[Collab-qa-commits] r685 - ddpo-by-mail
lucas at alioth.debian.org
lucas at alioth.debian.org
Thu Jan 31 12:29:21 UTC 2008
Author: lucas
Date: 2008-01-31 12:29:21 +0000 (Thu, 31 Jan 2008)
New Revision: 685
ddpobymail: improvements, prepare DEHS integration
Added: ddpo-by-mail/DeadCode
--- ddpo-by-mail/DeadCode (rev 0)
+++ ddpo-by-mail/DeadCode 2008-01-31 12:29:21 UTC (rev 685)
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+system('wget -q -O - http://popcon.debian.org/by_inst | grep -v "^#" | grep -v "^Total" | awk \'{print $2 " " $3 " " $4 " " $5 " " $6 " " $7}\' > popcon_by_inst')
+# parse popcon
+def getpopcon
+ s = IO::read('popcon_by_inst')
+ pkg = IO::read('ddpo_packages')
+ binpkg = {}
+ pkg.each_line do |l|
+ next if l =~ /^\)\[/
+ src = l.match(/^([^\(]*)\(/)[1]
+ bin = l.match(/\(([^\)]*)\)/)[1]
+ bin.split(/, /).each do |b|
+ binpkg[b] = src
+ end
+ end
+ popcon = Hash::new { 0 }
+ s.each_line do |l|
+ p, i, rest = l.split(' ')
+ s = binpkg[p]
+ i = i.to_i
+ popcon[s] = i if popcon[s] < i
+ end
+ #return popcon.to_a.sort { |a,b| a[1] <=> b[1] }.reverse
+ return popcon
+ f = File::new('pc-list.txt', 'w')
+ pc = getpopcon
+ issues.keys.sort { |a,b| pc[a] <=> pc[b] }.reverse.each do |p|
+ ptext = ""
+ issues[p].each do |iss|
+ ptext += " ; " if ptext != ""
+ if iss[0] == :rc_bugs
+ rcbugs = iss[1].map { |b| "##{b}" }.join(', ')
+ ptext += "RC bugs (#{rcbugs})"
+ elsif iss[0] == :not_testing
+ ptext += "not in testing (>#{iss[1]}d)"
+ elsif iss[0] == :no_migration
+ ptext += "no testing migration (>#{iss[1]}d)"
+ end
+ end
+ f.puts "#{p} (#{pc[p]}) #{ptext}"
+ end
+ f.close
+ f = File::new('dd-list.txt', 'w')
+ f.puts <<-EOF
+Subject: List of packages with problems regarding release
+Here is a list (sorted by maintainer email) of packages:
+- that have RC bugs older than #{BUG_AGE} days.
+- that are not currently in testing.
+- that have not migrated from unstable to testing for more than #{LAST_IN_SYNC} days.
+(U) after the package means "Uploader", as with dd-list.
+ maintainers_pkg.keys.sort.each do |email|
+ mpkgs = {}
+ gissues = 0
+ gtext =<<-EOF
+ #{maintainers_name[email]} <#{email}>
+ maintainers_pkg[email].each do |p|
+ if p =~ /#/
+ mpkgs[p.chop] = false
+ else
+ mpkgs[p] = true
+ end
+ end
+ mpkgs.keys.sort.each do |p|
+ if not mpkgs[p]
+ comaint = ' (U)'
+ else
+ comaint = ''
+ end
+ next if issues[p].empty?
+ ctext = " #{p}#{comaint}:"
+ ptext = ""
+ issues[p].each do |iss|
+ if iss[0] == :rc_bugs
+ rcbugs = iss[1].map { |b| "##{b}" }.join(', ')
+ ptext += "#{ctext} has RC bugs (#{rcbugs})\n"
+ elsif iss[0] == :not_testing
+ ptext += "#{ctext} not in testing (>#{iss[1]}d)\n"
+ elsif iss[0] == :no_migration
+ ptext += "#{ctext} no testing migration (>#{iss[1]}d)\n"
+ end
+ end
+ gtext += ptext
+ gtext += "\n"
+ gissues += 1
+ end
+ if gissues > 0
+ gtext += "\n"
+ f.puts gtext
+ end
+ end
+ f.close
Added: ddpo-by-mail/bugs.rb
--- ddpo-by-mail/bugs.rb (rev 0)
+++ ddpo-by-mail/bugs.rb 2008-01-31 12:29:21 UTC (rev 685)
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+require 'ddpo-config'
+def parse_bugs
+ # parse buglist
+ bugs = {}
+ bugtitles = {}
+ maxtime = Time::now.to_i - BUG_AGE * 86400
+ bugid = nil
+ bugsrcpkg = nil
+ bugpkg = nil
+ bugseverity = nil
+ bugtitle = nil
+ bugstate = nil
+ bugdone = false
+ bugdate = nil
+ bugtags = []
+ bugaffect = []
+ bugmerged = []
+ bugrttags = []
+ IO::read('bts2ldap_fullindex').each_line do |l|
+ l.chomp!
+ key, val = l.split(' ', 2)
+ if key == 'dn:' and bugid != nil
+ obugtags = bugtags
+ obugaffect = bugaffect
+ obugmerged = bugmerged
+ obugdone = bugdone
+ obugsrcpkg = bugsrcpkg
+ obugpkg = bugpkg
+ obugrttags = bugrttags
+ bugsrcpkg = nil
+ bugpkg = nil
+ bugdone = false
+ bugtags = []
+ bugaffect = []
+ bugmerged = []
+ bugrttags = []
+ # where we classify bugs.
+ next if not obugmerged.empty?
+ next if not obugaffect.include?('unstable')
+ if EXC_BUGS.include?(bugid)
+ puts "Skipping #{bugid}, it is excluded."
+ next
+ end
+ reason = nil
+ if ['serious', 'grave', 'critical'].include?(bugseverity)
+ reason = "RC"
+ serious = bugdate < maxtime # serious issue if OLD bug
+ elsif not (obugrttags & RGTAGS.keys).empty?
+ reason = (obugrttags & RGTAGS.keys).map { |e| RGTAGS[e] }.join(', ')
+ serious = false # release goals are always non-serious
+ end
+ next if reason.nil?
+ bugtitles[bugid] = bugtitle
+ if obugsrcpkg.nil?
+ obugsrcpkg = obugpkg
+ end
+ bugs[obugsrcpkg] = [] if bugs[obugsrcpkg].nil?
+ bugs[obugsrcpkg] << [ bugid, serious, reason ]
+ elsif key == 'debbugsID:'
+ bugid = val.to_i
+ elsif key== 'debbugsPackage:'
+ bugpkg = val
+ elsif key== 'debbugsSourcePackage:'
+ bugsrcpkg = val
+ elsif key == 'debbugsDone:'
+ bugdone = true
+ elsif key == 'debbugsSeverity:'
+ bugseverity = val
+ elsif key == 'debbugsTag:'
+ bugtags << val
+ elsif key == 'debbugsState:'
+ bugstate = val
+ elsif key == 'debbugsTitle:'
+ bugtitle = val
+ elsif key == 'debbugsAffected:'
+ bugaffect << val
+ elsif key == 'debbugsMergedWith:'
+ bugmerged << val
+ elsif key == 'debbugsDate:'
+ bugdate = val.to_i
+ elsif key == 'debbugsRTtag:'
+ bugrttags << val
+ end
+ end
+ return bugs, bugtitles
+if $0 == __FILE__
+ bugs, bugtitles = parse_bugs
+ bugs.each_pair do |k,v|
+ puts "#{k}:"
+ v.each do |b|
+ puts " - " + b.join(' ')
+ end
+ end
+ bugtitles.each_pair do |k,v|
+ puts "#{k} #{v}"
+ end
Modified: ddpo-by-mail/ddpo-config.rb
--- ddpo-by-mail/ddpo-config.rb 2008-01-31 00:10:44 UTC (rev 684)
+++ ddpo-by-mail/ddpo-config.rb 2008-01-31 12:29:21 UTC (rev 685)
@@ -39,12 +39,15 @@
EXC_EMAILS_PKGS['pkg-xen-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org'] = ['xen-unstable']
EXC_EMAILS_PKGS['tomasera at debian.org'] = ['xinetd']
-SENDMAIL = true
BUG_AGE = 20
# etch released on 2007-04-08. So
# (Date::today - Date::parse('2007-04-08')).to_i
+# Release Goals
+# FIXME add other release goals
+ 'goal-dash' => 'dash as /bin/sh'
Added: ddpo-by-mail/pkgtestingstatus.rb
--- ddpo-by-mail/pkgtestingstatus.rb (rev 0)
+++ ddpo-by-mail/pkgtestingstatus.rb 2008-01-31 12:29:21 UTC (rev 685)
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+require 'date'
+class PkgTestingStatus
+ @@datezero = Date::parse('0000-01-01')
+ @@curdate = Date::today
+ attr_accessor :intesting, :testingversion, :inunstable, :unstableversion, :sync, :syncversion, :firstinunstable
+ def initialize(t,tv,u,uv, s, sv, fu)
+ @intesting = t
+ @testingversion = tv
+ @inunstable = u
+ @unstableversion = uv
+ @sync = s
+ @syncversion = sv
+ @firstinunstable = fu
+ end
+ def to_s
+ "#{@intesting} #{@testingversion} #{@inunstable} #{@unstableversion} #{@sync} #{@syncversion} #{@firstinunstable}"
+ end
+ def testing_s
+ if @intesting == @@datezero
+ d = 'never'
+ v = ''
+ days = ''
+ else
+ d = @intesting
+ v = @testingversion
+ days = @@curdate - @intesting
+ end
+ return "<td>#{d}</td><td>#{days}</td><td>#{v}</td>"
+ end
+ def sync_s
+ if @sync == @@datezero
+ d = 'never'
+ v = ''
+ days = ''
+ else
+ d = @sync
+ v = @syncversion
+ days = @@curdate - @sync
+ end
+ return "<td>#{d}</td><td>#{days}</td><td>#{v}</td>"
+ end
+ def testingdays
+ if @intesting != @@datezero
+ return @@curdate - @intesting
+ else
+ return (@@curdate - @firstinunstable)
+ end
+ end
+ def testing_ok?(days)
+ return [true, nil] if @@curdate - @firstinunstable < days
+ return [true, nil] if @@curdate - @intesting < 2
+ if @intesting != @@datezero
+ return [false, @@curdate - @intesting ]
+ else
+ return [false, @@curdate - @firstinunstable ]
+ end
+ end
+ def sync_ok?(days)
+ if @sync != @@datezero
+ if @@curdate - @sync > days
+ return [false, @@curdate - @sync]
+ else
+ return [true, nil]
+ end
+ else
+ if @@curdate - @firstinunstable > days
+ return [false, @@curdate - @firstinunstable ]
+ else
+ return [true, nil]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def syncdays
+ if @sync != @@datezero
+ return @@curdate - @sync
+ else
+ return (@@curdate - @firstinunstable)
+ end
+ end
+ def to_row(pkg, orphaned = nil, comment = nil)
+ s = "<tr><td><a href=\"http://packages.qa.debian.org/#{pkg}\">#{pkg}</a>"
+ s += "<a href=\"http://bugs.debian.org/#{orphaned}\">(O)</a>" if orphaned
+ s += "</td>"
+ s += "#{testing_s}#{sync_s}"
+ s += "<td>#{@unstableversion}</td><td>#{@firstinunstable}</td><td>"
+ s += comment if comment
+ s += "</td></tr>"
+ return s
+ end
+ def update(curdate, testing, unstable)
+# STDERR.puts "#{curdate} #{testing} #{unstable}" if testing != unstable
+ if testing
+ if curdate >= @intesting
+ @intesting = curdate
+ @testingversion = testing
+ else
+ STDERR.puts "[testing] #{curdate} < #{@intesting}, skipping"
+ end
+ end
+ if unstable
+ if curdate >= @inunstable
+ @inunstable = curdate
+ @unstableversion = unstable
+ else
+ STDERR.puts "[unstable] #{curdate} < #{@inunstable}, skipping"
+ end
+ end
+ if unstable and testing and unstable == testing
+ if curdate >= @sync
+ @sync = curdate
+ @syncversion = unstable
+ else
+ STDERR.puts "[sync] #{curdate} < #{@sync}, skipping"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def PkgTestingStatus::read(io)
+ pkgs = {}
+ io.read.each_line do |l|
+ pkg, t, tv, u, uv, s, sv, fu = l.split(' ')
+ pkgs[pkg] = PkgTestingStatus::new(Date::parse(t), tv, Date::parse(u),
+ uv, Date::parse(s), sv, Date::parse(fu))
+ end
+ return pkgs
+ end
Modified: ddpo-by-mail/reminder-mail.rb
--- ddpo-by-mail/reminder-mail.rb 2008-01-31 00:10:44 UTC (rev 684)
+++ ddpo-by-mail/reminder-mail.rb 2008-01-31 12:29:21 UTC (rev 685)
@@ -1,20 +1,12 @@
#!/usr/bin/ruby -w
-$:.unshift File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'testing-status')
-require 'pkgtestingstatus'
require 'ddpo-config'
+require 'bugs'
+require 'testingissues'
+require 'update-data'
-def update_data
- system("rm -f buglist ddpo_packages ddpo_maintainers popcon_by_inst")
- system("wget -q -O bts2ldap_fullindex http://qa.debian.org/data/bts2ldap/fullindex")
- system("wget -q -O buglist 'http://bts.turmzimmer.net/details.php?bydist=sid&sortby=packages&ignnew=on#{IGNFIXED}&new=#{BUG_AGE}&refresh=1800'")
- system("wget -q -O ddpo_packages http://qa.debian.org/data/ddpo/results/ddpo_packages")
- system("wget -q -O ddpo_maintainers http://qa.debian.org/data/ddpo/results/ddpo_maintainers")
- system('wget -q -O - http://popcon.debian.org/by_inst | grep -v "^#" | grep -v "^Total" | awk \'{print $2 " " $3 " " $4 " " $5 " " $6 " " $7}\' > popcon_by_inst')
+# fetch updated files from www
+#update_data FIXME
# parse debian-installer packages
pkg = nil
@@ -24,7 +16,7 @@
if pkg != nil
dipkgs << pkg
- pkg = l.split(' ')[1].chomp
+ pkg = l.split(' ')[1].chomp
elsif l =~ /^Source: /
dipkgs << l.split(' ')[1].chomp
pkg = nil
@@ -32,90 +24,6 @@
-# parse testing status
-require 'date'
-now = Date::today
-file = Dir::glob('../testing-status/data.*').sort[-1]
-pts = PkgTestingStatus::read(File::new(file,'r')).reject { |k,v| v.inunstable != now }
-# parse buglist
-bugs = {}
-bugtitles = {}
-maxtime = Time::now.to_i - BUG_AGE * 86400
-bugid = nil
-bugsrcpkg = nil
-bugpkg = nil
-bugseverity = nil
-bugtitle = nil
-bugstate = nil
-bugdone = false
-bugdate = nil
-bugtags = []
-bugaffect = []
-bugmerged = []
-IO::read('bts2ldap_fullindex').each_line do |l|
- l.chomp!
- key, val = l.split(' ', 2)
- if key == 'dn:' and bugid != nil
- obugtags = bugtags
- obugaffect = bugaffect
- obugmerged = bugmerged
- obugdone = bugdone
- obugsrcpkg = bugsrcpkg
- obugpkg = bugpkg
- bugsrcpkg = nil
- bugpkg = nil
- bugdone = false
- bugtags = []
- bugaffect = []
- bugmerged = []
- # where we classify bugs.
- next if bugdate > maxtime
- next if not ['serious', 'grave', 'critical'].include?(bugseverity)
- next if not obugmerged.empty?
- next if not obugaffect.include?('unstable')
- if EXC_BUGS.include?(bugid)
- puts "Skipping #{bugid}, it is excluded."
- next
- end
- bugtitles[bugid] = bugtitle
- if obugsrcpkg.nil?
- obugsrcpkg = obugpkg
- end
- bugs[obugsrcpkg] = [] if bugs[obugsrcpkg].nil?
- bugs[obugsrcpkg] << bugid
- elsif key == 'debbugsID:'
- bugid = val.to_i
- elsif key== 'debbugsPackage:'
- bugpkg = val
- elsif key== 'debbugsSourcePackage:'
- bugsrcpkg = val
- elsif key == 'debbugsDone:'
- bugdone = true
- elsif key == 'debbugsSeverity:'
- bugseverity = val
- elsif key == 'debbugsTag:'
- bugtags << val
- elsif key == 'debbugsState:'
- bugstate = val
- elsif key == 'debbugsTitle:'
- bugtitle = val
- elsif key == 'debbugsAffected:'
- bugaffect << val
- elsif key == 'debbugsMergedWith:'
- bugmerged << val
- elsif key == 'debbugsDate:'
- bugdate = val.to_i
- end
-p bugs
# Parse ddpo_packages
pkgs = Hash::new { [] }
f = IO::read("ddpo_packages")
@@ -145,74 +53,51 @@
-# parse popcon
-def getpopcon
- s = IO::read('popcon_by_inst')
- pkg = IO::read('ddpo_packages')
- binpkg = {}
- pkg.each_line do |l|
- next if l =~ /^\)\[/
- src = l.match(/^([^\(]*)\(/)[1]
- bin = l.match(/\(([^\)]*)\)/)[1]
- bin.split(/, /).each do |b|
- binpkg[b] = src
- end
- end
- popcon = Hash::new { 0 }
- s.each_line do |l|
- p, i, rest = l.split(' ')
- s = binpkg[p]
- i = i.to_i
- popcon[s] = i if popcon[s] < i
- end
- #return popcon.to_a.sort { |a,b| a[1] <=> b[1] }.reverse
- return popcon
# get removals
rms = `lynx -dump 'http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/pkgreport.cgi?pkg=ftp.debian.org;dist=unstable' |grep RM | awk '{print $4}'`.chomp.split(/\n/).map { |e| e.chomp(',') }
+bugs, bugtitles = parse_bugs
+testingissues = testing_issues(dipkgs)
+puts "Computing issues for each package ..."
# compute issues for each package
-issues = Hash::new { [] }
-(bugs.keys + pts.keys - EXC_PKGS).sort.uniq.each do |p|
- if rms.include?(p)
- puts "Skipping #{p}, it is RM."
+serious = {}
+issues = {}
+(bugs.keys + testingissues.keys).sort.uniq.each do |pkg|
+ if EXC_PKGS.include?(pkg)
+ puts "Skipping #{pkg}, it is excluded."
+ if rms.include?(pkg)
+ puts "Skipping #{pkg}, it is RM."
+ next
+ end
pissues = []
- if bugs[p] != nil
- pissues << [ :rc_bugs, bugs[p] ]
+ pserious = false
+ if bugs[pkg] != nil
+ pissues << [ :bugs, bugs[pkg] ]
+ pserious = bugs[pkg].inject(pserious) { |a, b| a or b[1] } # update pserious
- if pts[p]
- ok, days = pts[p].testing_ok?(AGE_IN_DEBIAN)
- if not ok
- if dipkgs.include?(p)
- puts "Ignoring the fact that #{p} is not in testing (contains udebs)"
- else
- pissues << [:not_testing, days ]
- end
- end
- ok, days = pts[p].sync_ok?(LAST_IN_SYNC)
- if not ok
- if dipkgs.include?(p)
- puts "Ignoring the fact that #{p} is not migrating to testing (contains udebs)"
- else
- pissues << [:no_migration, days ]
- end
- end
+ if testingissues[pkg]
+ pissues << testingissues[pkg]
+ pserious ||= testingissues[pkg][1]
- issues[p] = pissues unless pissues.empty?
+ unless pissues.empty?
+ issues[pkg] = pissues
+ serious[pkg] = pserious
+ end
- maintainers_pkg.keys.sort.each do |email|
- mpkgs = {}
- gissues = 0
- only_uploader = true
- if email =~ /@list.*\.debian\.org$/
- only_uploader = false
- end
- gtext =<<-EOF
+puts "Preparing mail for each maintainer..."
+# prepare mail for each maintainer
+maintainers_pkg.keys.sort.each do |email|
+ mpkgs = {}
+ mserious = false
+ only_uploader = true # all the packages are about co-maintained packages
+ if email =~ /@list.*\.debian\.org$/
+ only_uploader = false # if sending to a list, send anyway
+ end
+ gtext =<<-EOF
From: DDPOMail robot <lucas-ddpomail at debian.org>
To: "#{maintainers_name[email]}" <#{email}>
Subject: Some of your Debian packages might need attention
@@ -223,57 +108,70 @@
you maintain in Debian:
- maintainers_pkg[email].each do |p|
- if p =~ /#/
- mpkgs[p.chop] = false
- else
- mpkgs[p] = true
- end
+ maintainers_pkg[email].each do |pkg|
+ if pkg =~ /#/
+ mpkgs[pkg.chop] = false
+ else
+ mpkgs[pkg] = true
- mpkgs.keys.sort.each do |p|
- next if issues[p].empty?
- # skip if excluded
- next if EXC_EMAILS_PKGS[email].include?(p)
- #next if not mpkgs[p] # skip if only uploader
- if not mpkgs[p]
- comaint = ' (you co-maintain this package)'
- only_uploader = false if haslist[p].nil?
- else
- comaint = ''
- only_uploader = false
- end
- ptext = "=== #{p}:#{comaint}\n"
- bjorn = false
- days = nil
- issues[p].each do |iss|
- if iss[0] == :rc_bugs
- ptext += "= This package has #{iss[1].length} RC bug(s) more than #{BUG_AGE} days old:\n"
- iss[1].each do |b|
- ptext += "- ##{b} <http://bugs.debian.org/#{b}>\n"
- ptext += " #{bugtitles[b]}\n"
+ end
+ mpkgs.keys.sort.each do |pkg|
+ next if issues[pkg].nil?
+ # skip if excluded
+ next if EXC_EMAILS_PKGS[email].include?(p)
+ if not mpkgs[p]
+ comaint = ' (you co-maintain this package)'
+ only_uploader = false if haslist[p].nil?
+ else
+ comaint = ''
+ only_uploader = false
+ end
+ ptext = "=== #{pkg}:#{comaint}\n"
+ testingpl = false
+ issues[pkg].each do |iss|
+ if iss[0] == :bugs
+ ptext += "= This package has #{iss[1].length} bug(s) that are important for the next release:\n"
+ iss[1].each do |b|
+ ptext += "- ##{b[0]} <http://bugs.debian.org/#{b[0]}>\n"
+ ptext += " #{bugtitles[b[0]]}\n"
+ if b[1] == "RC"
+ ptext += " (Release-Critical bug!)\n"
+ else
+ ptext += " Bug part of a release goal: #{b[1]}\n"
- elsif iss[0] == :not_testing
- ptext += "= This package has not been in testing for #{iss[1]} days.\n"
- ptext += " If things don't change, it won't be part of lenny!\n"
- bjorn = true
- days = iss[1]
- elsif iss[0] == :no_migration
- if days != iss[1]
- ptext += "= This package has not been able to migrate from unstable\n"
- ptext += " to testing for #{iss[1]} days.\n"
- bjorn = true
- end
+ elsif iss[0] == :not_testing
+ ptext += "= This package has not been in testing for #{iss[1]} days.\n"
+ ptext += " If things don't change, it won't be part of lenny!\n"
+ testingpl = true
+ elsif iss[0] == :no_migration
+ ptext += "= This package has not been able to migrate from unstable\n"
+ ptext += " to testing for #{iss[1]} days.\n"
+ testingpl = true
+ else
+ raise "Unknown issue #{iss[0]}!"
- if bjorn
- ptext += " See <http://bjorn.haxx.se/debian/testing.pl?package=#{p}>\n"
- end
- gtext += ptext
- gtext += "\n"
- gissues += 1
- if gissues > 0
- gtext += <<-EOF
+ if testingpl
+ ptext += " See <http://release.debian.org/migration/testing.pl?package=#{p}>\n"
+ end
+ gtext += ptext
+ gtext += "\n"
+ mserious = mserious || serious[pkg]
+ end
+ if not mserious
+ puts "Skipping mail for #{email}, has only non-serious issues."
+ next
+ end
+ if only_uploader
+ puts "Skipping mail for #{email}, only co-maint pkgs have issues"
+ next
+ end
+ if EXC_EMAILS.include?(email)
+ puts "Skipping mail for #{email}, IS EXCLUDED"
+ next
+ end
+ gtext += <<-EOF
This is an automated mail. These mails are sent monthly.
For more information about these mails, refer to
@@ -307,97 +205,8 @@
DDPOMail, run by Lucas Nussbaum
- if only_uploader
- puts "Skipping mail for #{email}, only co-maint pkgs have issues"
- next
- end
- if EXC_EMAILS.include?(email)
- puts "Skipping mail for #{email}, IS EXCLUDED"
- next
- end
- File::open("mail_#{email}.txt", 'w') do |f|
- f.puts gtext
- end
- end
+ File::open("mail_#{email}.txt", 'w') do |f|
+ f.puts gtext
- f = File::new('dd-list.txt', 'w')
- f.puts <<-EOF
-Subject: List of packages with problems regarding release
-Here is a list (sorted by maintainer email) of packages:
-- that have RC bugs older than #{BUG_AGE} days.
-- that are not currently in testing.
-- that have not migrated from unstable to testing for more than #{LAST_IN_SYNC} days.
-(U) after the package means "Uploader", as with dd-list.
- maintainers_pkg.keys.sort.each do |email|
- mpkgs = {}
- gissues = 0
- gtext =<<-EOF
- #{maintainers_name[email]} <#{email}>
- maintainers_pkg[email].each do |p|
- if p =~ /#/
- mpkgs[p.chop] = false
- else
- mpkgs[p] = true
- end
- end
- mpkgs.keys.sort.each do |p|
- if not mpkgs[p]
- comaint = ' (U)'
- else
- comaint = ''
- end
- next if issues[p].empty?
- ctext = " #{p}#{comaint}:"
- ptext = ""
- issues[p].each do |iss|
- if iss[0] == :rc_bugs
- rcbugs = iss[1].map { |b| "##{b}" }.join(', ')
- ptext += "#{ctext} has RC bugs (#{rcbugs})\n"
- elsif iss[0] == :not_testing
- ptext += "#{ctext} not in testing (>#{iss[1]}d)\n"
- elsif iss[0] == :no_migration
- ptext += "#{ctext} no testing migration (>#{iss[1]}d)\n"
- end
- end
- gtext += ptext
- gtext += "\n"
- gissues += 1
- end
- if gissues > 0
- gtext += "\n"
- f.puts gtext
- end
- end
- f.close
- f = File::new('pc-list.txt', 'w')
- pc = getpopcon
- issues.keys.sort { |a,b| pc[a] <=> pc[b] }.reverse.each do |p|
- ptext = ""
- issues[p].each do |iss|
- ptext += " ; " if ptext != ""
- if iss[0] == :rc_bugs
- rcbugs = iss[1].map { |b| "##{b}" }.join(', ')
- ptext += "RC bugs (#{rcbugs})"
- elsif iss[0] == :not_testing
- ptext += "not in testing (>#{iss[1]}d)"
- elsif iss[0] == :no_migration
- ptext += "no testing migration (>#{iss[1]}d)"
- end
- end
- f.puts "#{p} (#{pc[p]}) #{ptext}"
- end
- f.close
Added: ddpo-by-mail/testingissues.rb
--- ddpo-by-mail/testingissues.rb (rev 0)
+++ ddpo-by-mail/testingissues.rb 2008-01-31 12:29:21 UTC (rev 685)
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# parse testing status
+require 'ddpo-config'
+require 'date'
+require 'pkgtestingstatus'
+def testing_issues(dipkgs)
+ now = Date::today
+# file = Dir::glob('../testing-status/data.*').sort[-1]
+ file = 'testing-status.raw'
+ pts = PkgTestingStatus::read(File::new(file,'r')).reject { |k,v| v.inunstable != now }
+ testingissues = {}
+ pts.each_pair do |pkg, val|
+ if dipkgs.include?(pkg)
+ puts "Ignoring the testing status of #{pkg} (contains udebs)"
+ next
+ end
+ ok, days = val.testing_ok?(AGE_IN_DEBIAN)
+ if not ok
+ testingissues[pkg] = [:not_testing, true, days ]
+ else
+ ok, days = val.sync_ok?(LAST_IN_SYNC_SERIOUS)
+ if not ok
+ testingissues[pkg] = [:no_migration, true, days ]
+ else
+ ok, days = val.sync_ok?(LAST_IN_SYNC)
+ if not ok
+ testingissues[pkg] = [:no_migration, false, days ]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return testingissues
+if $0 == __FILE__
+ ti = testing_issues([])
+ p ti
Added: ddpo-by-mail/update-data.rb
--- ddpo-by-mail/update-data.rb (rev 0)
+++ ddpo-by-mail/update-data.rb 2008-01-31 12:29:21 UTC (rev 685)
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+require 'ddpo-config.rb'
+def update_data
+ system("rm -f buglist ddpo_packages ddpo_maintainers popcon_by_inst")
+ system("wget -q -O bts2ldap_fullindex http://qa.debian.org/data/bts2ldap/fullindex")
+ system("wget -q -O buglist 'http://bts.turmzimmer.net/details.php?bydist=sid&sortby=packages&ignnew=on#{IGNFIXED}&new=#{BUG_AGE}&refresh=1800'")
+ system("wget -q -O ddpo_packages http://qa.debian.org/data/ddpo/results/ddpo_packages")
+ system("wget -q -O ddpo_maintainers http://qa.debian.org/data/ddpo/results/ddpo_maintainers")
+ system("wget -q -O testing-status.raw http://qa.debian.org/~lucas/testing-status.raw")
+ system("wget -q -O dehs.txt http://dehs.alioth.debian.org/ddpomail.txt")
+if $0 == __FILE__
+ update_data
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