[Collab-qa-commits] r1117 - udd

lucas at alioth.debian.org lucas at alioth.debian.org
Sun Aug 17 13:26:08 UTC 2008

Author: lucas
Date: 2008-08-17 13:26:07 +0000 (Sun, 17 Aug 2008)
New Revision: 1117

various TODO changes

Modified: udd/TODO
--- udd/TODO	2008-08-17 13:16:57 UTC (rev 1116)
+++ udd/TODO	2008-08-17 13:26:07 UTC (rev 1117)
@@ -14,15 +14,18 @@
   - tables structure, in a relatively friendly format
   - some example queries
 - (prio: medium) primary key for tables which have none yet
+- (prio: high) merge udd-update.py into udd-dispatch.py, rename udd-dispatch.py to udd.py
+- (prio: high) make udd.py use a default config file, which can be overriden by "-f configfile".
+- (prio: high) merge doc/generate_db_schema.pl into udd-dispatch.py (or udd.py)
 - (prio: medium) Add support for keeping history of Packages and Sources in
-  separate tables.
-- (prio: low) Incremental updates, not full imports (use that to trigger
-   incremental bugs.d.o imports (for affects_* updates)
-- (prio: low) Push architecture lists to an extra table, so that packages
-   itself gets smaller
+  separate tables. (zack wants that, but shouldn't we use snapshot.d.o for that
+  instead?)
+- (prio: low, not sure if it's a good idea) Incremental updates, not full
+  imports (use that to trigger incremental bugs.d.o imports (for affects_*
+  updates)
 - (prio: low) Add a pkg composite type (text version, text name). The
    operator '=' used with type text should only check the package name,
    with another pkg should check both pkg and version. Should be pretty

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