[Collab-qa-commits] r654 - in debcluster/misc: . bdfh testparallel

lucas at alioth.debian.org lucas at alioth.debian.org
Fri Jan 18 10:17:46 UTC 2008

Author: lucas
Date: 2008-01-18 10:17:41 +0000 (Fri, 18 Jan 2008)
New Revision: 654

debcluster cleanup

Deleted: debcluster/misc/README
--- debcluster/misc/README	2008-01-18 10:09:08 UTC (rev 653)
+++ debcluster/misc/README	2008-01-18 10:17:41 UTC (rev 654)
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-apt-get install $(cat /tmp/plop | tail -200 | grep -v libgl-dev | grep -v xlibs-dev | grep -v apache2-threaded-dev | grep -v flex-old)

Copied: debcluster/misc/bdfh/README (from rev 651, debcluster/misc/README)
--- debcluster/misc/bdfh/README	                        (rev 0)
+++ debcluster/misc/bdfh/README	2008-01-18 10:17:41 UTC (rev 654)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+apt-get install $(cat /tmp/plop | tail -200 | grep -v libgl-dev | grep -v xlibs-dev | grep -v apache2-threaded-dev | grep -v flex-old)

Copied: debcluster/misc/bdfh/get-bdeps (from rev 651, debcluster/misc/get-bdeps)
--- debcluster/misc/bdfh/get-bdeps	                        (rev 0)
+++ debcluster/misc/bdfh/get-bdeps	2008-01-18 10:17:41 UTC (rev 654)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+cat /var/lib/apt/lists/idpot.grenoble.grid5000.fr_mirrors_debian_dists_sid_main_source_Sources  |grep "^Build-Depends:" | sed 's/Build-Depends://' | sed 's/([^)]*)//g' |sed 's/\[[^]]*\]//g' | sed 's/,/ /g' | sed 's/|/ /g' | tr ' ' "
+"|  sort | uniq -c | sort -n | awk '{print $2}'

Copied: debcluster/misc/bdfh/install-all-packages.rb (from rev 647, debcluster/misc/install-all-packages.rb)
--- debcluster/misc/bdfh/install-all-packages.rb	                        (rev 0)
+++ debcluster/misc/bdfh/install-all-packages.rb	2008-01-18 10:17:41 UTC (rev 654)
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+EXCL = ['acidbase', 'aplus-fsf-el', 'aplus-fsf-dev', 'apt-listbugs', 'arno-iptables-firewall' , 'libghc6-cairo-dev', 'libdspam7-drv-mysql', 'libooc-xml-dev', 'libpathtools-perl', 'libtest-distribution-perl', 'libghc6-hsh-dev', 'libooc-x11-dev', 'libghc6-anydbm-dev', 'libghc6-configfile-dev', 'libghc6-ftphs-dev', 'libghc6-hsh-dev', 'libooc-x11-dev'] 
+# get the list of candidates
+pkgs = []
+STDIN.each_line do |l|
+pkgs << l.chomp
+pkgs = pkgs - EXCL
+pi = []
+n = 0
+pkgs.each do |pkg|
+  n += 1
+  str = `apt-cache policy #{pkg}`
+  if str =~ /^  Installed: \(none\)$/
+    # need to install
+   else
+    puts "Skipping #{pkg}: already installed."
+    next
+  end
+  str = `apt-get install -s #{pi.join(' ')} #{pkg}`
+  if str =~ /^The following packages will be REMOVED:$/ or $? != 0
+    puts "cannot install #{pkg}. installing #{pi.join(' ')}:"
+    if not pi.empty?
+      system("apt-get install -y #{pi.join(' ')}")
+      puts "#{pkgs.length - n}/#{pkgs.length} packages to consider."
+      pi = []
+    end
+    next
+  end
+  pi << pkg

Deleted: debcluster/misc/get-bdeps
--- debcluster/misc/get-bdeps	2008-01-18 10:09:08 UTC (rev 653)
+++ debcluster/misc/get-bdeps	2008-01-18 10:17:41 UTC (rev 654)
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-cat /var/lib/apt/lists/idpot.grenoble.grid5000.fr_mirrors_debian_dists_sid_main_source_Sources  |grep "^Build-Depends:" | sed 's/Build-Depends://' | sed 's/([^)]*)//g' |sed 's/\[[^]]*\]//g' | sed 's/,/ /g' | sed 's/|/ /g' | tr ' ' "
-"|  sort | uniq -c | sort -n | awk '{print $2}'

Deleted: debcluster/misc/install-all-packages.rb
--- debcluster/misc/install-all-packages.rb	2008-01-18 10:09:08 UTC (rev 653)
+++ debcluster/misc/install-all-packages.rb	2008-01-18 10:17:41 UTC (rev 654)
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-EXCL = ['acidbase', 'aplus-fsf-el', 'aplus-fsf-dev', 'apt-listbugs', 'arno-iptables-firewall' , 'libghc6-cairo-dev', 'libdspam7-drv-mysql', 'libooc-xml-dev', 'libpathtools-perl', 'libtest-distribution-perl', 'libghc6-hsh-dev', 'libooc-x11-dev', 'libghc6-anydbm-dev', 'libghc6-configfile-dev', 'libghc6-ftphs-dev', 'libghc6-hsh-dev', 'libooc-x11-dev'] 
-# get the list of candidates
-pkgs = []
-STDIN.each_line do |l|
-pkgs << l.chomp
-pkgs = pkgs - EXCL
-pi = []
-n = 0
-pkgs.each do |pkg|
-  n += 1
-  str = `apt-cache policy #{pkg}`
-  if str =~ /^  Installed: \(none\)$/
-    # need to install
-   else
-    puts "Skipping #{pkg}: already installed."
-    next
-  end
-  str = `apt-get install -s #{pi.join(' ')} #{pkg}`
-  if str =~ /^The following packages will be REMOVED:$/ or $? != 0
-    puts "cannot install #{pkg}. installing #{pi.join(' ')}:"
-    if not pi.empty?
-      system("apt-get install -y #{pi.join(' ')}")
-      puts "#{pkgs.length - n}/#{pkgs.length} packages to consider."
-      pi = []
-    end
-    next
-  end
-  pi << pkg

Added: debcluster/misc/testparallel/README
--- debcluster/misc/testparallel/README	                        (rev 0)
+++ debcluster/misc/testparallel/README	2008-01-18 10:17:41 UTC (rev 654)
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+for n in 1 2 4 6 8; do
+  oarsub -p "cluster='grelon'" -t deploy -l nodes=1,walltime=${WALLTIME} "/home/grenoble/lnussbaum/bin/katapult --deploy-env ${ENV} --copy-ssh-key --sleep /home/grenoble/lnussbaum/bin/dc-startnodes /debcluster-data/oo/buildoo.rb $n 1 o"
+  done

Added: debcluster/misc/testparallel/testparallel.rb
--- debcluster/misc/testparallel/testparallel.rb	                        (rev 0)
+++ debcluster/misc/testparallel/testparallel.rb	2008-01-18 10:17:41 UTC (rev 654)
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+#!/usr/bin/ruby1.8 -w
+nb = ARGV[0].to_i
+id = ARGV[1].to_i
+fileid = ARGV[2]
+dir= "/tmp/oo_#{fileid}_#{nb}_#{id}/"
+chroot = 'sid32'
+system("rm -rf #{dir}")
+system("mkdir #{dir}")
+log = File::new("/debcluster-data/oo/buildlog.#{fileid}.#{nb}.#{id}", 'w')
+ts = Time::now
+sbuild = "sbuild"
+system("chown -R user:sbuild #{dir}")
+if fileid == 'o'
+  file='openoffice.org_1:2.3.1-2'
+  b = system("su user -c 'DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=\"parallel=#{nb}\" #{sbuild} -A -s -d #{chroot} -v #{file}'")
+elsif fileid == 'h'
+  file='hello_2.2-2.dsc'
+  system("cp /debcluster-data/oo/#{fileid}*{dsc,gz} .")
+  b = system("su user -c 'DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=\"parallel=#{nb}\" #{sbuild} -A -s -d #{chroot} -v #{file}'")
+  file='linux-2.6_2.6.21-4.1.dsc'
+  system("cp /debcluster-data/oo/#{fileid}*{dsc,gz} .")
+  b = system("su user -c 'DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=\"parallel=#{nb}\" #{sbuild} -A -s -d #{chroot} -v #{file}'")
+ret = $?
+realtime = Time::now - ts
+if b
+  puts "DC-Build-Status: OK #{realtime}s"
+  puts "DC-Build-Status: Failed #{realtime}s"

Property changes on: debcluster/misc/testparallel/testparallel.rb
Name: svn:executable
   + *

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