[Collab-qa-commits] r867 - udd/doc
neronus-guest at alioth.debian.org
neronus-guest at alioth.debian.org
Fri May 30 15:01:18 UTC 2008
Author: neronus-guest
Date: 2008-05-30 15:01:18 +0000 (Fri, 30 May 2008)
New Revision: 867
* Updated the readme for the configuration file
* Created documentation about how to test the UDD
Added: udd/doc/HOWTO-TEST
--- udd/doc/HOWTO-TEST (rev 0)
+++ udd/doc/HOWTO-TEST 2008-05-30 15:01:18 UTC (rev 867)
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+Howto test UDD on your site:
+You need a postgres-db, and access to the sources you want to import into your DB.
+The next step is to put the scripts and configuration somewhere. It doesn't
+really matter where.
+There is one file you have to edit/create new: a configuration file. This file
+has to be in YAML format. See config.README for information about this file,
+and have a look at test.yaml in the src directory.
+For all things you do, you run udd-dispatch.py <config-path> source1 [source2
+source3 ...]. config-path has to be the path of the configuration file you
+want to use. source1 through sourceN have to be sources specified in the
+configuration file.
+Before doing anything else, you have to run "udd-dispatch.py <config> setup",
+which will create the necessary tables in your database.
+From here, you can start importing source into your database. For each SOURCE,
+you run udd-dispatch.py <config> SOURCE.
+Now your sources should be included in your db.
Modified: udd/doc/config.README
--- udd/doc/config.README 2008-05-30 12:44:32 UTC (rev 866)
+++ udd/doc/config.README 2008-05-30 15:01:18 UTC (rev 867)
@@ -1,14 +1,31 @@
-The configuration file is in YAML format.
+ The configuration file is in YAML format.
-On the toplevel, dbname maps to the name of the database.
+ There are two types of stanzas: general, and source names.
-Then there is a nested map called types. This maps to a map, which
-map types of data-sources to the scripts to execute to update these sources.
+ In the 'general' part, you specify:
+ - dbname: The name of the database you will access
+ - debug: 0 if you want no debug output, 1 otherwise
+ - archs: The list of possible architectures we're going to handle
+ - types:
+ The list of possible source types. This consists of a mapping
+ from source names, to commands. These commands will be executed
+ when udd-dispatch.py is told to gather the matching type of source.
+ The command-line executed consists of the string specified for this
+ source type, with the configuration file path and the source name
+ appended
-archs maps to a sequence containing the possible architectures.
+ As said before, all other parts are sources.
+ For each source, you have to specify a type, which has to have
+ a corresponding entry in general->types. The rest of the entries depend on
+ the type of the source (see Below)
-The other entries all describe a data source. These are maps
-from source names to mappings. These nested mappings are required
-to have a filed that maps type to the type of the data source.
-How the other entries in the nested maps are interpreted depends on the
-type of the source. See the matching gatherer script for information.
+SOURCE TYPE packages:
+ Each of these sources correspond to a directory in the "dists" directory
+ of a Packages mirror. Required specification are:
+ * archs: List of architectures you want to read
+ * directory: The directory of the release you want to include
+ * parts: The parts you want to include
+ * distribution: The name of the distribution
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