Entangled monolith? [was: Re: GR proposed re: choice of init systems]

Ric Moore wayward4now at gmail.com
Tue Oct 21 03:46:03 UTC 2014

On 10/20/2014 06:56 PM, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
> On Ma, 21 oct 14, 07:46:14, Joel Rees wrote:

>> (I wouldn't think this OT, but I'll respect your choice.)

What's OT on an OT list?? :)

> I was actually curious about the expression "entangled monolith", which
> doesn't make sense at all for me, but then I'm not a native English
> speaker. In my understanding this doesn't even qualify as a pleonasm.

Maybe they mean "monopoly"?

In Economics 101 the thesis regarding the fall of capitalism is when a 
significant fortune becomes big enough, it starts to absorb smaller 
fortunes around it. Then, when the size of the fortune becomes vast 
enough, it absorbs all fortunes, ergo systemd is evil and to be feared. 
Yes, that is a leap, but it seems to be the crux of the systemd argument 
against; that it not monopolize Debian/Linux.

Of course economic failure results in the rioting and looting bit, which 
all of our US police departments are already preparing for when they 
acquire weapons of mass destruction, that we wouldn't allow the Iraqis 
to have.

But, I digress and retreat back to my original opinion that "monopoly" 
might be a better word.

I will posit, from the threads I've read, that someone could make more 
than pocket change by branding pitch-forks and torches with "Debian" on 
them. Then we'd only need to recruit the geeks willing to riot. Imagine 
that! That might be preferable to the ~endless~ dialogs. Just burn 
something down! Go for the GOLD ...if you want page hits, fame and glory!

I wonder if Stallman would lead them and smash a 3 1/2" floppy, on 
camera, to symbolize software FREEDOM?? And, do it in front of the New 
York Stock Exchange, where the cops are less than humorous. As Prince 
proclaimed, "Let's get crazy!" :) Ric

p/s I got my pain meds!
p/p/s I still have no clue as to the anti Red Hat crowd. They were great 
to work for and the people there are no different from the people here. 
They work hard at making the experience better for their users. And, 
then they can make more money by doing so.

My father, Victor Moore (Vic) used to say:
"There are two Great Sins in the world...
..the Sin of Ignorance, and the Sin of Stupidity.
Only the former may be overcome." R.I.P. Dad.
Linux user# 44256

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