[D-m-team] Giving people time to react (Re: debian-maintainers_1.17_i386.changes ACCEPTED)

Lex Spoon lex at lexspoon.org
Tue Jan 29 18:16:23 UTC 2008

On Jan 29, 2008, at 4:24 AM, Matthew Johnson wrote:
> I strongly agree with Christoph. As it is I am of the opinion that  
> it is
> too easy to get DM rights (particularly given the number of people who
> said 'it ought to take 3 months to become a DD' in response to my
> suggestions of NM reform). One of the things which tempers that is the
> public way in which DMs are proposed, giving people the opportunity to
> review the DM and react.

Can you explain why you and Christoph think it is too easy to get DM  

No system is going to result in perfect uploads.  The goal is to  
balance good uploads versus timely uploads.  If there has really been  
only one controversial upload by a DM, then that seems like a very  
good track record in practice.  It would be hard to improve on such a  
low rate of bad uploads.


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