[Collab-qa-commits] r486 - archive-rebuilds/2007-10-07-unstable-main-i386

lucas at alioth.debian.org lucas at alioth.debian.org
Mon Oct 8 10:07:36 UTC 2007

Author: lucas
Date: 2007-10-08 10:07:36 +0000 (Mon, 08 Oct 2007)
New Revision: 486

more bugs

Modified: archive-rebuilds/2007-10-07-unstable-main-i386/failed.2007-10-07.txt
--- archive-rebuilds/2007-10-07-unstable-main-i386/failed.2007-10-07.txt	2007-10-08 09:12:29 UTC (rev 485)
+++ archive-rebuilds/2007-10-07-unstable-main-i386/failed.2007-10-07.txt	2007-10-08 10:07:36 UTC (rev 486)
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 apt-howto 2.0.2-2 Failed 370.694109s NO_SUCH_FILE #432349: apt-howto: FTBFS: E: cannot find "apt-howto.de.sgml"  RECHECK
 aqsis 1.2.0-2 Failed 27.699936s UNKNOWN #439125: FTBFS: Cannot find debian/tmp/usr/lib/libaqsis.so.1.2  RECHECK
 ardour 1:2.1-1 Failed 962.633956s NO_SUCH_FILE #444518: ardour: FTBFS: error: 'const struct _GtkToolbar' has no member named 'tooltips' RECHECK RECHECK_VERSION RECHECK_GUESS RECHECK_TIME(962/365)
-asis 2005-5 Failed 6.33145s APT_GET_FAILED NNN
+asis 2005-5 Failed 6.33145s APT_GET_FAILED #445769: asis: FTBFS: unsat b-deps: gnat: Depends: gnat-4.1 but it is not going to be installed
 asm 1.5.3-4 Failed 57.249891s UNKNOWN bug in kaffe fixed with 1.8.1-2
 asterisk-chan-misdn 0.1.1-1 Failed 21.910503s TOO_MANY_ARGS/HEADER_NO_SUCH_FILE/NO_SUCH_FILE/GCC_ERROR #358338: asterisk-chan-misdn: FTBFS: compile error  RECHECK
 athcool 0.3.11-1 Failed 38.527515s LD_ERROR #403181: athcool: FTBFS: undefined references to gz*  RECHECK
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
 dbishell 0.8.9-7.2 Failed 35.342411s UNKNOWN #444540: dbishell: FTBFS: Can't locate gnu/stubs-64.ph in @INC (did you run h2ph?) RECHECK
 debian-installer 20070308 Failed 277.491725s NO_SUCH_FILE genext2fs: couldn't allocate a block (no free space) /tmp too small?  RECHECK
 debian-reference 1.11 Failed 532.602551s APT_GET_FAILED caused by #431986: hlatex-fonts-base: postinst fails if libkpathsea4 unpacked but not configured  RECHECK
-debmake 3.8.3 Failed 24.168668s UNKNOWN #440962 dpkg-dev fault  RECHECK
+debmake 3.8.3 Failed 24.168668s UNKNOWN NNN
 defrag 0.73pjm1-8 Failed 40.354528s NO_SUCH_FILE/GCC_ERROR #373573: defrag: FTBFS (amd64): warning: dereferencing type-punned pointer will break strict-aliasing rules  RECHECK
 dfo 0.7+svn45-1 Failed 157.050428s NO_SUCH_FILE TODO NEWFAIL
 diacanvas2 0.14.4-4 Failed 123.34135s PYTHON_TRACEBACK #422044: FTBFS: TypeError: pkgc_version_check() takes exactly 2 arguments (3 given)  RECHECK
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
 gfax 0.7.6-5 Failed 16.246038s APT_GET_FAILED #445758: gfax: FTBFS: unmet b-dep libevolution3.0-cil
 ghc6 6.6.1-2 Failed 2216.443215s LD_ERROR/NO_SUCH_FILE #443037: ghc6: FTBFS: GHC/Base_split/.o::Base(void):(.data+0x0): multiple definition of `base_GHCziBase_zeze_closure'  RECHECK
 ghc-cvs 20060905-1 Failed 1980.727947s LD_ERROR/NO_SUCH_FILE #445752: ghc-cvs: FTBFS: multiple definition of `base_GHCziBase_zeze_closure'
-gnat-glade 2006-3 Failed 10.898651s APT_GET_FAILED NNN
+gnat-glade 2006-3 Failed 10.898651s APT_GET_FAILED #445770: gnat-glade: FTBFS: unsat b-deps: gnat: Depends: gnat-4.1 but it is not going to be installed
 gnat-gps 4.0.1-6 Failed 9.121176s APT_GET_FAILED #443030: gnat-gps: FTBFS: /build/user/gnat-gps-4.0.1/docs/gps.texi:340: epsf.tex not found
 gnome-apt 0.4.9-3 Failed 120.384402s GCC_ERROR #444527: gnome-apt: FTBFS: error: 'GnomeDruidPage' has not been declared RECHECK RECHECK_TIME(120/344)
 gnome-subtitles 0.6-3 Failed 255.32861s UNKNOWN TODO NEWFAIL
@@ -181,8 +181,8 @@
 libapache-template-perl 0.09-4 Failed 18.763939s APT_GET_FAILED #429076: please update/request removal of your package  RECHECK
 libaudio-flac-decoder-perl 0.2-2 Failed 23.141569s GCC_ERROR #427748: libaudio-flac-decoder-perl - FTBFS: error: 'flac_datasource' has no member named 'decoder'  RECHECK
 libaws 2.2dfsg-1 Failed 6.537954s APT_GET_FAILED #445764: libasis-dev: unmet dep libgnatvsn-dev (>= 4.1)
-libcaca 0.99.beta12.debian-1 Failed 81.985035s UNKNOWN TODO NEWFAIL
-libclass-trait-perl 0.22-2 Failed 28.062454s BUILDDEP_UNSAT TODO NEWFAIL
+libcaca 0.99.beta12.debian-1 Failed 81.985035s UNKNOWN NNN
+libclass-trait-perl 0.22-2 Failed 28.062454s BUILDDEP_UNSAT caused by sbuild #395271
 libcommons-attributes-java 2.2-1 Failed 42.430561s UNKNOWN bug in kaffe fixed with 1.8.1-2
 libcommons-codec-java 1.3-4 Failed 56.187921s UNKNOWN bug in kaffe fixed with 1.8.1-2
 libcommons-el-java 1.0-3 Failed 62.634105s NO_SUCH_FILE bug in kaffe fixed with 1.8.1-2
@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@
 libjmac-java 1.74-1 Failed 194.398147s UNKNOWN bug in kaffe fixed with 1.8.1-2
 libjorbis-java 0.0.16-2 Failed 102.738206s UNKNOWN bug in kaffe fixed with 1.8.1-2
 libjspeex-java 0.9.7-1 Failed 259.639769s UNKNOWN bug in kaffe fixed with 1.8.1-2
-libkarma 0.0.6-2 Failed 316.526336s NO_SUCH_FILE TODO NEWFAIL
+libkarma 0.0.6-2 Failed 316.526336s NO_SUCH_FILE NNN
 libkjdsp-java 1.2-1 Failed 152.211344s UNKNOWN bug in kaffe fixed with 1.8.1-2
 liblaf-plugin-java 0.2-2 Failed 56.980992s UNKNOWN bug in kaffe fixed with 1.8.1-2
 liblinux-aio-perl 1.9-1 Failed 11.007042s TOO_MANY_ARGS/GCC_ERROR #393015: FTBFS: expected expression before '__kernel_size_t'  RECHECK
@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@
 libqdwizard-java 1.9-1 Failed 37.982904s UNKNOWN bug in kaffe fixed with 1.8.1-2
 librelaxng-datatype-java 1.0-2.1 Failed 101.43312s NO_SUCH_FILE bug in kaffe fixed with 1.8.1-2
 libsaxon-java 1:6.5.5-1 Failed 95.559311s UNKNOWN bug in kaffe fixed with 1.8.1-2
-libtest-base-perl 0.47-1 Failed 74.071487s BUILDDEP_UNSAT TODO NEWFAIL
+libtest-base-perl 0.47-1 Failed 74.071487s BUILDDEP_UNSAT caused by sbuild #395271
 libticables3 3.9.6-9 Failed 13.187814s APT_GET_FAILED #432444: libticables3: FTBFS: unmet build dep tidev-modules-source  RECHECK
 libticalcs4 4.6.1-2 Failed 7.299458s APT_GET_FAILED #432443: libticalcs4: FTBFS: unmet build dep tidev-modules-source  RECHECK
 libtritonus-java 20070428-3 Failed 92.926663s UNKNOWN bug in kaffe fixed with 1.8.1-2
@@ -270,10 +270,10 @@
 muine 0.8.7-1.1 Failed 313.694513s GCC_ERROR #439487: muine: FTBFS: error: redefinition of typedef 'GSequence'  RECHECK RECHECK_TIME(313/388)
 multi-gnome-terminal 1.6.2-13.1 Failed 112.748919s NO_SUCH_FILE #432367: multi-gnome-terminal: FTBFS: libtool: link: cannot find the library `/usr/lib/libdb3.la'  RECHECK RECHECK_TIME(112/62)
 ncpfs 2.2.6-4 Failed 71.083465s NO_SUCH_FILE/GCC_ERROR #428937: ncpfs: FTBFS: ncpm_common.c:1229: error: expected expression before 'struct'  RECHECK
-neon26 0.26.4-1 Failed 63.056887s UNKNOWN TODO NEWFAIL
+neon26 0.26.4-1 Failed 63.056887s UNKNOWN NNN
 nepenthes 0.2.0-2 Failed 35.865653s UNKNOWN #369030: FTBFS with GCC 4.2: deprecated conversion from string constant...  RECHECK
 netatalk 2.0.3-6 Failed 10.786786s APT_GET_FAILED #441520: netatalk: FTBFS: unsat build deps  RECHECK
-netpanzer 0.8.2-1 Failed 200.425243s UNKNOWN NNN
+netpanzer 0.8.2-1 Failed 200.425243s UNKNOWN #445774: netpanzer - FTBFS: ...failed updating 2 target(s)...
 network-manager-openvpn 0.3.2svn2342-1 Failed 82.051508s UNKNOWN #441188: network-manager-openvpn - FTBFS: configure: error: Package requirements (NetworkManager >= 0.4.1) were not met  RECHECK
 network-manager-vpnc 0.6.4svn2422-1 Failed 72.866931s UNKNOWN #441189: network-manager-vpnc - FTBFS: configure: error: Package requirements (NetworkManager >= 0.4.1) were not met  RECHECK
 nice 0.9.12-2 Failed 47.287312s UNKNOWN bug in kaffe fixed with 1.8.1-2
@@ -282,10 +282,10 @@
 offlineimap 5.99.2 Failed 64.903165s UNKNOWN #433739: offlineimap - FTBFS: /bin/bash: man: command not found  RECHECK
 opal 2.2.11~dfsg1-1 Failed 20.691063s UNKNOWN #442975: opal: FTBFS: dh_strip: debug package libopal-ptrace is not listed in the control file  RECHECK
 openbios-sparc 1.0~alpha2+20070816-1 Failed 50.661551s NO_SUCH_FILE Must be built on SPARC  RECHECK RECHECK_GUESS RECHECK_TIME(50/20)
-openmx 3.2.4.dfsg-1 Failed 24.827658s BUILDDEP_UNSAT TODO NEWFAIL
+openmx 3.2.4.dfsg-1 Failed 24.827658s BUILDDEP_UNSAT NNN
 opensaml 1.1b-1 Failed 199.800666s GCC_ERROR #445757: opensaml: FTBFS: error: 'ENDLINE' is not a member of 'log4cpp::CategoryStream'
 openslp-dfsg 1.2.1-7 Failed 46.444708s NO_SUCH_FILE #432887: openslp-dfsg - FTBFS: *** No rule to make target `distclean'.  Stop.  RECHECK RECHECK_GUESS RECHECK_TIME(46/15)
-orbit2cpp 1.3.9-2.1 Failed 145.515856s UNKNOWN TODO NEWFAIL
+orbit2cpp 1.3.9-2.1 Failed 145.515856s UNKNOWN NNN
 osgal-cvs 20060903-3 Failed 18.750082s APT_GET_FAILED #445763: osgal-cvs: FTBFS: unmet b-dep libproducer-dev
 oskit 0.97.20030827savannah-1 Failed 21.57051s GCC_ERROR #318555: oskit: FTBFS with gcc-4.0: Array type has incomplete element type  RECHECK
 ossp-uuid 1.5.1-1 Failed 11.412295s APT_GET_FAILED #432421: ossp-uuid: FTBFS: unmet build dep php4-dev  RECHECK
@@ -310,7 +310,7 @@
 pykdeextensions 0.4.0-4 Failed 83.106332s PYTHON_TRACEBACK #439504: pykdeextensions: FTBFS: ImportError: No module named pyqtconfig  RECHECK RECHECK_GUESS
 pyspi 0.6.1-1 Failed 74.963754s UNKNOWN #422661: FTBFS: several exceptions; Cannot assign type '__pyx_t_5atspi_bool' to 'SPIBoolean'  RECHECK
 python-oss Failed 27.815321s HEADER_NO_SUCH_FILE/NO_SUCH_FILE/GCC_ERROR #436327: python-oss: FTBFS: error: linux/awe_voice.h: No such file or directory  RECHECK RECHECK_TIME(27/65)
-python-scipy 0.6.0-2 Failed 8.242265s APT_GET_FAILED NNN
+python-scipy 0.6.0-2 Failed 8.242265s APT_GET_FAILED #445771: python-scipy: indirectly build-depends on contrib package
 rake 0.7.3-1 Failed 43.667284s UNKNOWN #436321: rake: FTBFS: test_load_rakefile_from_subdir(TestApplication) fails  RECHECK
 rate-engine 0.5.5-1 Failed 15.027203s APT_GET_FAILED #356756: Please upgrade build depends to libmysqlclient15-dev  RECHECK
 rrootage 0.23a-6 Failed 44.574485s NO_SUCH_FILE/GCC_ERROR #444452: Undeclared build dependency: libboost-dev RECHECK
@@ -319,17 +319,17 @@
 schooltool 0.11.4-3 Failed 17.823808s APT_GET_FAILED #422373: schooltool: FTBFS: build-dep python2.4-schoolbell uninstallable  RECHECK
 screem 0.16.1-4.1 Failed 134.651052s NO_SUCH_FILE/GCC_ERROR #444507: screem: FTBFS: error: expected specifier-qualifier-list before 'GtkTooltips' RECHECK
 scsi-idle 2.4.23-5 Failed 9.878004s APT_GET_FAILED #385285: scsi-idle: obsolete kernel, dummy bug  RECHECK
-scummvm 0.10.0-1 Failed 234.928048s NO_SUCH_FILE NNN
+scummvm 0.10.0-1 Failed 234.928048s NO_SUCH_FILE #445775: scummvm - FTBFS: You need to run ./configure before you can run make
 sdcc 2.6.0-5 Failed 6.01671s APT_GET_FAILED #444558: sdcc: FTBFS: Package lyx-xforms has no installation candidate RECHECK
 sear 0.6.1-1 Failed 6.388981s APT_GET_FAILED #432347: sear: FTBFS: unmet build dep libcal3d11-dev  RECHECK
 searchandrescue 0.8.2-7 Failed 99.954763s NO_SUCH_FILE/GCC_ERROR #387117: FTBFS with GCC 4.2: char* strcasestr throws different exceptions  RECHECK
-shibboleth-sp 1.3f.dfsg1-4 Failed 43.012214s UNKNOWN NNN
+shibboleth-sp 1.3f.dfsg1-4 Failed 43.012214s UNKNOWN #445778: shibboleth-sp - FTBFS: configure: error: unable to link with saml, or version too old
 silky 0.5.4-0.1 Failed 5.465264s APT_GET_FAILED #433820: Does not build with newer libsilc  RECHECK
 siproxd 1:0.5.13-1 Failed 53.880255s GCC_ERROR #439450: siproxd: FTBFS: error: incompatible type for argument 1 of 'osip_list_get'  RECHECK
 slash 2.2.6-8 Failed 12.679633s APT_GET_FAILED #429071: please update/request removal of your package  RECHECK
 smail Failed 49.270286s UNKNOWN #441484: smail - FTBFS: *** No rule to make target `<command-line>', needed by `dummy.o'.  Stop.  RECHECK
 smarteiffel2 2.2.99.beta3.2.svn8415-1 Failed 241.021764s NO_SUCH_FILE #426387: smarteiffel2: FTBFS: usr/lib/smarteiffel2/bin/eiffeltest': No such file or directory  RECHECK
-snd 7.18-2.1 Failed 35.929845s BUILDDEP_UNSAT TODO NEWFAIL
+snd 7.18-2.1 Failed 35.929845s BUILDDEP_UNSAT NNN
 spplus 1.0-10 Failed 14.232845s APT_GET_FAILED #432425: spplus: FTBFS: unmet build dep php4-dev  RECHECK
 squareness 2.3.0-2 Failed 274.959082s UNKNOWN bug in kaffe fixed with 1.8.1-2
 sqwebmail-de Failed 65.362323s UNKNOWN #426330: /usr/lib/cgi-bin/sqwebmail doesn't exist  RECHECK RECHECK_TIME(65/30)
@@ -338,10 +338,10 @@
 strongswan 4.1.4-1 Failed 157.487251s NO_SUCH_FILE #431874: strongswan - FTBFS: cannot create regular file `/etc/ipsec.conf': Permission denied  RECHECK
 supercollider 20060416-1 Failed 26.319434s UNKNOWN #444537: supercollider: FTBFS: pkg-config not found. RECHECK
 suphp 0.6.2-1 Failed 6.971304s APT_GET_FAILED #429079: please update/request removal of your package  RECHECK
-svk 2.0.1-1 Failed 17.16812s BUILDDEP_UNSAT TODO NEWFAIL
+svk 2.0.1-1 Failed 17.16812s BUILDDEP_UNSAT caused by sbuild #395271
 swfdec0.5 0.5.2-1 Failed 465.492597s NO_SUCH_FILE #443042: swfdec0.5: FTBFS: dh_strip: debug package libswfdec0.5-1-dbg is not listed in the control file  RECHECK RECHECK_GUESS RECHECK_TIME(465/366)
-swh-plugins 0.4.15-0.1 Failed 39.690818s BUILDDEP_UNSAT TODO NEWFAIL
-sword 1.5.9-7 Failed 24.853277s NO_SUCH_FILE NNN
+swh-plugins 0.4.15-0.1 Failed 39.690818s BUILDDEP_UNSAT NNN
+sword 1.5.9-7 Failed 24.853277s NO_SUCH_FILE #445776: sword - FTBFS: configure: error: You must call configure with the --with-clucene option
 syncekonnector 0.3.2-3 Failed 83.318025s UNKNOWN #427308: syncekonnector: FTBFS: configure: error: Can't find libkonnector.so  RECHECK
 systemimager 3.6.3dfsg1-3 Failed 273.102866s HEADER_NO_SUCH_FILE/NO_SUCH_FILE/GCC_ERROR #422825: systemimager: FTBFS: tr.c:34: error: expected specifier-qualifier-list before '__u16'  RECHECK
 tagcolledit 1.3-1 Failed 10.152668s APT_GET_FAILED #432437: tagcolledit: FTBFS: unmet build dep libtagcoll-dev  RECHECK
@@ -384,4 +384,4 @@
 xtranslate 0.2-14 Failed 18.275113s UNKNOWN #440962 dpkg-dev fault  RECHECK
 xulrunner Failed 13.236154s APT_GET_FAILED #441511: xulrunner: FTBFS: unmet b-dep ecj-bootstrap  RECHECK
 zipper.app 1.2-1 Failed 11.13261s APT_GET_FAILED #442055: librenaissance0-dev: Uninstallable: gnustep-back0.11 removed.  RECHECK
-zynaddsubfx 2.2.1-4 Failed 32.435541s BUILDDEP_UNSAT TODO NEWFAIL
+zynaddsubfx 2.2.1-4 Failed 32.435541s BUILDDEP_UNSAT NNN

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