[D-community-offtopic] Remove Evolution

Ralf Mardorf ralf.mardorf at alice-dsl.net
Fri May 24 04:21:55 UTC 2013

On Thu, 2013-05-23 at 22:30 -0400, Stephen Allen wrote:
> On Wed, May 22, 2013 at 08:44:03AM -0400, Carl Fink wrote:
> > It's off topic, but I was *sure* this was about a Creationist trying to
> > interfere with biology education.
> LOLz

Since we have serious religious issues nowadays on our planet and
there's nearly nothing to laugh anymore about bad religions, this indeed
is funny.

In Germany we reached a state were empathy for the soldier killed in
London is considered as racism, while claims that the soldier is the
offender and the two killers are the victims and they are no Islamist is
considered as objective truth. It already should be racism that Cameron
canceled his Paris visit, just regarding to this insignificant criminal

Some news magazines here just say, a soldier get knifed. Period.

When became Germany an Islamic nation :(?

I disagree with those Germans. My apologies and be aware that all
Germans I know are shocked, have empathy for the killed soldier and none
of them is a racist. We are against violence and racism!

Sent from my Evolution mail client

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