[Collab-qa-commits] r135 - archive-cleanup

Lucas Nussbaum lucas at alioth.debian.org
Thu May 10 07:53:21 UTC 2007

Author: lucas
Date: 2007-05-10 07:53:21 +0000 (Thu, 10 May 2007)
New Revision: 135

started to write some info about the bug filing process

Added: archive-cleanup/BugFiling
--- archive-cleanup/BugFiling	2007-05-10 07:42:33 UTC (rev 134)
+++ archive-cleanup/BugFiling	2007-05-10 07:53:21 UTC (rev 135)
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+Archive cleanup: Bug filing process
+Each package in the lists should be marked either:
+- SITUATION_OK : the situation is ok.
+- PROP_ORPH : orphaning the package has been proposed. Please add the bug#
+              between (), eg PROP_ORPH(#123456)
+- PROP_ROM : removing the package has been proposed. Please add the bug#
+- RECHECK : no decision taken, the package should checked again in a few months
+When filing orphaning or removal proposals, use:
+Severity: serious
+User: debian-qa at lists.debian.org
+Usertags: proposed-orphan (or proposed-removal)
+To follow the status, use list at:
+Bugs marked "No answer yet" are those with severity: serious. Those
+"acknowledged" are severity: normal.
+You can use the templates in Template.proposed-removal or
+Template.proposed-orphan . Feel free to improve them as well :-)
+Info to check and (maybe) include:
+- RC bugs
+- last upload
+- inclusion in stable releases
+- does the package has reverse dependancies?
+  use merkel: dak rm -Rn $SRCPKG
+- popcon score (FIXME: provide a file with popcon results for SOURCE packages)

Added: archive-cleanup/Template.proposed-removal
--- archive-cleanup/Template.proposed-removal	2007-05-10 07:42:33 UTC (rev 134)
+++ archive-cleanup/Template.proposed-removal	2007-05-10 07:53:21 UTC (rev 135)
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+Subject: <packagename>: should this package be removed?
+Package: <packagename>
+Version: <version>
+Severity: serious
+User: debian-qa at lists.debian.org
+Usertags: proposed-removal
+While reviewing packages that were not included in Etch, your package came
+up as a possible candidate for removal from Debian, because:
+[ include as many reasons as possible here ]
+If you agree, sending the following commands to control at bugs.debian.org
+should do it (after replace nnnnnn with this bug's number):
+severity nnnnnn normal
+reassign nnnnnn ftp.debian.org
+retitle nnnnnn RM: <packagename> -- RoM; <reasons> 
+For more information, see
+If you disagree, please just close this bug.
+Thank you,

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