[Collab-qa-commits] r1123 - udd

lucas at alioth.debian.org lucas at alioth.debian.org
Wed Aug 20 10:07:47 UTC 2008

Author: lucas
Date: 2008-08-20 10:07:46 +0000 (Wed, 20 Aug 2008)
New Revision: 1123

TODO updates

Modified: udd/TODO
--- udd/TODO	2008-08-19 13:55:21 UTC (rev 1122)
+++ udd/TODO	2008-08-20 10:07:46 UTC (rev 1123)
@@ -15,6 +15,8 @@
   - some example queries
 - (prio: medium) primary key for tables which have none yet
 - (prio: high) make udd.py use a default config file, which can be overriden by "-f configfile".
+- (prio: medium) try to write http://qa.debian.org/~myon/sponsorstats/ (we should have all the data for that now)
+- (prio: high) find a way to only send mail after crons when there's something "interesting" to report

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