[D-m-team] Doctor List in the USA

Ernest Hewitt bauhausuvmtreaen at masslinks.com
Thu May 22 21:41:47 UTC 2008

Marketing a targeted campaign to promote your business to Doctors

>> Doctor Database +++

724,937 Total Records
589,593 Telephone Numbers
209,364 Fax #'s for the office
17,490 email addresses

Coverage in many different areas of medicine such as Endocrinology, Pathology, Urology, Neurology, Plastic Surgery, Psychiatry, Cardiology and much more 

Can easily be sorted by 16 different fields

Price for this week only =  $299

contact your rep:  lindabricker at hotmail.com

valid thru May 23

no further correspondence please send an email with 365  in the subject

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