[D-community-discuss] Lenny FAQ?

Shams Fantar sfantar at snurf.info
Sun Oct 26 15:39:35 UTC 2008

Mauro Lizaur wrote:
> Hi d-c-discuss members
> (Again :-))
> On the webpage we have an Etch-FAQ (kinda empty, btw) which is going to be
> 'obsolete' (hopefully) soon. So I think that probably we could start a Lenny
> FAQ, don't you think?
> Probably we could start filling it with some of the release-notes and stuff
> like that.
> Regards,
> Mauro

Good idea ! We could keep the current etch FAQ for users using etch
(even it is not complete) and we could make a new FAQ for Lenny. Of
course, it's a wiki, therefore, you can make this page yourself for
starting. And other people will be able to add questions/answers.

I have another idea about the FAQ, all users, even if they don't have
answers for their questions, they could write their questions and if
someone has an answer, he'll be able to write it. And not the
obligation, to write at each time question/answer. This will give the
opportunity to anybody to contribute. And it would be interesting to
write all that in a page that defines rules of contributing. If you
agree with my idea, I'll start this page.

See you,

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