[D-m-team] Bug#492454: test t/dm-vs-dd.t failed: name andreas is in both the DD and DM keyrings

Aníbal Monsalve Salazar anibal at debian.org
Sat Jul 26 08:55:00 UTC 2008

Package: debian-maintainers
Version: 1.41
Tags: patch

In the DM keyring there is a name "andreas" wich clashes with all the
DDs named Andreas:

 gpg --no-default-keyring --keyring /usr/share/keyrings/debian-maintainers.gpg --list-key andreas
 pub   1024D/05B99DD6 2002-01-07
 uid                  Andreas Putzo <andreas at putzo.net>
 uid                  andreas <andreas at inferno.nadir.org>
 uid                  Andreas Putzo <andreas at inferno.nadir.org>
 sub   1024g/D6FF1B75 2002-01-07

And when t/dm-vs-dd.t runs, it fails:

 Updating Debian keyring cache
 gpg: /home/anibal/devel/git/dm/debian-maintainers/gpghomedir/trustdb.gpg: trustdb created
 name andreas is in both the DD and DM keyrings
 test t/dm-vs-dd.t failed
 ** failed 1/1 tests

This error is a false positive. The following patch makes the successful
name search a warning instead of an error.

--- t/dm-vs-dd.t	2008-07-26 17:25:36.000000000 +1000
+++ t/dm-vs-dd.t	2008-07-26 18:50:11.448771716 +1000
@@ -43,8 +43,7 @@ for uid in $(list_uids $DM_KEYRING | sor
 		echo "$uid is in both the DD and DM keyrings"
 	elif grep -q "$name" dd-list.tmp; then
-		echo "name $name is in both the DD and DM keyrings"
-                fail=1
+		echo "warning: name $name is in both the DD and DM keyrings"
 	elif grep -q "$email" dd-list.tmp; then
 		echo "email $email is in both the DD and DM keyrings"
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