Iceweasel and DRM
Ralf Mardorf
ralf.mardorf at
Sat May 24 18:15:46 UTC 2014
On Sat, 2014-05-24 at 08:19 -0700, David Guntner wrote:
> Ralf Mardorf grabbed a keyboard and wrote:
> > On Fri, 2014-05-23 at 17:33 +1000, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> >> Please continue on d-community-offtopic.
> >
> > True, but I have to clarify something, see below.
> Then how about clarifying it on off-topic as requested, rather than
> stirring it up over here? Or is it just more fun for you to keep
> bringing up old off-topic threads in the wrong place?
The answer is very simple, on Debian user there was the claim that
critic against an idea of the industry (lobby), that wants to introduce
as many monopolies as possible, is done by pirates. This claim is
nonsense and I can't take it, when those are the last words for this
thread on a Linux mailing list. Linux users are known for usually not
using pirate software and for sharing knowledge, for not using
proprietary software when ever possible, IOW DRM should be against the
worldview of many Linux users.
Somebody wrote off-list:
> Spoken like a true socialist.
I prefer grassroots democracy/anarchy, at least I want a fair democracy.
As already mentioned in another thread, I dislike what the EU
politicians do. However, I'm not against making Europe one nation, the
whole planet should become one nation. Everybody should have enough to
eat, everybody should be able to make a living from what work ever, even
Madonna, but there's no need that some people are much, much to rich,
while other people die of hunger. There's no need not to share
information, know-how, art for free with those who can't pay for it yet.
Even some piracy isn't bad, as long as it would be Robin Hood piracy.
Likely Madonna is that rich, because children bought many of her
recordings, while those children also illegal copied her music and when
they became older, they payed to listen for the work they illegal copied
once upon a time.
I already needed to pay the due that is included to the price of empty
audio tapes, because there is the broad-brush assumption that people use
those tapes to make a copy. First of all it's allowed to make one
private copy, that's why consumer DAT has got the copy bit. And last but
not least, I used the tapes to record my on intellectual property. So
the pirates are those who add that "copy"-due to the price of empty
tapes. I want to get my money back from Madonna! I never bought her
"music", but I also never illegal copied this piss she calls music.
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