[D-m-team] We have data for many medical specialties

Abbott V Rickie noreplyhere at orangene1-vpn.filnet.fr
Thu Nov 6 19:34:29 UTC 2008

Currently Practicing MDs in America 

788,911 in total <> 17,316 emails

Featuring the most accurate contact information in many different areas of medicine

Can easily be sorted by 16 different fields

Reduced to only: $391

()()() These come F.R.E.E. with every order ()()()

American Pharmaceutical Company Directory
Personal email addresses (47,000 in total) and names for top level executives

Hospitals in the US
complete contact information for CEO's, CFO's, Directors and more - over 23,000 listings in total for more than 7,000 hospitals in the USA

Dentists in the US
Practically every dentist in the USA is listed here

Mailing List of US Chiropractors
Over than 100k chiropractors practicing in the US

reply to:      Hoover at profdatanetwork.com


valid until Nov 7

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