[D-community-offtopic] Why movies differ from books

Chris Bannister cbannister at slingshot.co.nz
Tue Jan 14 10:55:57 UTC 2014


I think I may have found the reason why so many Hollywood movies are so
different from the books. 

In the preface of Cyrus Brady's book Secret Service, he has this to say:

	Once upon a time a novel of mine was turned into a play. The
	dramatist who prepared the story for stage production sent me a
	copy of his efforts toward that end. About the only point of
	resemblance between his production and mine was the fact that
	they both bore the same title, the hero in each had the same
	name, and the action in both cases took place on this earth.

	I was a young author then, and timid. I ventured humbly to
	enquire why the drama differed so entirely from the novel; and
	this ingenious, I might almost say ingenuous, explanation was
	vouchsafed me:
	“Well, to tell you the truth, after I had read a chapter or two
	of your book, I lost it, and I just wrote the play from my own


BTW, you can read the book online or download it as an ebook yourself at:

"If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people
who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the 
oppressing." --- Malcolm X

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