[Crosstoolchain-logs] [SCM] GNU GDB Debian packaging repository branch, master, updated. debian/7.6-3-6-g04646fa

Samuel Bronson naesten at gmail.com
Mon Jun 3 21:46:24 UTC 2013

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 04646fa8c9d903a3e124c607845c6f9ea971ae90
Merge: 755fe3b63bd4beb7550664760501653318e4df7c 0dbde406169a47c56c314ebeb16e3ed4271fd9b8
Author: Samuel Bronson <naesten at gmail.com>
Date:   Mon Jun 3 17:34:02 2013 -0400

    Merge branch 'really-uploaded'
    No wonder I was confused: what was tagged for release in the VCS isn't
    what was uploaded, and my change WAS included in the upload and DID
    solve the "gdb.sum" problem.
    Accordingly, I've imported the real upload as if it were done
    immediately after the previously-tagged release, and now I'm merging
    in the delta.
    Git-Dch: Ignore

diff --combined debian/rules
index 6638545,66506c6..f94baef
--- a/debian/rules
+++ b/debian/rules
@@@ -221,7 -221,7 +221,7 @@@ build-minimal-stamp
  ifeq ($(run_tests),yes)
- 	-ulimit -c unlimited ; \
+ 	ulimit -c unlimited || true; \
  	  $(MAKE) $(NJOBS) -C $(DEB_BUILDDIR)/gdb check
  	touch $@
@@@ -251,10 -251,8 +251,8 @@@ binary-post-install/gdb$(TS) :
  ifeq ($(run_tests),yes)
  	install -d debian/gdb$(TS)/usr/share/doc/gdb
- 	if [ -f $(DEB_BUILDDIR)/gdb/testsuite/gdb.sum ]; then \
- 		install -m 644 $(DEB_BUILDDIR)/gdb/testsuite/gdb.sum \
- 		  debian/gdb$(TS)/usr/share/doc/gdb/check.log;\
- 	fi
+ 	install -m 644 $(DEB_BUILDDIR)/gdb/testsuite/gdb.sum \
+ 		debian/gdb$(TS)/usr/share/doc/gdb/check.log
  ifneq ($(DEB_CROSS),yes)
@@@ -299,8 -297,7 +297,8 @@@ binary-post-install/gdb-minimal :
  binary-post-install/gdb-source ::
  	install -d debian/gdb-source/usr/src
  	mkdir -p $(BUILDDIRSOURCE)
 -	tar --exclude build -cf - . | (cd $(BUILDDIRSOURCE) && tar -xf -)
 +	tar --exclude build --exclude .git -cf - . \
 +	  | (cd $(BUILDDIRSOURCE) && tar -xf -)
  	cd $(BUILDDIRSOURCE) && debian/rules clean
  	cd $(dir $(BUILDDIRSOURCE)) \
  	  && tar -cjf $(shell pwd)/debian/gdb-source/usr/src/gdb.tar.bz2 \

GNU GDB Debian packaging repository

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