i}/#{ot.to_i})"
+    previous.delete(pkg)
   puts "#{pkg} #{r}"
+File::open('no-longer-fails', 'w') do |f|
+  previous.each_pair do |pkg, val|
+    f.puts pkg + ' ' + val.to_s
+  end

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