[D-community-offtopic] OT: stupid use of resources Was Re: grub efi does not find windows

Charles Kroeger exhocforte at gmail.com
Thu Feb 6 03:26:15 UTC 2014

On Wed, 05 Feb 2014 11:25:49 +0100
Ralf Mardorf <ralf.mardorf at alice-dsl.net> wrote:

> it might be that the
> role of (most) humans is to be that violent as we are.

So I guess the enlightenment has counted for nothing. It would seem so at this
stage of the human condition. Too bad considering our supposed and assumed
uniqueness in the universe. I expected one day we would set forth in planet sized
fast moving space craft to populate the galaxy at the least. The universe might be
a bit of a stretch.


La salute non si paga

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