[Collab-qa-commits] r795 - svnbuildstat/trunk/script

goneri-guest at alioth.debian.org goneri-guest at alioth.debian.org
Thu Apr 17 22:23:00 UTC 2008

Author: goneri-guest
Date: 2008-04-17 22:23:00 +0000 (Thu, 17 Apr 2008)
New Revision: 795

check for the free memory avalaible and kill the builds if needed, also some bug fixes and code rewrite.

Modified: svnbuildstat/trunk/script/svnbuildstat_agent.pl
--- svnbuildstat/trunk/script/svnbuildstat_agent.pl	2008-04-17 20:29:18 UTC (rev 794)
+++ svnbuildstat/trunk/script/svnbuildstat_agent.pl	2008-04-17 22:23:00 UTC (rev 795)
@@ -27,13 +27,12 @@
 #my $maxjobs = $config->agent_maxjobs;
 my $maxjobs = 1;
-my $vardir = "/home/goneri/svnbuildstattest";
+my $vardir = "/home/goneri/svnbuildstat";
 my $workplace = $vardir."/workplace";
 my $pbuilderplace = $vardir."/pbuilder";
 #my $tarballsplace = $vardir."/tarballs";
 my $buildarea = $vardir."/report";
 my $tmpdir = $vardir."/tmp";
-my $ccachedir = $vardir."/ccache";
 my $aptcachedir = $vardir."/aptcache";
 my $debmirror = "http://ftp.fr.debian.org/debian/";
 my $admin = "Gonéri Le Bouder <goneri\@rulezlan.org>";
@@ -46,59 +45,92 @@
 $ENV{LC_ALL} = 'C';
 $ENV{LANG} = 'C';
-die "please create: `".$vardir unless -d $vardir;
+sub purgeDir {
+  die "please create: `".$vardir unless -d $vardir;
 # TODO check for running script in background
 # Purge
-if (-d $workplace) {`rm -r $workplace`;}
-if (-d $buildarea) {`rm -r $buildarea`;}
-if (-d $tmpdir) {`rm -r $tmpdir`;}
+  foreach ($workplace, $buildarea, $tmpdir) {
+    if (-d $workplace) {
+      `rm -r $workplace`;
+    }
+  }
 # Create the directorys
-die if (!-d $workplace && !mkdir $workplace);
-die if (!-d $buildarea && !mkdir $buildarea);
-die if (!-d $pbuilderplace && !mkdir $pbuilderplace);
-die if (!-d $tmpdir && !mkdir $tmpdir);
-die if (!-d $ccachedir && !mkdir $ccachedir);
-die if (!-d $ccachedir."/cache" && !mkdir $ccachedir."/cache");
-die if (!-d $aptcachedir && !mkdir $aptcachedir);
-unlink foreach (<$tmpdir/report*.tar>);
+  foreach ($workplace, $buildarea, $pbuilderplace, $tmpdir, $aptcachedir) {
+    if (!-d && !mkdir $_) {
+      die "Failed to create $_\n";
+    }
+  }
-open (CCACHECFG, ">", "$ccachedir/ccache.cfg") or die;
-print CCACHECFG "export CCACHE_DIR=\"$ccachedir/cache\"\n";
-print CCACHECFG "export PATH=\"/usr/lib/ccache:\${PATH}\"\n";
-print CCACHECFG "export CCACHE_NOCOMPRESS=\"1\"\n";
-# --buildresult foo doesn't work?
-#print CCACHECFG "BUILDRESULT=\"$tmpdir\"\n"; 
+sub checkSanity {
+  if (isMemFull()||isDiskFull($workplace)||isDiskFull($buildarea)||isDiskFull('/tmp')) {
+    print "checkSanity(): disk or memory full!!!\n";
+    if (%job&&(isDiskFull($workplace)||isDiskFull($buildarea))) {
+      print "Emergency clean up\n";
+      foreach (keys %job) {
+        kill 15, $_;
+      }
+      sleep (60*3);
+      foreach (keys %job) {
+        kill 9, $_;
+        waitpid($_, WNOHANG);
+        delete ($job{$_});
+      }
+      `rm -f $aptcachedir/*` unless $keeptmpdir;
+      purgeDir() unless $keeptmpdir;
+    }
+  }
 sub postFile {
   my $file = shift;
   my $ua = new LWP::UserAgent;
   my $response = $ua->request(POST $server.'/controls/sendFile',
     Content_Type => 'form-data',
     Content => ['file' => [ $file, basename($file) ]]) or die "Upload failed\n";
   print "report sent: ".$response->as_string()."\n";
-sub isFull {
+sub isDiskFull {
   my $path = shift;
+  my $free = 0;
+#  /dev/hda2              7210656   5721668   1122708      84% /
   foreach (`df -P $path`) {
     if (/^\S+\s+\d+\s+\d+\s+(\d+)\s+\S+/) {
-      return ($1 < 300000)?1:0;
+      $free = $1;
+  print "disk for $path: $free\n";
+  $free < 300000;
-  return;
+sub isMemFull {
+  if (!open MEMINFO, "</proc/meminfo") {
+    warn "Can't open meminfo";
+    return;
+  }
+  my $free = 0;
+  foreach (<MEMINFO>) {
+    $free += $2 if /^(MemFree|SwapFree):\s+(\d+)\s+kB/;
+  }
+  print "mem: ".$free."\n";
+  # 50MB is not enough
+  $free < 50000;
 sub getBuildJob {
   my $p;
   my $report = {};
@@ -124,6 +156,8 @@
 sub upgradeChroot {
+  my $retry = shift;
+  $retry = 1 unless $retry;
   my $pdebuildparam = "--debootstrap debootstrap --mirror ".$debmirror." --buildplace $pbuilderplace --othermirror 'deb ".$debmirror." $distro main contrib non-free' --distribution $distro --basetgz $pbuildertgz --debootstrap debootstrap";
   if (-s $pbuildertgz) {
@@ -143,15 +177,19 @@
         # I restore the previous chroot
         `cp $pbuildertgz.save $pbuildertgz`;
         `/usr/sbin/pbuilder update $pdebuildparam >/tmp/pbuilder-create.log 1>&2`;
-      } else {
-        # I save the created chroot
-        `cp $pbuildertgz $pbuildertgz.save`;
+    } else {
+      # I save the created chroot
+      `cp $pbuildertgz $pbuildertgz.save`;
   if (! -s $pbuildertgz) {
-    print "No pbuilder tarball\n";
+    my $timer = 10*$retry;
+    $timer = 180 if $timer > 180;
+    print "Failed to create a pbuilder tarball, will sleep for $timer minutes and retry ...\n";
+    sleep ($timer*60);
+    upgradeChroot($retry+1);
@@ -183,7 +221,7 @@
   print BUILDLOG "(log file truncated) ... " if tell(BUILDLOGTMP);
   foreach (<BUILDLOGTMP>) {
-  # To avoid strange breakage I do some clean up in the log file
+    # To avoid strange breakage I do some clean up in the log file
     print BUILDLOG $_."\n";
@@ -250,8 +288,8 @@
   $report->{'stamp_build-start'} = time;
   my $dsc_localpath = $threadworkplace.'/'.basename($report->{dsc});
-  `cd $threadworkplace/$tarballdir; pbuilder --build --buildresult $threadbuildarea --configfile $ccachedir/ccache.cfg --buildplace $pbuilderplace --aptcache $aptcachedir --distribution $distro --basetgz $pbuilderplace/$distro.tar.gz --timeout 10h $dsc_localpath >$threadbuildarea/build.log.tmp 2>&1`;
+  `cd $threadworkplace/$tarballdir; pbuilder --build --buildresult $threadbuildarea --buildplace $pbuilderplace --aptcache $aptcachedir --distribution $distro --basetgz $pbuilderplace/$distro.tar.gz --timeout 10h $dsc_localpath >$threadbuildarea/build.log.tmp 2>&1`;
   $report->{'stamp_build-end'} = time;
   sendReport($report, $threadbuildarea);
@@ -261,22 +299,15 @@
+###### Main
 while (sleep 15) { # TODO replace by a more important values
-  if (isFull($workplace)||isFull($buildarea)) {
-    `rm -f $aptcachedir/*` unless $keeptmpdir;
-    print "disk is full\n";
-    if (%job&&(isFull($workplace)||isFull($buildarea))) {
-      print "Emergency clean up\n";
-      foreach (keys %job) {
-        kill 9, $_;
-        waitpid($_, WNOHANG);
-        delete ($job{$_});
-      }
-      `rm -rf $workplace/* $buildarea/*` unless $keeptmpdir;
-    }
-  }
+  checkSanity();
 # Check the running jobs (See #453710)
@@ -290,7 +321,6 @@
   if (keys %job < $maxjobs) {
     my $newpid = fork;
     if ($newpid) { # Father
@@ -306,5 +336,4 @@

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