[D-community-offtopic] Whistle blowing
Zenaan Harkness
zen at freedbms.net
Mon Dec 9 12:26:43 UTC 2013
On 12/9/13, Ralf Mardorf <ralf.mardorf at alice-dsl.net> wrote:
> On Mon, 2013-12-09 at 18:36 +1300, Chris Bannister wrote:
>> Can a plane bring down a building in a controlled demolition style
>> way?
> The best thing seems be, if you would test it. Steal a big plane, don't
> hijack it and before you fly into a building warn them, so that they can
> evacuate the building and surrounding streets and position cameras
> everywhere.
> I don't believe in huge conspiracies.
You don't have to believe in them for them to be true.
Your belief, or lack of, is not relevant to the events, nor to the
existence of the events.
It is evident to me, that you have not done a lot of research (or
reading and viewing of other people's research) regarding the "9/11"
> Small conspiracies are possible, something like "your mother and your
> brother will kill you, to get the money from the life assurance", huge
> conspiracies are fantasy only.
It seems you live in a fantasy world Ralph. What is a conspiracy?
People conspiring (ie discussing and making agreements amongst
themselves) outside of the public view.
Most large/huge corporate takeovers are discussed privately amongst
the aggressor purchasor company (assuming aggressive takeover)
directors, out of the public view and public record. They are
_conspiring_ together, to take over the other company, and only make
public their intention, at last possible minute, to maximise
Military generals in war, and politicians conspire regarding war and
the starting of wars (or "peaceful interventions to institute
democracy and remove WMDs" is the current politically correct term for
unilateral aggressive military action).
You must believe in the "small" insurance conspiring (someone
organises their warehouse or car to burn in a fire, to collect the
insurance money)?
Yet you would not believe that the same species (humans) would
"conspire" for a large insurance scam, with a few other individuals,
to utilize that scam for other purposes at the same time (like an
excuse "America is under attack" therefore "we must fight back"
against Iraq ... oh wait, that's right, it was the Taliban and
Al-quaida, which is why "the coalition of the willing" had to "attack"
No no, no conspiracy in any of this ... all discussions were public,
the news told us the truth, and the democratically elected governments
of the West were doing no more than following the directive of their
Please! Move along! Nothing to see here! Not any conspiracy, let alone
a large one! Hey you over there! Move along NOW!! and NEVER question
your politicians.
> If huge conspiracies would be possible,
> we wouldn't know about the ""legal" mafias", all the marketing
> strategies, lobbies.
On another note Ralph, I do think Chris' implied suggestion is a good
one - start a wordpress blog, it is very easy to do, and allows for
you to speak those things you believe to be self evident, truthful,
disgraceful etc, without ever going offtopic (even by debian-ot
standards :) :)
Seriously, this new fangled Internet thing provides a platform for the
(even mildly) oppressed! This is a very good thing, you must agree
yes? You have a voice, and those who empathise and align with your
bulletins, communiques and "reports from the trenches", may (at your
option) be allowed to comment on and respond to those releases that
you make.
And the truth is, because it is your own blog, even trivial and
ordinarily-superficial or not accepted "rants" are accepted - since it
is in fact your blog, not theirs.
And if your blog is somewhat Debian related, you might (possibly, I
don't know for sure sorry) be forgiven for just happening to mention
it in one of your replies (eg to this email thread), and heaven forbid
if your blog URL were to be in your .sig ... scandalous.
Have fun,
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