[D-community-discuss] Lenny FAQ?

Chris Lale chrislale at untrammelled.co.uk
Tue Oct 28 09:28:24 UTC 2008

Andrei Popescu wrote:
> On Du,26.oct.08, 12:56:00, Mauro Lizaur wrote:
>> I liked your idea of people writing questions and other people answering them,
>> probably these Q-A could be used for the newbie-doc too.
Perhaps this should be managed with links so that there is only one live version
of the finished FAQ item. Makes it easier to maintain. Eg write the FAQ on the
d-c wiki and add a link to it on the NewbieDOC wiki.

> Isn't the mailing list better suited for this?
Yes, I think so. It copes better with multiple contributors and forks in a
thread. Perhaps the Lenny FAQ page should begin by asking people to post a
question to the mailing list [1]. Later, when the thread is complete, the item
can be summarised and added to the FAQ.

[1] http://debian-community.org/newbiemailinglist/


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