[Collab-qa-commits] r828 - svnbuildstat/trunk/script

goneri at alioth.debian.org goneri at alioth.debian.org
Sun Apr 27 19:05:39 UTC 2008

Author: goneri
Date: 2008-04-27 19:05:38 +0000 (Sun, 27 Apr 2008)
New Revision: 828

move the script in its own repository

Deleted: svnbuildstat/trunk/script/svnbuildstat_agent.pl
--- svnbuildstat/trunk/script/svnbuildstat_agent.pl	2008-04-27 19:05:08 UTC (rev 827)
+++ svnbuildstat/trunk/script/svnbuildstat_agent.pl	2008-04-27 19:05:38 UTC (rev 828)
@@ -1,442 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-use strict;
-use Data::Dumper;
-use File::Glob ':glob';
-use Sys::Hostname;
-use LWP::Simple;
-use POSIX ":sys_wait_h";
-use File::Basename;
-use File::stat;
-use HTTP::Request::Common;
-use LWP::UserAgent;
-use HTTP::Response;
-use Proc::ProcessTable;
-use Config::IniFiles;
-my $RELEASE = "0.0.1";
-my $hostname = hostname();
-my $distro = "sid";
-chomp (my $arch = `dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_ARCH`);
-my %job;
-die "You must be root!" unless $< == 0;
-my $inifile = "/etc/qabuild-agent.ini";
-my $cfg= Config::IniFiles->new( -file => $inifile ) or die "Can't load $inifile";
-my $debmirror = $cfg->val('path', 'debmirror');
-my $server = $cfg->val('path', 'server');
-my $vardir = $cfg->val('path', 'vardir');
-my $adminname = $cfg->val('admin', 'name');
-my $adminemail = $cfg->val('admin', 'email');
-my $adminteam = $cfg->val('admin', 'team');
-if (!$debmirror) {
-    die "Can't find the debmirror in $inifile";
-if (!$server) {
-    die "Can't find the server in $inifile";
-if (!$vardir || !-d $vardir) {
-    die "Can't find the vardir directory in $inifile";
-my $maxjob = 1;
-my $workplace = $vardir."/workplace";
-my $pbuilderplace = $vardir."/pbuilder";
-my $buildarea = $vardir."/report";
-my $tmpdir = $vardir."/tmp";
-my $aptcachedir = $vardir."/aptcache";
-my $pbuildertgz = "$pbuilderplace/$distro.tar.gz";
-my $sigTermCatched = 0;
-my $exit = 0;
-sub sigterm {print "SIGTERM!\n";$sigTermCatched=1};
-$SIG{INT}= 'sigterm';
-my $keeptmpdir;
-die unless $maxjob =~ /^\d+$/;
-$ENV{LC_ALL} = 'C';
-$ENV{LANG} = 'C';
-# From Proc::Killall TODO package this
-#Copyright (c) 1998-2006 Daniel J. Urist. All rights reserved.
-#This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-#it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-sub get_pids {
-  my($procs, @kids) = @_;
-  my @pids;
-  foreach my $kid (@kids) {
-    foreach my $proc (@$procs) {
-      if ($proc->ppid == $kid) {
-        my $pid = $proc->pid;
-        push @pids, $pid, get_pids $procs, $pid;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  @pids;
-sub killfam {
-  my($signal, @pids) = @_;
-  my $pt = Proc::ProcessTable->new;
-  my(@procs) =  @{$pt->table};
-  my(@kids) = get_pids \@procs, @pids;
-  @pids = (@pids, @kids);
-  print "pid to kill: ";
-  print $_." " foreach (@pids);
-  print "\n";
-  kill $signal, @pids;
-} # end killfam
-sub purge {
-  print "What a nice day for a purge!\n";
-  die "please create: `".$vardir unless -d $vardir;
-# TODO check for running script in background
-# Purge
-  foreach ($workplace, $buildarea, $tmpdir) {
-    if (-d $workplace) {
-      `rm -r $workplace`;
-    }
-  }
-  foreach (`mount`) {
-    if (/^\/\S+\son\s(\S+)/) {
-      my $mountPoint = $1;
-      if ($mountPoint =~ /^$pbuilderplace/) {
-        print "umounting $mountPoint\n";
-        system("umount $mountPoint");
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  # !!! Maybe danger if $pbuilderplace is unset
-  # so I do another check here!
-  die "DANGER: pbuilderplace not correct!" unless $pbuilderplace =~ /\/./;
-  foreach (bsd_glob($pbuilderplace.'/*')) {
-    next if /tar.gz$/; # pbuilder tarball
-    system ("rm -r $_");
-  }
-# (Re)Create the directorys
-  foreach ($workplace, $buildarea, $pbuilderplace, $tmpdir, $aptcachedir) {
-    if (!-d && !mkdir $_) {
-      die "Failed to create $_\n";
-    }
-  }
-sub debcachePurge {
-  `rm -f $aptcachedir/*` unless $keeptmpdir;
-sub checkSanity {
-  if (isDiskFull($aptcachedir)) {
-    debcachePurge();
-  }
-  if (isMemFull()||isDiskFull($workplace)||isDiskFull($buildarea)||isDiskFull('/tmp')) {
-    print "checkSanity(): disk or memory full!!!\n";
-    purge();
-  }
-  $exit = 1 if $sigTermCatched;
-  if ($exit||isMemFull()||isDiskFull($workplace)||isDiskFull($buildarea)||isDiskFull('/tmp')) {
-    if (%job&&(isDiskFull($workplace)||isDiskFull($buildarea))) {
-      print "Emergency clean up\n";
-      killfam  (15, keys %job);
-      foreach (1..10) {
-        sleep (1);
-        print ".";
-      }
-      print "\n";
-      killfam  (9, keys %job);
-      foreach (keys %job) {
-        waitpid($_, WNOHANG);
-        delete ($job{$_});
-      }
-      purge() unless $keeptmpdir;
-    }
-  }
-sub postFile {
-  my $file = shift;
-  my $ua = new LWP::UserAgent;
-  my $response = $ua->request(POST $server.'/controls/buildInput',
-    Content_Type => 'form-data',
-    Content => ['file' => [ $file, basename($file) ]]) or die "Upload failed\n";
-  if ($response->is_error) {
-    print "Failed to post file: ".$response->as_string()."\n";
-  }
-sub isDiskFull {
-  my $path = shift;
-  my $free = 0;
-#  /dev/hda2              7210656   5721668   1122708      84% /
-  foreach (`df -P $path`) {
-    if (/^\S+\s+\d+\s+\d+\s+(\d+)\s+\S+/) {
-      $free = $1;
-    }
-  }
-  $free < 300000;
-sub isMemFull {
-  if (!open MEMINFO, "</proc/meminfo") {
-    warn "Can't open meminfo";
-    return;
-  }
-  my $free = 0;
-  foreach (<MEMINFO>) {
-    $free += $2 if /^(MemFree|SwapFree):\s+(\d+)\s+kB/;
-  }
-  # IMO, 50MB is not enough to continue a build
-  $free < 50000;
-sub getBuildJob {
-  my $p;
-  my $report = {};
-  my $ua  = LWP::UserAgent->new();
-  my $req = POST $server."/controls/getBuildJob", Content_Type => 'form-data',
-  Content      => [
-  submit => 1,
-  content => "arch=$arch\n",
-  ];
-  my $response = $ua->request($req);
-  return unless $response->is_success();
-  foreach (split $/, $response->content) {
-    chomp;
-    $report->{$1} = $2 if (/(.*)=(.*)/);
-  }
-  return unless $report->{dsc};
-  return unless $report->{id};
-  $report;
-sub upgradeChroot {
-  my $retry = shift;
-  $retry = 1 unless $retry;
-  my $pdebuildparam = "--debootstrap debootstrap --mirror ".$debmirror." --buildplace $pbuilderplace --othermirror 'deb ".$debmirror." $distro main contrib non-free' --distribution $distro --basetgz $pbuildertgz --debootstrap debootstrap";
-  if (-s $pbuildertgz) {
-    my $sb = stat($pbuildertgz);
-    if (time - $sb->ctime > 3600 * 24) {
-      # I recreate the chroot every day 
-      `mv $pbuildertgz $pbuildertgz.save`;
-    }
-  }
-  if (! -s $pbuildertgz) {
-    # TODO redirect the log on another place
-    `/usr/sbin/pbuilder create $pdebuildparam >/tmp/pbuilder-create.log 1>&2`;
-    if (($? >> 8)!=0) {
-      print "Failed to create pbuilder image\n";
-      if (-f "$pbuildertgz.save") {
-        # I restore the previous chroot
-        `cp $pbuildertgz.save $pbuildertgz`;
-        `/usr/sbin/pbuilder update $pdebuildparam >/tmp/pbuilder-create.log 1>&2`;
-      }
-    } else {
-      # I save the created chroot
-      `cp $pbuildertgz $pbuildertgz.save`;
-    }
-  }
-  if (! -s $pbuildertgz) {
-    my $timer = 10*$retry;
-    $timer = 180 if $timer > 180;
-    print "Failed to create a pbuilder tarball, will sleep for $timer minutes and retry ...\n";
-    sleep ($timer*60);
-    upgradeChroot($retry+1);
-  }
-sub sendReport {
-  my ($report, $threadbuildarea) = @_;
-  print "sending result that are in $threadbuildarea\n";
-  $report->{'arch'} = $arch;
-  $report->{hostname} = $hostname;
-  $report->{distro} = $distro;
-  $report->{adminname} = $adminname;
-  $report->{adminemail} = $adminemail;
-  $report->{adminteam} = $adminteam;
-  $report->{'agent_release'} = $RELEASE;
-  $report->{'pbuilder_release'} = `dpkg-query -W -f='\${Version}' pbuilder`;
-  my $tmp = basename($report->{dsc});
-  $tmp =~ s/\.dsc//;
-  my $prefix = $tmp."_".$arch."_$hostname";
-  my $logfile = $prefix.'.log';
-  my $infofile = $prefix.'.info';
-  open (BUILDLOGTMP, "<","$threadbuildarea/build.log.tmp") or die;
-  seek(BUILDLOGTMP, -1000000, 2); # I just keep the end of the logfile
-  open (BUILDLOG, ">", "$threadbuildarea/".$logfile) or die;
-  # If I'm not at the end of BUILDLOGTMP it means that seek moved me
-  print BUILDLOG "(log file truncated) ... " if tell(BUILDLOGTMP);
-  foreach (<BUILDLOGTMP>) {
-    # To avoid strange breakage I do some clean up in the log file
-    s/[[:cntrl:]]//g;
-    print BUILDLOG $_."\n";
-  }
-  close BUILDLOG;
-  unlink "$threadbuildarea/build.log.tmp";
-  postFile($threadbuildarea."/".$logfile);
-  $report->{logfile} = $logfile;
-  if (bsd_glob($threadbuildarea.'/*.changes')) {
-    print "build is ok\n";
-    $report->{build} = "ok";
-    $report->{files} = '';
-    foreach (bsd_glob($threadbuildarea.'/*')) {
-      next if /orig\.tar\.gz$/; # deb & udeb
-      $report->{files} = $report->{files}.basename($_).' ';
-      postFile($_);
-    }
-  } else {
-    print "build is nok\n";
-    $report->{build} = "nok";
-  }
-  open (BUILDREPORT,">",$threadbuildarea."/".$infofile) or die "Can't open infofile";
-  foreach (sort keys %$report) {
-    chomp $report->{$_};
-    print BUILDREPORT $_."=".$report->{$_}."\n";
-  }
-#  print BUILDREPORT "-END-\n";
-  postFile ($threadbuildarea."/".$infofile);
-sub build {
-  my $report = shift;
-  return unless $report;
-  die unless -d $workplace;
-  die unless -d $buildarea;
-  die unless -d $tmpdir;
-  my $threadworkplace = $workplace .'/'. $$;
-  my $threadbuildarea = $buildarea .'/'. $$;
-  die if (!-d $threadworkplace && !mkdir $threadworkplace);
-  die if (!-d $threadbuildarea && !mkdir $threadbuildarea);
-  print "dsc: ".$report->{dsc}."\n";
-  my $tarballdir;
-  # The archive are not signed for the moment
-  my $cmd = "cd $threadworkplace; dget -qxu ".$report->{dsc};
-  foreach (`$cmd`) {
-    $tarballdir = $1 if /dpkg-source:\sextracting\s\S+\sin\s(\S+)/;
-  }
-  print "tarballdir: $threadworkplace; $tarballdir\n";
-   if (!$tarballdir) {
-    system("rm -r $threadworkplace $threadbuildarea") unless $keeptmpdir;
-    return;
-  }
-  $report->{'stamp_build-start'} = time;
-  my $dsc_localpath = $threadworkplace.'/'.basename($report->{dsc});
-  `cd $threadworkplace/$tarballdir; pbuilder --build --buildresult $threadbuildarea --buildplace $pbuilderplace --aptcache $aptcachedir --distribution $distro --basetgz $pbuilderplace/$distro.tar.gz --timeout 10h $dsc_localpath >$threadbuildarea/build.log.tmp 2>&1`;
-  $report->{'stamp_build-end'} = time;
-  sendReport($report, $threadbuildarea);
-  `rm -rf $threadworkplace $threadbuildarea` unless $keeptmpdir;
-  1;
-###### Main
-while (sleep 1) {
-  checkSanity();
-  exit(1) if $exit;
-  upgradeChroot();
-# Check the running jobs (See #453710)
-  foreach my $pid (keys %job) {
-    waitpid($pid, WNOHANG);
-    if (! -d "/proc/".$pid) {
-      print "$pid is finish\n";
-      `rm -rf $workplace/$pid $buildarea/$pid` unless $keeptmpdir;
-      delete ($job{$pid});
-    }
-  }
-  if (keys %job < $maxjob) {
-    my $newpid = fork;
-    if ($newpid) { # Father
-      $job{$newpid} = time;
-    } else { # Son
-      my $report = getBuildJob ();
-      print $report->{dsc}."\n";
-      if (!exists($report->{dsc})) {
-        print "Can't get a package to build from $server\n";
-      } else {
-        build($report);
-        print "done\n";
-      }
-      exit;
-    }
-  }

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