
berenger.morel at berenger.morel at
Wed Apr 30 12:22:20 UTC 2014

Le 26.04.2014 21:50, Ralf Mardorf a écrit :
> On Sun, 2014-04-27 at 07:03 +1200, Chris Bannister wrote:
>> On Sat, Apr 26, 2014 at 11:44:55AM +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
>> > Don't get me wrong, I would use a tub to catch the old oil and 
>> then give
>> > the old oil to the shop were I bought the new oil. I wouldn't 
>> dispose of
>> > the old oil in the street. You anyway need a garage with an oil 
>> trap,
>> > you already aren't allowed to wash your car in most German cities 
>> [1].
>> >
>> > For those who understand German:
>> > 
>> Just from the URL, I pick up verboten and autowaschen - forbidden to
>> wash auto. I presume. :)
> Correct :).
> Btw. and JFTR
> particle of plastic carrier bags are bad for the groundwater too.
> However, Germans usually are sensible to things like that. There's a 
> law
> in Germany that each household needs to have an appointed liter 
> volume
> for the trash can. Usually the trash can's are not half filled when 
> the
> bin men come to empty them. If you live in a house with foreigners, 
> the
> same volume often isn't enough. I'm not xenophobe, it's an objective
> observation. In Germany there's no water shortage, but AFAIK Germans
> consume less water, than e.g. people consume in Lass Vegas, where 
> they
> have an water issue, I might be mistaken.

In the whole Germany?

I ask this simple question simply because, in my region of France ( 
Normandy ) we often laugh when news speaks about water shortage or 
temperature being "damn super hot this year".
But on the other hand, France is a country where each region have very 
different conditions. Here, a forest fire is just something that I can 
not imagine. In the south of France, there are very destructive ones 
each year. Less water, higher temperatures, winds coming from south not 
charged with humidity, etc, I guess.

But I would not bet that if I have never seen a real water shortage 
here, it is because we consume less water than south's guys. And if, in 
a single country, I can see such differences, how could you compare 
different countries without, probably, knowing them well?

About the oil, in France, we now have 2 polities: 1 we have specialized 
places where we go to put our bigger trash, and 2 there is some sorting 
of the trash in houses. Oil can be put in the specialized places ( which 
are paid from taxes, but there are still people stupid enough to throw 
their junk outside their car when the drive, instead of putting them in 
a bin. Humpf... ).

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