[Cupt-user] Hash sums mismatch
Eugene V. Lyubimkin
jackyf at debian.org
Fri May 18 17:46:08 UTC 2012
Hi Karol,
On 2012-05-18 19:13, Karol Kozłowski wrote:
> Get:11 file:///home/myuser/Dokumenty/deb ./ Packages [75.6KiB]
> 84% [11 ./ Packages 0B/75.6KiB 0%] | 26.5KiB/s | ETA: 1sW: failed to download index for './'
> Fail:11 hash sums mismatch (uri 'file:///home/myuser/Dokumenty/deb/./Packages')
> [..]
> The checksum is correct.
> $cat /home/myuser/Dokumenty/deb/Release
> [..]
> MD5Sum:
> 99df109d9ba603de11cc31bdc829df34 77425 Packages
> d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e 0 Release
> [..]
> $md5sum /home/myuser/Dokumenty/deb/Packages
> 99df109d9ba603de11cc31bdc829df34 /home/myuser/Dokumenty/deb/Packages
It's weird indeed. Can you please send me the tarball of
'/home/myuser/Dokumenty/deb' directory (if it does not contain secret
> Strange is a mistake, because it is only in the 'sid',
> and the 'squeeze' it isn't.
Umm, did not understand this. Do you mean it works in some versions of
Cupt and fails for others? Or something else?
Eugene V. Lyubimkin aka JackYF, JID: jackyf.devel(maildog)gmail.com
C++/Perl developer, Debian Developer
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