[Cwidget-users] Physician Contact List in the United States

nomailhere at 60-242-42-75.static.tpgi.com.au nomailhere at 60-242-42-75.static.tpgi.com.au
Wed Jan 14 06:23:11 UTC 2009

Licensed MDs in the USA 

Coverage for many different medical specialties

you can sort by many different fields like zip or county

Reduced to only: $391

*** If you order this week you will receive the 4 complimentary datasets below: {}{}{}

>> Dentists

**> Veterinarians

++> Physical Therapists

+ Visiting Nurses & RN's

send and email to:: Schultz at expertmediasystems.com
during this week only ..............................................................   Forward email to revoke at expertmediasystems.com to purge you from our records

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