[Collab-qa-commits] r2273 - in udd: sql udd

Andreas Tille tille at alioth.debian.org
Sun May 6 21:52:26 UTC 2012

Author: tille
Date: 2012-05-06 21:52:25 +0000 (Sun, 06 May 2012)
New Revision: 2273

Try to gather machine readable data from not yet uploaded packages of some Blends teams; needs a fetch-script and further testing; no entry for config-org.yaml yet because the code needs further enhancement before bringing it into effect

Added: udd/sql/blends-prospective-packages.sql
--- udd/sql/blends-prospective-packages.sql	                        (rev 0)
+++ udd/sql/blends-prospective-packages.sql	2012-05-06 21:52:25 UTC (rev 2273)
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS blends_prospectivepackages CASCADE;
+CREATE TABLE blends_prospectivepackages
+  (package text,
+   source text,
+   maintainer text,
+   maintainer_name text,
+   maintainer_email text,
+   changed_by text,
+   changed_by_name text,
+   changed_by_email text,
+   uploaders text,
+   description text,
+   long_description text,
+   description_md5 text,
+   homepage text,
+   section text,
+   priority text,
+   vcs_type text,
+   vcs_url text,
+   vcs_browser text,
+   wnpp int,
+   license text,
+   chlog_date text, -- time,
+   chlog_version debversion

Added: udd/udd/blends_prospective_gatherer.py
--- udd/udd/blends_prospective_gatherer.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ udd/udd/blends_prospective_gatherer.py	2012-05-06 21:52:25 UTC (rev 2273)
@@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+This script imports data about not yet uploaded packages prepared by Blends teams.
+from aux import parse_email
+from gatherer import gatherer
+from sys import stderr, exit
+from os import listdir
+from fnmatch import fnmatch
+from psycopg2 import IntegrityError, InternalError, ProgrammingError
+import re
+import logging
+import logging.handlers
+from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
+from debian import deb822
+import email.Utils
+def get_gatherer(connection, config, source):
+  return blends_prospective_gatherer(connection, config, source)
+class blends_prospective_gatherer(gatherer):
+  """
+  Not yet uploaded packages prepared by Blends teams in Vcs
+  """
+  def __init__(self, connection, config, source):
+    gatherer.__init__(self, connection, config, source)
+    self.assert_my_config('table')
+    self.log = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__)
+    if debug==1:
+        self.log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+    else:
+        self.log.setLevel(logging.INFO)
+    handler = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(filename=self.__class__.__name__+'.log',mode='w')
+    formatter = logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - (%(lineno)d): %(message)s")
+    handler.setFormatter(formatter)
+    self.log.addHandler(handler)
+    self.prospective = []
+  def run(self):
+    my_config = self.my_config
+    cur = self.cursor()
+    find_itp_re = re.compile('\s+\*\s+initial\s+release.+closes:\s+#(\d+)', flags=re.IGNORECASE|re.MULTILINE)
+    vcs_type_re = re.compile('Vcs-(Svn|Git|Bzr|Darcs|Hg|Cvs|Arch|Mtn)')
+    cur.execute('TRUNCATE %s' % my_config['table'])
+    cur.execute("PREPARE check_source (text) AS SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sources WHERE source = $1")
+    u_dirs = listdir(my_config['path'])
+    pkgs = []
+    for u in u_dirs:
+      upath=my_config['path']+'/'+u
+      sources = []
+      for file in listdir(upath):
+        if fnmatch(file, '*.changelog'):
+          sources.append(re.sub("\.changelog", "", file))
+      for source in sources:
+        cur.execute("EXECUTE check_source (%s)", (source,))
+        if cur.fetchone()[0] > 0:
+    	  # print "Source %s is in DB.  Ignore for prospective packages" % source
+    	  continue
+        # Read output of dpkg-parsechangelog
+        p = Popen("LC_ALL=C dpkg-parsechangelog -l"+upath+'/'+source+'.changelog', shell=True, bufsize=4096,
+          stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, close_fds=True)
+        errstring = p.stderr.read()
+        if errstring != '':
+          self.log.warning("Error parsing changelog of '%s'\n %s:" % (source, errstring))
+        sprosp = {}
+        for stanza in deb822.Sources.iter_paragraphs(p.stdout):
+          if source != stanza['source']:
+            print >>stderr, "Something is wrong with changelog data of package '%s'.  Changelog says source = '%s'." % (source, stanza['source'])
+          for prop in ('source', 'distribution'):
+            if stanza.has_key(prop):
+              sprosp[prop] = stanza[prop]
+            else:
+             self.log.warning("Missing property %s in changelog of '%s'" % (prop, source))
+          sprosp['chlog_version']    = stanza['version']
+          if stanza.has_key('maintainer'):
+            sprosp['changed_by']       = stanza['maintainer']
+            (name, email) = parse_email(stanza['maintainer'])
+            sprosp['changed_by_name']  = name
+            sprosp['changed_by_email'] = email
+          else:
+            sprosp['changed_by']       = ''
+            sprosp['changed_by_name']  = ''
+            sprosp['changed_by_email'] = ''
+            self.log.warning("Can not obtain maintainer e-mail from changelog of '%s'" % (source))
+          if stanza.has_key('date'):
+            sprosp['chlog_date']       = stanza['date']
+          else:
+            sprosp['chlog_date']       = ''
+            self.log.warning("Can not obtain changed data from changelog of '%s'" % (source))
+          if stanza.has_key('closes'):
+            sprosp['closes']           = stanza['closes'].split(' ')
+          changes                      = stanza['changes']
+          match = find_itp_re.search(changes)
+          sprosp['wnpp'] = 0
+          if match:
+            wnpp = match.groups()[0]
+            if wnpp not in sprosp['closes']:
+              self.log.warning("Strange WNPP in changelog of '%s': wnpp=%s - closed bugs=%s" % (source, wnpp, str(sprosp['closes'])))
+            try:
+              iwnpp = int(wnpp)
+              if iwnpp == 12345: # that seems to be a fake ITP
+                self.log.warning("Fake WNPP no. 12345 in changelog of '%s'" % (source))
+              else:
+                sprosp['wnpp'] = iwnpp
+    	    except:
+    	      self.log.warning("WNPP is not integer in changelog of '%s': wnpp=%s" % (source, wnpp))
+    	# Read Vcs fields
+        vcsfile = upath+'/'+source+'.vcs'
+    	try:
+    	  vcs = open(vcsfile,'r')
+    	except:
+    	  self.log.warning("Unable to open Vcs file for source '%s' (%s)" % (source, vcsfile))
+    	for line in vcs.readlines():
+    	  (field,value) = line.split(': ')
+    	  field = field.strip()
+    	  value = value.strip()
+    	  if field == 'Vcs-Browser':
+    	    sprosp['vcs_browser'] = value
+    	  else:
+            matchvcs = vcs_type_re.match(field)
+            if matchvcs:
+              sprosp['vcs_type'] = matchvcs.groups()[0]
+    	      sprosp['vcs_url'] = value
+    	vcs.close()
+    	# Read Copyright file if specifying Format in the first line
+        cprfile = upath+'/'+source+'.copyright'
+    	try:
+    	  cpr = open(cprfile,'r')
+    	except:
+    	  self.log.warning("Unable to open Copyright file for source '%s' (%s)" % (source, cprfile))
+    	linenr = 0
+    	found_files = False
+    	sprosp['license'] = ''
+    	for line in cpr.readlines():
+    	  line = line.strip()
+    	  if line == '':
+    	    if found_files:
+    	      found_files = False
+    	      break # We might leave the 'Files: *' paragraph again
+    	    continue
+    	  try:
+    	    (field,value) = line.split(': ')
+    	  except ValueError:
+    	    # either no DEP5 file or no line we want to read here
+    	    continue
+    	  if linenr == 0:
+    	    if field != 'Format':
+    	      self.log.info("Copyright file for source '%s' does not seem to regard DEP5.  Found line `%s`" % (source, line.strip()))
+    	      found_files = True # one flag is enough to control this - we do not need another warning in the logs
+    	      break
+    	  linenr += 1
+    	  field = field.strip()
+    	  value = value.strip()
+    	  if field == 'Files' and value == '*':
+    	    found_files = True
+    	  if field == 'License' and found_files:
+    	    sprosp['license'] = value
+    	    break
+    	if not found_files:
+          self.log.info("No 'Files: *' specification found in copyright file for source '%s'" % (source, ))
+    	# Try to read debian/control
+    	ctrl = None
+    	ctrlfile = upath+'/'+source+'.control'
+    	try:
+    	  ctrl = open(ctrlfile,'r')
+    	except:
+    	  self.log.warning("Unable to open control file for source '%s' (%s)" % (source, ctrlfile))
+    	# FIXME: This part is deactivated via 1==0 due to the fact that iter_paragraphs does not seem to work for debian/control files
+    	if ctrl:
+	    ictrl = deb822.Deb822.iter_paragraphs(ctrl)
+	    src = ictrl.next()
+	    # print 'SOURCE:', src      # print Source stanza
+            if src.has_key('source'):
+              if source != src['source']:
+                self.log.error("Something is wrong with control data of package '%s'.  Changelog says source = '%s'." % (source, src['Source']))
+            else:
+    	      self.log.warning("Control file for source '%s' is lacking source field" % (source))
+    	    if src.has_key('vcs-browser'):
+    	      if sprosp['vcs_browser'] != src['vcs-browser']:
+                self.log.warning("%s - Differing Vcs-Browser:  Obtained from Vcs-Browser='%s' <-> control has '%s'." % (source, sprosp['vcs_browser'], src['Vcs-Browser']))
+            else:
+    	      self.log.info("Control file for source '%s' is lacking Vcs-Browser field" % (source))
+    	    if src.has_key('Maintainer'):
+              sprosp['maintainer']       = src['maintainer']
+              (name, email) = parse_email(src['maintainer'])
+              sprosp['maintainer_name']  = name
+              sprosp['maintainer_email'] = email
+            else:
+    	      self.log.info("Control file for source '%s' is lacking Maintainer field" % (source))
+            for prop in ('homepage', 'priority', 'section', 'uploaders', ):
+              if src.has_key(prop):
+                sprosp[prop] = src[prop]
+              else:
+                sprosp[prop] = ''
+                self.log.warning("Control file for source '%s' is lacking %s field" % (source,prop))
+            pkg = ictrl.next()
+            while pkg:
+              pprosp = {}
+              for sprop in sprosp.keys():
+                pprosp[sprop] = sprosp[sprop]
+              if pkg.has_key('package'):
+                  pprosp['package'] = pkg['package']
+              else:
+                  self.log.warning("Control file for source '%s' is lacking Package field" % (source))
+              if pkg.has_key('description'):
+                  if len(pkg['description'].split("\n",1)) > 1:
+                    pprosp['long_description'] = pkg['description'].split("\n",1)[1]
+                  else:
+                    pprosp['long_description'] = ''
+                  pprosp['description'] = pkg['description'].split("\n",1)[0].strip()
+              else:
+                  self.log.warning("Control file for source '%s' has no desription for Package %s" % (source, pprosp['package']))
+              # print pprosp
+              pkgs.append(pprosp)
+              try:
+                pkg = ictrl.next()
+              except:
+                break
+    cur.execute("""PREPARE package_insert AS INSERT INTO %s
+        (package, source,
+         maintainer, maintainer_name, maintainer_email,
+         changed_by, changed_by_name, changed_by_email,
+         uploaders,
+         description, long_description,
+         homepage, section, priority,
+         vcs_type, vcs_url, vcs_browser,
+         wnpp, license, chlog_date, chlog_version)
+        VALUES
+        ( $1, $2,
+          $3, $4, $5,
+          $6, $7, $8,
+          $9,
+          $10, $11,
+          $12, $13, $14,
+          $15, $16, $17,
+          $18, $19, $20, $21)
+        """ %  (my_config['table']))
+    pkgquery = """EXECUTE package_insert
+      (%(package)s, %(source)s,
+       %(maintainer)s, %(maintainer_name)s, %(maintainer_email)s,
+       %(changed_by)s, %(changed_by_name)s, %(changed_by_email)s,
+       %(uploaders)s,
+       %(description)s, %(long_description)s,
+       %(homepage)s, %(section)s, %(priority)s,
+       %(vcs_type)s, %(vcs_url)s, %(vcs_browser)s,
+       %(wnpp)s, %(license)s, %(chlog_date)s, %(chlog_version)s)"""
+    try:
+      cur.executemany(pkgquery, pkgs)
+    except ProgrammingError:
+      print "Error while inserting packages"
+      raise
+    cur.execute("DEALLOCATE package_insert")
+    cur.execute("ANALYZE %s" % my_config['table'])
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  main()
+# vim:set et tabstop=2:

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