[Collab-qa-commits] r2400 - udd/sql
Andreas Tille
tille at alioth.debian.org
Mon Jul 2 14:00:56 UTC 2012
Author: tille
Date: 2012-07-02 14:00:56 +0000 (Mon, 02 Jul 2012)
New Revision: 2400
Drop extra SQL scripts which were used to setup tables for Blends. The content is now available in UDD Git repository inside update.sql script
Deleted: udd/sql/array_accum.sql
--- udd/sql/array_accum.sql 2012-07-02 13:38:41 UTC (rev 2399)
+++ udd/sql/array_accum.sql 2012-07-02 14:00:56 UTC (rev 2400)
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
- * Sometimes it is practical to aggregate a collumn to a comma separated list *
- * This is described at: *
- * *
- * http://www.zigo.dhs.org/postgresql/#comma_aggregate *
- * *
- ******************************************************************************/
-CREATE AGGREGATE array_accum (anyelement) (
- sfunc = array_append,
- stype = anyarray,
- initcond = '{}'
- * this can be used like this: *
- * array_to_string(array_accum(column),',') *
- * Example: *
- * *
- SELECT av.version, array_to_string(array_accum(architecture),',') FROM
- ( SELECT architecture, version FROM packages
- WHERE package = 'gcc' GROUP BY architecture, version ORDER BY architecture
- ) AS av
- GROUP BY version ORDER BY version DESC;
- * *
- *****************************************************************************/
Deleted: udd/sql/array_sort.sql
--- udd/sql/array_sort.sql 2012-07-02 13:38:41 UTC (rev 2399)
+++ udd/sql/array_sort.sql 2012-07-02 14:00:56 UTC (rev 2400)
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
- * Sorting an array. See *
- * http://www.postgres.cz/index.php/PostgreSQL_SQL_Tricks#General_array_sort *
- *****************************************************************************/
-AS $$
- SELECT $1[s.i] AS "foo"
- generate_series(array_lower($1,1), array_upper($1,1)) AS s(i)
- ORDER BY foo
Deleted: udd/sql/bibref.sql
--- udd/sql/bibref.sql 2012-07-02 13:38:41 UTC (rev 2399)
+++ udd/sql/bibref.sql 2012-07-02 14:00:56 UTC (rev 2400)
@@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
- * Storing and handling publication references maintained in debian/upstream files *
- ************************************************************************************/
-CREATE TABLE bibref (
- source text NOT NULL,
- key text NOT NULL,
- value text NOT NULL,
- package text DEFAULT '',
- rank int NOT NULL,
- PRIMARY KEY (source,key,package,rank) -- this helps preventing more than one times the same key for a single package
- * Create a BibTex file from references *
- ************************************************************************************/
-AS $$
- CASE WHEN bibjournal.value IS NULL AND bibin.value IS NOT NULL AND bibpublisher.value IS NOT NULL THEN '@Book{' || bibkey.value
- ELSE CASE WHEN bibauthor.value IS NULL OR bibjournal.value IS NULL THEN '@Misc{'|| bibkey.value ||
- CASE WHEN bibauthor.value IS NULL THEN E',\n Key = "' || bibkey.value || '"' ELSE '' END -- without author we need a sorting key
- ELSE '@Article{' || bibkey.value END END ||
- CASE WHEN bibauthor.value IS NOT NULL THEN E',\n Author = {' || bibauthor.value || '}' ELSE '' END ||
- CASE WHEN bibtitle.value IS NOT NULL THEN E',\n Title = "{' ||
- replace(replace(replace(bibtitle.value,
- '_', E'\\_'), --
- '%', E'\\%'), --
- E'\xe2\x80\x89', E'\\,') -- TeX syntax for '_' and UTF-8 "thin space"
- -- see http://www.utf8-chartable.de/unicode-utf8-table.pl?start=8192&number=128&utf8=string-literal
- || '}"'
- ELSE '' END ||
- CASE WHEN bibbooktitle.value IS NOT NULL THEN E',\n Booktitle = "{' || bibbooktitle.value || '}"' ELSE '' END ||
- CASE WHEN bibyear.value IS NOT NULL THEN E',\n Year = {' || bibyear.value || '}' ELSE '' END ||
- CASE WHEN bibmonth.value IS NOT NULL THEN E',\n Month = {' || bibmonth.value || '}' ELSE '' END ||
- CASE WHEN bibjournal.value IS NOT NULL THEN E',\n Journal = {' || bibjournal.value || '}' ELSE '' END ||
- CASE WHEN bibaddress.value IS NOT NULL THEN E',\n Address = {' || bibaddress.value || '}' ELSE '' END ||
- CASE WHEN bibpublisher.value IS NOT NULL THEN E',\n Publisher = {' || bibpublisher.value || '}' ELSE '' END ||
- CASE WHEN bibvolume.value IS NOT NULL THEN E',\n Volume = {' || bibvolume.value || '}' ELSE '' END ||
- CASE WHEN bibnumber.value IS NOT NULL THEN E',\n Number = {' || bibnumber.value || '}' ELSE '' END ||
- CASE WHEN bibpages.value IS NOT NULL THEN E',\n Pages = {' || regexp_replace(bibpages.value, E'(\\d)-([\\d])', E'\\1--\\2') || '}' ELSE '' END ||
- CASE WHEN biburl.value IS NOT NULL THEN E',\n URL = {' ||
- replace(replace(replace(replace(biburl.value,
- '_', E'\\_'), --
- '%', E'\\%'), --
- '&', E'\\&'), --
- '~', E'\\~{}') --
- || '}'
- ELSE '' END ||
- CASE WHEN bibdoi.value IS NOT NULL THEN E',\n DOI = {' ||
- replace(replace(bibdoi.value,
- '_', E'\\_'), --
- '&', E'\\&') --
- || '}'
- ELSE '' END ||
- CASE WHEN bibpmid.value IS NOT NULL THEN E',\n PMID = {' || bibpmid.value || '}' ELSE '' END ||
- CASE WHEN bibeprint.value IS NOT NULL THEN E',\n EPrint = {' ||
- replace(replace(replace(replace(bibeprint.value,
- '_', E'\\_'), --
- '%', E'\\%'), --
- '&', E'\\&'), --
- '~', E'\\~{}') --
- || '}'
- ELSE '' END ||
- CASE WHEN bibin.value IS NOT NULL THEN E',\n In = {' || bibin.value || '}' ELSE '' END ||
- CASE WHEN bibissn.value IS NOT NULL THEN E',\n ISSN = {' || bibissn.value || '}' ELSE '' END ||
- E',\n}\n'
- AS bibentry
--- p.source AS source,
--- p.rank AS rank,
- FROM (SELECT DISTINCT source, package, rank FROM bibref) p
- LEFT OUTER JOIN bibref bibkey ON p.source = bibkey.source AND bibkey.rank = p.rank AND bibkey.package = p.package AND bibkey.key = 'bibtex'
- LEFT OUTER JOIN bibref bibyear ON p.source = bibyear.source AND bibyear.rank = p.rank AND bibyear.package = p.package AND bibyear.key = 'year'
- LEFT OUTER JOIN bibref bibmonth ON p.source = bibmonth.source AND bibmonth.rank = p.rank AND bibmonth.package = p.package AND bibmonth.key = 'month'
- LEFT OUTER JOIN bibref bibtitle ON p.source = bibtitle.source AND bibtitle.rank = p.rank AND bibtitle.package = p.package AND bibtitle.key = 'title'
- LEFT OUTER JOIN bibref bibbooktitle ON p.source = bibbooktitle.source AND bibbooktitle.rank = p.rank AND bibbooktitle.package = p.package AND bibbooktitle.key = 'booktitle'
- LEFT OUTER JOIN bibref bibauthor ON p.source = bibauthor.source AND bibauthor.rank = p.rank AND bibauthor.package = p.package AND bibauthor.key = 'author'
- LEFT OUTER JOIN bibref bibjournal ON p.source = bibjournal.source AND bibjournal.rank = p.rank AND bibjournal.package = p.package AND bibjournal.key = 'journal'
- LEFT OUTER JOIN bibref bibaddress ON p.source = bibaddress.source AND bibaddress.rank = p.rank AND bibaddress.package = p.package AND bibaddress.key = 'address'
- LEFT OUTER JOIN bibref bibpublisher ON p.source = bibpublisher.source AND bibpublisher.rank = p.rank AND bibpublisher.package = p.package AND bibpublisher.key = 'publisher'
- LEFT OUTER JOIN bibref bibvolume ON p.source = bibvolume.source AND bibvolume.rank = p.rank AND bibvolume.package = p.package AND bibvolume.key = 'volume'
- LEFT OUTER JOIN bibref bibdoi ON p.source = bibdoi.source AND bibdoi.rank = p.rank AND bibdoi.package = p.package AND bibdoi.key = 'doi'
- LEFT OUTER JOIN bibref bibpmid ON p.source = bibpmid.source AND bibpmid.rank = p.rank AND bibpmid.package = p.package AND bibpmid.key = 'pmid'
- LEFT OUTER JOIN bibref biburl ON p.source = biburl.source AND biburl.rank = p.rank AND biburl.package = p.package AND biburl.key = 'url'
- LEFT OUTER JOIN bibref bibnumber ON p.source = bibnumber.source AND bibnumber.rank = p.rank AND bibnumber.package = p.package AND bibnumber.key = 'number'
- LEFT OUTER JOIN bibref bibpages ON p.source = bibpages.source AND bibpages.rank = p.rank AND bibpages.package = p.package AND bibpages.key = 'pages'
- LEFT OUTER JOIN bibref bibeprint ON p.source = bibeprint.source AND bibeprint.rank = p.rank AND bibeprint.package = p.package AND bibeprint.key = 'eprint'
- LEFT OUTER JOIN bibref bibin ON p.source = bibin.source AND bibin.rank = p.rank AND bibin.package = p.package AND bibin.key = 'in'
- LEFT OUTER JOIN bibref bibissn ON p.source = bibissn.source AND bibissn.rank = p.rank AND bibissn.package = p.package AND bibissn.key = 'issn'
- ORDER BY bibentry -- p.source
- * Example data for above BibTeX data *
- ************************************************************************************/
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION bibtex_example_data ()
-AS $$
-SELECT package, source, bibkey, description FROM (
- p.package AS package,
- p.source AS source,
- b.package AS bpackage,
- b.value AS bibkey,
- replace(p.description, E'\xc2\xa0', E'\\ ') AS description -- replace non-breaking spaces to TeX syntax
- FROM ( -- Make sure we have only one (package,source,description) record fitting the latest release with highest version
- SELECT package, source, description FROM
- (SELECT *, rank() OVER (PARTITION BY package ORDER BY rsort DESC, version DESC) FROM
- (SELECT DISTINCT package, source, description, sort as rsort, version FROM packages p
- JOIN releases r ON p.release = r. release
- ) tmp
- ) tmp WHERE rank = 1
- ) p
- JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT source, package, value FROM bibref WHERE key = 'bibtex') b ON b.source = p.source
- ) tmp
- WHERE package = bpackage OR bpackage = ''
- ORDER BY package, bibkey
Deleted: udd/sql/blends-query-packages.sql
--- udd/sql/blends-query-packages.sql 2012-07-02 13:38:41 UTC (rev 2399)
+++ udd/sql/blends-query-packages.sql 2012-07-02 14:00:56 UTC (rev 2400)
@@ -1,279 +0,0 @@
- * Obtain all needed information of a package mentioned in a Blends task *
- ************************************************************************************/
--- strip '+bX' for binary only uploads which is not interesting in the Blends scope
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION strip_binary_upload(text) RETURNS debversion AS $$
- SELECT CAST(regexp_replace(regexp_replace($1, E'\\+b[0-9]+$', ''), E'^[0-9]+:', '') AS debversion) ;
--- drop the function which did not query for enhances
-DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS blends_query_packages(text[]);
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION blends_query_packages(text[],text[]) RETURNS SETOF RECORD AS $$
- p.package, p.distribution, p.release, p.component, p.version,
- p.maintainer,
- p.source, p.section, p.task, p.homepage,
- src.maintainer_name, src.maintainer_email,
- src.vcs_type, src.vcs_url, src.vcs_browser,
- src.changed_by,
- enh.enhanced,
- rva.releases, versions, rva.architectures,
- unstable_upstream, unstable_parsed_version, unstable_status, experimental_parsed_version, experimental_status,
- pop.vote, pop.recent,
- tags.debtags,
- screenshot_versions, large_image_urls, small_image_urls,
- bibyear.value AS "year",
- bibtitle.value AS "title",
- bibauthor.value AS "authors",
- bibdoi.value AS "doi",
- bibpmid.value AS "pubmed",
- biburl.value AS "url",
- bibjournal.value AS "journal",
- bibvolume.value AS "volume",
- bibnumber.value AS "number",
- bibpages.value AS "pages",
- bibeprint.value AS "eprint",
- en.description AS description_en, en.long_description AS long_description_en,
- cs.description AS description_cs, cs.long_description AS long_description_cs,
- da.description AS description_da, da.long_description AS long_description_da,
- de.description AS description_de, de.long_description AS long_description_de,
- es.description AS description_es, es.long_description AS long_description_es,
- fi.description AS description_fi, fi.long_description AS long_description_fi,
- fr.description AS description_fr, fr.long_description AS long_description_fr,
- hu.description AS description_hu, hu.long_description AS long_description_hu,
- it.description AS description_it, it.long_description AS long_description_it,
- ja.description AS description_ja, ja.long_description AS long_description_ja,
- ko.description AS description_ko, ko.long_description AS long_description_ko,
- nl.description AS description_nl, nl.long_description AS long_description_nl,
- pl.description AS description_pl, pl.long_description AS long_description_pl,
- pt_BR.description AS description_pt_BR, pt_BR.long_description AS long_description_pt_BR,
- ru.description AS description_ru, ru.long_description AS long_description_ru,
- sk.description AS description_sk, sk.long_description AS long_description_sk,
- sr.description AS description_sr, sr.long_description AS long_description_sr,
- sv.description AS description_sv, sv.long_description AS long_description_sv,
- uk.description AS description_uk, uk.long_description AS long_description_uk,
- zh_CN.description AS description_zh_CN, zh_CN.long_description AS long_description_zh_CN,
- zh_TW.description AS description_zh_TW, zh_TW.long_description AS long_description_zh_TW
- FROM (
- package, distribution, release, component, strip_binary_upload(version) AS version,
- maintainer, source, section, task, homepage, description, description_md5
- FROM packages
- WHERE package = ANY ($1)
- ) p
- -- ---+ Ensure we get no old stuff from non-free
- -- v packages with different architectures
- LEFT OUTER JOIN descriptions en ON en.language = 'en' AND en.package = p.package AND en.release = p.release AND en.description_md5 = p.description_md5
- LEFT OUTER JOIN descriptions cs ON cs.language = 'cs' AND cs.package = p.package AND cs.release = p.release AND cs.description_md5 = p.description_md5
- LEFT OUTER JOIN descriptions da ON da.language = 'da' AND da.package = p.package AND da.release = p.release AND da.description_md5 = p.description_md5
- LEFT OUTER JOIN descriptions de ON de.language = 'de' AND de.package = p.package AND de.release = p.release AND de.description_md5 = p.description_md5
- LEFT OUTER JOIN descriptions es ON es.language = 'es' AND es.package = p.package AND es.release = p.release AND es.description_md5 = p.description_md5
- LEFT OUTER JOIN descriptions fi ON fi.language = 'fi' AND fi.package = p.package AND fi.release = p.release AND fi.description_md5 = p.description_md5
- LEFT OUTER JOIN descriptions fr ON fr.language = 'fr' AND fr.package = p.package AND fr.release = p.release AND fr.description_md5 = p.description_md5
- LEFT OUTER JOIN descriptions hu ON hu.language = 'hu' AND hu.package = p.package AND hu.release = p.release AND hu.description_md5 = p.description_md5
- LEFT OUTER JOIN descriptions it ON it.language = 'it' AND it.package = p.package AND it.release = p.release AND it.description_md5 = p.description_md5
- LEFT OUTER JOIN descriptions ja ON ja.language = 'ja' AND ja.package = p.package AND ja.release = p.release AND ja.description_md5 = p.description_md5
- LEFT OUTER JOIN descriptions ko ON ko.language = 'ko' AND ko.package = p.package AND ko.release = p.release AND ko.description_md5 = p.description_md5
- LEFT OUTER JOIN descriptions nl ON nl.language = 'nl' AND nl.package = p.package AND nl.release = p.release AND nl.description_md5 = p.description_md5
- LEFT OUTER JOIN descriptions pl ON pl.language = 'pl' AND pl.package = p.package AND pl.release = p.release AND pl.description_md5 = p.description_md5
- LEFT OUTER JOIN descriptions pt_BR ON pt_BR.language = 'pt_BR' AND pt_BR.package = p.package AND pt_BR.release = p.release AND pt_BR.description_md5 = p.description_md5
- LEFT OUTER JOIN descriptions ru ON ru.language = 'ru' AND ru.package = p.package AND ru.release = p.release AND ru.description_md5 = p.description_md5
- LEFT OUTER JOIN descriptions sk ON sk.language = 'sk' AND sk.package = p.package AND sk.release = p.release AND sk.description_md5 = p.description_md5
- LEFT OUTER JOIN descriptions sr ON sr.language = 'sr' AND sr.package = p.package AND sr.release = p.release AND sr.description_md5 = p.description_md5
- LEFT OUTER JOIN descriptions sv ON sv.language = 'sv' AND sv.package = p.package AND sv.release = p.release AND sv.description_md5 = p.description_md5
- LEFT OUTER JOIN descriptions uk ON uk.language = 'uk' AND uk.package = p.package AND uk.release = p.release AND uk.description_md5 = p.description_md5
- LEFT OUTER JOIN descriptions zh_CN ON zh_CN.language = 'zh_CN' AND zh_CN.package = p.package AND zh_CN.release = p.release AND zh_CN.description_md5 = p.description_md5
- LEFT OUTER JOIN descriptions zh_TW ON zh_TW.language = 'zh_TW' AND zh_TW.package = p.package AND zh_TW.release = p.release AND zh_TW.description_md5 = p.description_md5
- -- extract one single package with highest version and release
- JOIN (
- -- select packages which have versions outside experimental
- SELECT px.package, strip_binary_upload(px.version) AS version, (SELECT release FROM releases WHERE sort = MAX(rx.sort)) AS release
- FROM (
- -- select highest version which is not in experimental
- SELECT package, MAX(version) AS version FROM packages
- WHERE package = ANY ($1)
- AND release != 'experimental'
- GROUP BY package
- ) px
- JOIN (
- -- select the release in which this version is available
- SELECT DISTINCT package, version, release FROM packages
- WHERE package = ANY ($1)
- ) py ON px.package = py.package AND px.version = py.version
- JOIN releases rx ON py.release = rx.release
- GROUP BY px.package, px.version
- -- find out which packages only exist in experimental and nowhere else
- SELECT DISTINCT package, strip_binary_upload(version) AS version, release
- FROM packages
- WHERE package = ANY ($1)
- -- ignore packages which have other releases than experimental
- AND package NOT IN (
- SELECT DISTINCT package FROM packages
- WHERE package = ANY ($1)
- AND release != 'experimental'
- )
- ) pvar ON pvar.package = p.package AND pvar.version = p.version AND pvar.release = p.release
- -- obtain source_version of given package which is needed in cases where this is different form binary package version
- JOIN (
- SELECT DISTINCT package, source, strip_binary_upload(version) AS version,
- strip_binary_upload(source_version) AS source_version, release,
- maintainer_email
- FROM packages_summary WHERE package = ANY ($1)
- ) ps ON ps.package = p.package AND ps.release = p.release
- -- extract source and join with upload_history to find out latest uploader if different from Maintainer
- JOIN (
- SELECT DISTINCT s.source, strip_binary_upload(s.version) AS version,
- s.maintainer, s.release, s.maintainer_name, s.maintainer_email, s.vcs_type, s.vcs_url, s.vcs_browser,
- CASE WHEN uh.changed_by != s.maintainer THEN uh.changed_by ELSE NULL END AS changed_by
- FROM sources s
- LEFT OUTER JOIN upload_history uh ON s.source = uh.source AND s.version = uh.version
- ) src ON src.source = p.source AND src.source = ps.source
- AND src.release = p.release
- AND ( ( ps.version = p.version AND ps.version != ps.source_version ) OR
- ( ps.version = p.version AND src.version = p.version) )
- -- join with sets of avialable versions in different releases
- JOIN (
- SELECT package, array_agg(release) AS releases,
- array_agg(CASE WHEN component = 'main' THEN version ELSE version || ' (' || component || ')' END) AS versions,
- array_agg(archs) AS architectures
- FROM (
- SELECT package, ptmp.release as release, strip_binary_upload(version) AS version, archs, component FROM
- ( SELECT package, release, version, array_to_string(array_sort(array_accum(architecture)),',') AS archs, component
- FROM (
- SELECT package,
- release || CASE WHEN char_length(substring(distribution from '-.*')) > 0
- THEN substring(distribution from '-.*')
- ELSE '' END AS release,
- -- make *-volatile a "pseudo-release"
- strip_binary_upload(regexp_replace(version, '^[0-9]:', '')) AS version,
- architecture,
- component
- FROM packages
- WHERE package = ANY ($1)
- ) AS prvac
- GROUP BY package, version, release, component
- ) ptmp
- JOIN releases ON releases.release = ptmp.release
- ORDER BY version, releases.sort
- ) tmp GROUP BY package
- ) rva
- ON p.package = rva.package
- source, unstable_upstream, unstable_parsed_version, unstable_status, experimental_parsed_version, experimental_status
- FROM dehs
- WHERE unstable_status = 'outdated'
- ) d ON p.source = d.source
- LEFT OUTER JOIN popcon pop ON p.package = pop.package
- SELECT package, array_agg(tag) AS debtags
- FROM debtags
- WHERE tag NOT LIKE 'implemented-in::%'
- AND tag NOT LIKE 'protocol::%'
- AND tag NOT LIKE '%::TODO'
- AND tag NOT LIKE '%not-yet-tagged%'
- GROUP BY package
- ) tags ON tags.package = p.package
- SELECT package,
- array_agg(version) AS screenshot_versions,
- array_agg(large_image_url) AS large_image_urls,
- array_agg(small_image_url) AS small_image_urls
- FROM screenshots
- GROUP BY package
- ) sshots ON sshots.package = p.package
- -- check whether a package is enhanced by some other package
- SELECT DISTINCT regexp_replace(package_version, E'\\s*\\(.*\\)', '') AS package, array_agg(enhanced_by) AS enhanced FROM (
- SELECT DISTINCT package AS enhanced_by, regexp_split_to_table(enhances, E',\\s*') AS package_version FROM packages
- WHERE enhances LIKE ANY( $2 )
- ) AS tmpenh GROUP BY package
- ) enh ON enh.package = p.package
- -- FIXME: To get reasonable querying of publications for specific packages and also multiple citations the table structure
- -- of the bibref table most probably needs to be changed to one entry per citation
- -- for the moment the specification of package is ignored because otherwise those citations would spoil the
- -- whole query
- -- example: if `bib*.package = ''` would be left out acedb-other would get more than 500 results !!!
- LEFT OUTER JOIN bibref bibyear ON p.source = bibyear.source AND bibyear.rank = 0 AND bibyear.key = 'year' AND bibyear.package = ''
- LEFT OUTER JOIN bibref bibtitle ON p.source = bibtitle.source AND bibtitle.rank = 0 AND bibtitle.key = 'title' AND bibtitle.package = ''
- LEFT OUTER JOIN bibref bibauthor ON p.source = bibauthor.source AND bibauthor.rank = 0 AND bibauthor.key = 'author' AND bibauthor.package = ''
- LEFT OUTER JOIN bibref bibdoi ON p.source = bibdoi.source AND bibdoi.rank = 0 AND bibdoi.key = 'doi' AND bibdoi.package = ''
- LEFT OUTER JOIN bibref bibpmid ON p.source = bibpmid.source AND bibpmid.rank = 0 AND bibpmid.key = 'pmid' AND bibpmid.package = ''
- LEFT OUTER JOIN bibref biburl ON p.source = biburl.source AND biburl.rank = 0 AND biburl.key = 'url' AND biburl.package = ''
- LEFT OUTER JOIN bibref bibjournal ON p.source = bibjournal.source AND bibjournal.rank = 0 AND bibjournal.key = 'journal' AND bibjournal.package = ''
- LEFT OUTER JOIN bibref bibvolume ON p.source = bibvolume.source AND bibvolume.rank = 0 AND bibvolume.key = 'volume' AND bibvolume.package = ''
- LEFT OUTER JOIN bibref bibnumber ON p.source = bibnumber.source AND bibnumber.rank = 0 AND bibnumber.key = 'number' AND bibnumber.package = ''
- LEFT OUTER JOIN bibref bibpages ON p.source = bibpages.source AND bibpages.rank = 0 AND bibpages.key = 'pages' AND bibpages.package = ''
- LEFT OUTER JOIN bibref bibeprint ON p.source = bibeprint.source AND bibeprint.rank = 0 AND bibeprint.key = 'eprint' AND bibeprint.package = ''
- ORDER BY p.package
--- drop the old unperformat function which returns a much larger set than needed
-DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS ddtp_unique(text);
--- Select unique DDTP translation for highest package version for a given language
--- ATTENTION: The execution of this query is quite slow and should be optimized
- SELECT DISTINCT d.package, d.description, d.long_description FROM descriptions d
- JOIN (
- SELECT dr.package, (SELECT release FROM releases WHERE sort = MAX(r.sort)) AS release FROM descriptions dr
- JOIN releases r ON dr.release = r.release
- WHERE language = $1 AND dr.package = ANY ($2)
- GROUP BY dr.package
- -- sometimes there are different translations of the same package version in different releases
- -- because translators moved on working inbetween releases but we need to select only one of these
- -- (the last one)
- ) duvr ON duvr.package = d.package AND duvr.release = d.release
- WHERE language = $1 AND d.package = ANY ($2)
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION blends_metapackage_translations (text[]) RETURNS SETOF RECORD AS $$
- p.package,
- p.description, en.long_description_en,
- cs.description_cs, cs.long_description_cs,
- da.description_da, da.long_description_da,
- de.description_de, de.long_description_de,
- es.description_es, es.long_description_es,
- fi.description_fi, fi.long_description_fi,
- fr.description_fr, fr.long_description_fr,
- hu.description_hu, hu.long_description_hu,
- it.description_it, it.long_description_it,
- ja.description_ja, ja.long_description_ja,
- ko.description_ko, ko.long_description_ko,
- nl.description_nl, nl.long_description_nl,
- pl.description_pl, pl.long_description_pl,
- pt_BR.description_pt_BR, pt_BR.long_description_pt_BR,
- ru.description_ru, ru.long_description_ru,
- sk.description_sk, sk.long_description_sk,
- sr.description_sr, sr.long_description_sr,
- sv.description_sv, sv.long_description_sv,
- uk.description_uk, uk.long_description_uk,
- zh_CN.description_zh_CN, zh_CN.long_description_zh_CN,
- zh_TW.description_zh_TW, zh_TW.long_description_zh_TW
- FROM packages p
- LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT * FROM ddtp_unique('en', $1) AS (package text, description_en text, long_description_en text)) en ON en.package = p.package
- LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT * FROM ddtp_unique('cs', $1) AS (package text, description_cs text, long_description_cs text)) cs ON cs.package = p.package
- LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT * FROM ddtp_unique('da', $1) AS (package text, description_da text, long_description_da text)) da ON da.package = p.package
- LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT * FROM ddtp_unique('de', $1) AS (package text, description_de text, long_description_de text)) de ON de.package = p.package
- LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT * FROM ddtp_unique('es', $1) AS (package text, description_es text, long_description_es text)) es ON es.package = p.package
- LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT * FROM ddtp_unique('fi', $1) AS (package text, description_fi text, long_description_fi text)) fi ON fi.package = p.package
- LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT * FROM ddtp_unique('fr', $1) AS (package text, description_fr text, long_description_fr text)) fr ON fr.package = p.package
- LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT * FROM ddtp_unique('hu', $1) AS (package text, description_hu text, long_description_hu text)) hu ON hu.package = p.package
- LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT * FROM ddtp_unique('it', $1) AS (package text, description_it text, long_description_it text)) it ON it.package = p.package
- LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT * FROM ddtp_unique('ja', $1) AS (package text, description_ja text, long_description_ja text)) ja ON ja.package = p.package
- LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT * FROM ddtp_unique('ko', $1) AS (package text, description_ko text, long_description_ko text)) ko ON ko.package = p.package
- LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT * FROM ddtp_unique('nl', $1) AS (package text, description_nl text, long_description_nl text)) nl ON nl.package = p.package
- LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT * FROM ddtp_unique('pl', $1) AS (package text, description_pl text, long_description_pl text)) pl ON pl.package = p.package
- LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT * FROM ddtp_unique('pt_BR', $1) AS (package text, description_pt_BR text, long_description_pt_BR text)) pt_BR ON pt_BR.package = p.package
- LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT * FROM ddtp_unique('ru', $1) AS (package text, description_ru text, long_description_ru text)) ru ON ru.package = p.package
- LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT * FROM ddtp_unique('sk', $1) AS (package text, description_sk text, long_description_sk text)) sk ON sk.package = p.package
- LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT * FROM ddtp_unique('sr', $1) AS (package text, description_sr text, long_description_sr text)) sr ON sr.package = p.package
- LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT * FROM ddtp_unique('sv', $1) AS (package text, description_sv text, long_description_sv text)) sv ON sv.package = p.package
- LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT * FROM ddtp_unique('uk', $1) AS (package text, description_uk text, long_description_uk text)) uk ON uk.package = p.package
- LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT * FROM ddtp_unique('zh_CN', $1) AS (package text, description_zh_CN text, long_description_zh_CN text)) zh_CN ON zh_CN.package = p.package
- LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT * FROM ddtp_unique('zh_TW', $1) AS (package text, description_zh_TW text, long_description_zh_TW text)) zh_TW ON zh_TW.package = p.package
- WHERE p.package = ANY ($1)
Deleted: udd/sql/ftpnew.sql
--- udd/sql/ftpnew.sql 2012-07-02 13:38:41 UTC (rev 2399)
+++ udd/sql/ftpnew.sql 2012-07-02 14:00:56 UTC (rev 2400)
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
--- http://ftp-master.debian.org/new.822
-DROP VIEW IF EXISTS new_sources_madison;
-DROP VIEW IF EXISTS new_packages_madison;
--- Sources
-CREATE TABLE new_sources (
- source text,
- version text,
- maintainer text,
- maintainer_name text,
- maintainer_email text,
- format text,
- files text,
- uploaders text,
- binaries text, -- by parsing http://ftp-master.debian.org/new/<src>_<version>.html#dsc field "Binary:"
- changed_by text, -- Uploader?
- architecture text,
- homepage text, -- by parsing http://ftp-master.debian.org/new/<src>_<version>.html#dsc field "Homepage:"
- vcs_type text, -- by parsing http://ftp-master.debian.org/new/<src>_<version>.html#dsc field "Vcs-*:"
- vcs_url text, -- by parsing http://ftp-master.debian.org/new/<src>_<version>.html#dsc field "Vcs-*:"
- vcs_browser text, -- by parsing http://ftp-master.debian.org/new/<src>_<version>.html#dsc field "Vcs-Browser:"
- section text,
- component text,
- distribution text,
- closes int, -- WNPP bug #
- license text, -- trying to parse http://ftp-master.debian.org/new/<bin1>_<version>.html#binary-<bin1>-copyright field "License:"
- last_modified timestamp,
- queue text,
- PRIMARY KEY (source, version, distribution)
--- Packages
-CREATE TABLE new_packages (
- package text,
- version text,
- architecture text,
- maintainer text,
- description text, -- by parsing http://ftp-master.debian.org/new/<bin>_<version>.html#control field "Description:"
- source text,
- depends text,
- recommends text,
- suggests text,
- enhances text,
- pre_depends text,
- breaks text,
- replaces text,
- provides text,
- conflicts text,
- installed_size integer,
- homepage text,
- long_description text,
- section text,
- component text,
- distribution text,
- license text, -- trying to parse http://ftp-master.debian.org/new/<package>_<version>.html#binary-<package>-copyright field "License:"
- PRIMARY KEY (package, version, architecture)
--- These are required to avoid too much duplication in madison.cgi
-CREATE VIEW new_sources_madison AS SELECT source, version, component,
-distribution AS release, TEXT 'debian' AS distribution FROM new_sources;
-CREATE VIEW new_packages_madison AS SELECT package, version, distribution AS
-release, architecture, component, TEXT 'debian' AS distribution from
-GRANT SELECT ON new_sources_madison TO PUBLIC;
-GRANT SELECT ON new_packages_madison TO PUBLIC;
Deleted: udd/sql/releases.sql
--- udd/sql/releases.sql 2012-07-02 13:38:41 UTC (rev 2399)
+++ udd/sql/releases.sql 2012-07-02 14:00:56 UTC (rev 2400)
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
- * This table enables sorting of releases according to their release date. To define *
- * a reasonable order also for releases which are not or never will be released an *
- * additional column sort is defined. *
- * The relevant discussion can be found here: *
- * http://lists.debian.org/debian-qa/2010/02/msg00001.html *
- ****************************************************************************************/
-CREATE TABLE releases (
- release text, /* keep name column as in other tables */
- releasedate date,
- sort int,
- PRIMARY KEY (release)
-INSERT INTO releases VALUES ( 'etch', '2007-04-08', 400 );
-INSERT INTO releases VALUES ( 'etch-security', '2007-04-08', 401 ); /* date or NULL ?? */
-INSERT INTO releases VALUES ( 'etch-proposed-updates', '2007-04-08', 402 ); /* date or NULL ?? */
-INSERT INTO releases VALUES ( 'lenny', '2009-02-14', 500 );
-INSERT INTO releases VALUES ( 'lenny-security', '2009-02-14', 501 ); /* date or NULL ?? */
-INSERT INTO releases VALUES ( 'lenny-proposed-updates', '2009-02-14', 502 ); /* date or NULL ?? */
-INSERT INTO releases VALUES ( 'squeeze', NULL, 600 );
-INSERT INTO releases VALUES ( 'squeeze-security', NULL, 601 );
-INSERT INTO releases VALUES ( 'squeeze-proposed-updates', NULL, 602 );
-INSERT INTO releases VALUES ( 'wheezy', NULL, 700 );
-INSERT INTO releases VALUES ( 'wheezy-security', NULL, 701 );
-INSERT INTO releases VALUES ( 'wheezy-proposed-updates', NULL, 702 );
-INSERT INTO releases VALUES ( 'sid', NULL, 100000 );
-INSERT INTO releases VALUES ( 'experimental', NULL, 0 ); /* this pseudo releases does not fit any order and it is not higher than unstable */
Deleted: udd/sql/screenshots.sql
--- udd/sql/screenshots.sql 2012-07-02 13:38:41 UTC (rev 2399)
+++ udd/sql/screenshots.sql 2012-07-02 14:00:56 UTC (rev 2400)
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
--- http://screenshots.debian.net/json/screenshots
-CREATE TABLE screenshots (
- package text NOT NULL,
- version text,
- homepage text,
- maintainer_name text,
- maintainer_email text,
- description text,
- section text,
- screenshot_url text NOT NULL,
- large_image_url text NOT NULL,
- small_image_url text NOT NULL,
- PRIMARY KEY (small_image_url)
--- 'name' --> 'package'
--- 'section'
--- 'maintainer' --> 'maintainer_name'
--- 'maintainer_email'
--- 'version'
--- 'homepage'
--- 'description'
--- 'url' --> 'screenshot_url'
--- 'large_image_url'
--- 'small_image_url'
Deleted: udd/sql/versions_archs_components.sql
--- udd/sql/versions_archs_components.sql 2012-07-02 13:38:41 UTC (rev 2399)
+++ udd/sql/versions_archs_components.sql 2012-07-02 14:00:56 UTC (rev 2400)
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
- * Obtain available versions in different releases for a given package *
- * This function takes a package name as argument and returns a table containing *
- * the release names in which the package is available, the version of the package *
- * in this release and a string contained an alphabethically sorted list of *
- * architectures featuring these version. In the last column the component is *
- * given. *
- * See below for an usage example. *
- ***********************************************************************************/
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION versions_archs_component (text) RETURNS SETOF RECORD AS $$
- SELECT p.release, version, archs, component FROM
- ( SELECT release || CASE WHEN char_length(substring(distribution from '-.*')) > 0
- THEN substring(distribution from '-.*')
- ELSE '' END AS release,
- -- make *-volatile a "pseudo-release"
- regexp_replace(version, '^[0-9]:', '') AS version,
- array_to_string(array_sort(array_accum(architecture)),',') AS archs,
- component
- FROM packages
- WHERE package = $1
- GROUP BY version, release, distribution, component
- ) p
- JOIN releases ON releases.release = p.release
- ORDER BY releases.sort, version;
- * Example of usage: Package seaview which has versions is in different components *
- SELECT * FROM versions_archs_component_sql('seaview') AS (release text, version text, archs text, component text);
- -- you have to specify the column names because plain RECORD type is returned
- WHERE release NOT LIKE '%-%'
- -- ignore releases like *-security etc.
- SELECT * FROM versions_archs_component_sql('libc6') AS (release text, version text, archs text, component text);
- ***********************************************************************************/
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