[D-m-team] Bug#488770: Bug#488770: debian-maintainers: Wrong email address for key 9CFE12B0791A4267887F520CB7AC2E51BD41714B

Ben Finney ben+debian at benfinney.id.au
Tue Jul 1 09:46:05 UTC 2008

On 01-Jul-2008, Aníbal Monsalve Salazar wrote:
> lojban-common doesn't have the "DM-Upload-Allowed: yes" control 
> field and your upload will be rejected. Please read the information 
> under the "Uploading packages" subtitle at 
> http://wiki.debian.org/Maintainers

Okay, I've read that. I have the correct address listed as the 
'Maintainer' field for the 'lojban-common' package, and that's the 
same address I'm using when I sign the '.changes' file.

> On Tue, Jul 01, 2008 at 06:11:26PM +1000, Ben Finney wrote:
> >It turns out that the wrong address is also currently listed at
> ><URL:http://ftp-master.debian.org/dm-uploaders.html> for this key:
> >
> >    dm:ben at benfinney.id.au      Ben Finney      9CFE12B0791A4267887F520CB7AC2E51BD41714B
> ben at benfinney.id.au is listed at the URL above because it's the primary
> userid of gpg key BD41714B in /usr/share/keyrings/debian-maintainers.gpg

You're right, the primary userid differs from the one I'm using for 
Debian. But one of the main points of having multiple userids on a 
GnuPG key is to be able to use them in different contexts while using 
the same key — i.e. to allow the identities to be related while 
remaining discrete.

I'm using 'ben+debian at benfinney.id.au' for my Debian userid, which is 
one of the current userids for that key, and has been explicitly 
signed by Debian developers.

Can we please update the system so that the valid userid 
'ben+debian at benfinney.id.au', which matches the Maintainer field, is 
accepted and recognised?

 \     Rommel: “Don't move, or I'll turn the key on this can of Spam!” |
  `\                               —The Goon Show, _Rommel's Treasure_ |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney <ben at benfinney.id.au>
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